Chapter 14

Twins' Adventure



As soon as I twisted the doorknob and stepped in the dorm, I was attacked by a cannonball. Or maybe it was just Zelo. Eh, I’ll pick the first option. “MINHWA! We were so worried! I wanted to go with Youngjae and Jongup hyung, but Yongguk hyung won’t let me! Are you okay? Anything broken? Is your face alright? Oh my gosh-“ Zelo kept on asking me questions as he checked for my temperature and everything. I rolled my eyes. Zelo was turning into a mini-Himchan.


“I’m fine, Ramen Head.” I said exasperatedly as he demanded that I go to the hospital. “Fine?! FINE?! You were freaking kidnap and I was not there to save you! I was supposed to get you out of trouble.” Zelo pouted cutely as he sulked. I smiled amusedly and hugged him tightly.


He sighed and returned the hug. “Besides, Youngjae and Jongup didn’t save me.” I mumbled against Zelo’s chest. “Hey! Don’t say that! We have to keep our manly image!” Youngjae said, irritated, flexing his invisible muscles. I chuckled but didn’t relinquish my hold of Zelo.


We stood there, hugging. I actually missed Ramen Head. And seeing him looking so worried.. Wait. I like him?! I like ZELO?! No. It can’t be. I furrowed my eyebrows, trying not to think too much of it. “I like Zelo.” I whispered. Saying it just confirmed it even more.


My heart did cartwheels as I hugged him tightly and let go. Zelo smiled and patted me on the head. He shouldn’t have done that. My heart was then set on fire and now it was doing handstands. Me and my gymnastic reference.


“Where are Yongguk, Daehyun and Himchan Oppa?” I asked worriedly, searching the room. “They’re still out, with your sister. I’ll text them now.” Jongup said, taking out his cellphone and texting his hyungs.


I sat on the coach with Zelo. He put an arm around me and I leaned on his shoulder. The only sounds were Youngjae complaining that we only had pasta in the house. My phone beeped from my pocket and I took it out.


It was a message from Junghwa. It said: “Minhwa, I’m very sorry I kidnapped you. It was wrong, and I apologize. That’s all.” I snorted as I tossed my phone beside me. Sure, just say sorry to your victim for kidnapping them. That’s completely normal.


“Are you hungry?” Zelo asked. “Yeah. What are we going to eat?” I asked excitedly. “Pasta!” Zelo exclaimed. I chuckled at his obvious sarcasm. We cooked pasta and divided it among ourselves. We sat across from each other, eating pasta and sipping sodas.


It was quiet most of the time. “How’d you get out?” Zelo asked after a moments silence. “I taunted them to fight me. In the end I won. The guy said he was better in Taekwondo than his father who owns a local Taekwondo studio. That idiot challenged me, not knowing I’m an expert in Taekwondo, Judo and Kung Fu.” I replied, eating a mouthful of pasta.


Zelo laughed. “Good thing too. Yongguk hyung forbid me to search for you, since it was dangerous.” Zelo commented sadly. I set my fork down on the plate. “Why? You have every right to search for me as them.” I told him. He shrugged, playing with his pasta. He had his eyes down. “They’re my hyungs. I have to do what they say. And, what they say kept me out of trouble.” Zelo said, now looking up.


I straightened up and smiled. “Do you have a schedule tomorrow?” I asked. “Well, we have to attend three interviews and a photoshoot for a magazine. We’ll probably be back here around seven. Why?” He asked curiously. I smiled mischievously. “Because you and I are going out.” I said simply.


Zelo lost his grip on the fork and it clattered on his plate. “You and I? You mean like Boyfrien-“ “Oh no! Not that! I meant going out as in out there. Like going sightseeing, or going to the zoo.” I said sheepishly.


He thought for a moment. “Well.. it sounds reckless.. But I would love to get out of the house for once.. Sure. Tomorrow, around seven?” Zelo agreed. I nodded happily. You asked him out a voice inside my head said snidely. I snorted which made Zelo look at me weirdly. I was NOT asking him out. Or was I?




“KIM MINHWA! WHERE ARE YOU!” The thunderous voice of my sister bellowed from the living room. I put my book down and got up from my bed. I strode over to the door and peeked outside. Jaehwa was checking everywhere for me. I sighed and opened the door wider. I folded my arms and waited for Jaehwa to notice me.


“Minhwa?! Where are you?! I- MINHWAAAA!!!!” Jaehwa screeched, finally seeing me. She dashed over to me and tackled me on the ground. She was sobbing her eyes out. “I-I thought w-we would never fi-find you” Jaehwa said through sobs. I helped her up and brushed the tears out of her eyes. “You found me now.” I told her quietly, smiling.


She sobbed harder and hugged me. After a few minutes of crying, hugging and explaining, everyone got the picture. Yongguk and Daehyun looked livid, Himchan was leaking tears, Jongup and Youngjae were at the side and Zelo looked at me sadly. Jaehwa was by my side, holding my hand. “What’s their name, Minhwa? I’ll personally see to them..” Yongguk growled. It was scary to see him mad. And add that low voice of his, it was ten times scarier. Himchan broke the tension and started bawling his eyes out as he hugged me.


Everyone laughed uneasily and hugged me too, which made it a group hug. “Come on guys. Let’s just forget about it. Who wants pizza?” I suggested. Everyone happily agreed as Daehyun called pizza and we settled in the couch. After thirty minutes of waiting, the delivery guy rang the doorbell.


Youngjae answered it, and by any means, it was not a delivery guy. It was a delivery girl. A cute one. Irritation flashed through me and I saw Youngjae staring at me. He smirked as beckoned Zelo to talk and pay for the pizza. Youngjae left Zelo and the girl alone. I was about to punch Youngjae for doing that when I heard Zelo laugh.


I continued staring at the pair with my eyes narrowed as the others were quietly snickering. Zelo signed a tissue with his name on it, and took a picture with the delivery girl. By the time the girl leaned in, I jumped to my feet and stormed towards them.


The delivery girl noticed me, and suddenly smirked. She leaned in faster, and by the time I got there, she was an inch away from Zelo’s face. “Hold up! Enough!” I said loudly as I separated her face from Zelo’s. “Thank you! Goodbye!” I shouted at her as I slammed the door on her angry and shocked face Zelo and I came back with the pizza. One of us were happy, the other looked like she wanted nothing more than to murder.


“Ooo, someone’s jealous.” Himchan taunted. “Shut up!” I shouted, irritated. Himchan laughed along with Daehyun as they saw my red face. I huffed as I sat far away from the members that it was noticeable. Even Jaehwa couldn’t help but laugh. Zelo noticed my attitude and went over beside me and sat down.


I got up purposefully and went over to Daehyun who had a free seat beside him. Daehyun was shaking with laughter. “You were so jealous” Daehyun stated with tears in his eyes. “No I’m not!” “You were?” Zelo asked incredulously. I opened my mouth to snap at him when I realized I was jealous.


I scoffed and sat there, rolling my eyes. Zelo broke into fits of laughter as Daehyun tried to cheer me up. As Zelo glanced at me, I pecked Daehyun on the cheek. Daehyun was like  brother to me, and he knows it, so it didn’t bother him at all. In fact, it amused him to see me smirk in triumph.


“Yah! The girl just wanted to whisper something to me!” Zelo said in a defensive tone. I laughed as I snuggled closer to Daehyun who seemed to get the idea so he put an arm around me. Zelo’s eyes bulged and it was our turn to laugh. Zelo picked me up like I was a sack of flour and put me in front of him. Yongguk stopped laughing in time to put a movie in the DVD player.


Zelo wrapped his arms around my waist as we watched the movie. I glanced up to him to see him already looking at me. I grinned up at him as he grinned back. I leaned back on his chest and sighed in content.


You know, I should get kidnapped more often.







A/N: I hoped you liked it!  Feel free to comment your thoughts about my story! Thank you for reading :) 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?