Chapter 21

Twins' Adventure


“ullineun nae mari nimalgwa dareunihwaganani deureo samadi jansori” Zelo rapped. I blinked twice, with my mouth hanging open. It was a beautiful Sunday, so we decided to get out of the house. We decided to snack up on the local café. Daehyun tried to get me to seat with him. I was about to agree when Zelo pulled me to the table which had only two seats. And it was noticeably far from his hyungs.


“Can you please rap that again? Slower?” I suggested. He laughed and shook his head. I grumbled and stirred my hot choco with the stirrer. “Why do you need to sing Warrior?” Zelo asked for the millionth time. “Cause, I can’t act in front of the people yet. And, dance is ruled out since the principal told us that our current talent was banned. So here I am, trying to learn how to sing your stupid song.” I replied for the billionth time.


“Why our song?” He asked curiously, nibbling on his cookie. “Because, I can’t sing a girls song” I replied simply. “But why our song?” He pressed on. I glanced at him, annoyed. “Look, if you don’t want to help me, it’s fine you know.” I told him, irritated. “It’s just that we need to keep up our fansign meetings and performances, and I can’t smile sincerely when I’m tired because I stayed up all night trying to teach you.” He responded back.


My face heated in anger as I slammed the stirrer on the table. “Fine, don’t help me then. I’ll just find another damn song to learn.” I said angrily. I stood up from my chair, nearly knocking it down. “No, I didn’t mean-“ “Save it” I cut him off. I started walking towards the exit when Daehyun stood up and held my wrist.


“Minhwa, you can’t leave.” He whispered. Probably because I was making a scene. Lately, I didn’t care about it anymore. “Watch me.” I growled. I shook my wrist hard, and he finally let go. Without a glance back, I stepped in below the sun.



I walked aimlessly around, ending up on NU’EST doorstep. I rapped the door with my knuckles. A few seconds later, Jaehwa opened the door. “Minhwa! I missed you!” She exclaimed happily. She hugged me tight before ushering me in. “Dude, I live across from you” I chuckled.


I sat on the couch, looking around. Jaehwa sat on the floor, looking at me eagerly. She saw my expression of and immediately got the message. “What’s wrong?” She asked worriedly. I sighed. “It’s just… I know the boys work hard for their fans. But is it a crime for making Zelo teach me his rap instead of being with his hyungs?” I asked, biting my lip after.


“Min, it is wrong in its own ways. But, because you’re a fan, he should pay attention to you too.” She analyzed. “So, who’s wrong?” I asked expectantly. “You both. You’re both being self-centered, and you both should apologize.” She answered seriously. I sighed and ran a hand through my messed up hair.


I guess I need some apologizing to do. “Thanks Jae. See you around.” I mumbled, hugging her. She let go and stood up. “You know your way out.” She called as she went inside a room. I shook my head in amusement as I stepped out of the dorm.


I crossed the street and knocked on B.A.P’s dorm. Himchan answered. “Been over NU’EST?” He asked. I nodded and shrugged at the same time  before stepping inside the house. I trudged sleepily inside my room, landing on my bed. A knock interrupted my peaceful atmosphere.


“It’s open!” I called out. The door opened, and I glanced at the intruder. It was Zelo who was holding a large, chocolate chip cookie. “Hey” He greeted nervously. Even if he was nervous, he still looked handsome. I shook my head, clearing some thoughts out of it.


“Yes?” I asked shortly, not quite meeting his eye. “I brought you this. I thought you might be hungry.” He mumbled, setting the large cookie beside me on the bed. “Guess you don’t need me anymore.” He muttered, facing his back to me as he made his way to the door.


I couldn’t take it anymore, so I called “Zelo!” He whipped around, his eyes wide. “Yeah?” He asked. “I’m sorry for overreacting. I get it, you need time for your fans. And maybe I’ll just find another song.” I said all that with difficulty, smiling at him.


He smiled slightly as he sat beside me on the bed. I sat up, leaning on his left shoulder. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have acted self-centered awhile ago. My fans are important, but so are you. I’ll try to find to teach you my Min- I mean Minhwa.” He coughed awkwardly.


I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning my head on his shoulder. “Thanks for the cookie.” I said. He laughed shortly as he positioned himself so he was hugging me too. “Made it myself” “Oh really?” I asked with a hint of skepticism.


“WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!” A voice demanded loudly, scaring me and Zelo half to death. I glanced at the door and saw Jongup looking surprised and mad. I tried to stifle a laugh as Zelo didn’t bother to hide his.


“Okay, slowly now.” Zelo said slowly. I took a deep breathe and started chanting the fast part of his rap. We were sitting on the couch, facing each other. I clutched a pillow near my chest, practicing the rap.


“Ullineun nae mari nimalgwa dareunihwaganani deureo samadi jansori” I rapped successfully. I looked up at Zelo, smiling widely. “Finally! After two hours, you got it!” He exclaimed happily, reaching out to hug me. I hugged him back, feeling happy after those two tired hours.


“And to celebrate, let’s go and eat Himchan’s pasta. You can eat it with the cookie if you want.” Zelo suggested, holding my hand, helping me to stand up. I let go of the pillow and got the cookie that was laying on the coffee table.


We walked hand in hand in the kitchen, smelling the aroma of Himchan’s yummy pasta. We sat together, eating the pasta that was already placed on the table. “Are you coming tomorrow? To the talent show?” I asked through the mouthful of food in my mouth.


I swallowed and looked at Zelo who was picking at his food, not bothering to look at me. “We have to perform tomorrow. It might probably take the whole day.” Zelo mumbled as he ate his pasta. My heart sank, but I decided not to show it. He was here now because of his loving fans. I won’t stop him from giving back the love.


“It’s okay. Maybe another time” I said heartily, attempting a smile. Zelo smiled back half-heartedly, and went back to his pasta. I finished my pasta and put the cookie inside the fridge. I past Zelo as I went to my room. It was already late at night and tomorrow, Monday, was our talent show. Better rest up.





“Can this thing go any faster?” I asked, irritated. “Calm down. We’re going to get there on time. “ Jongup comforted. I kept checking the window if Seoul Arts School was already in view. Sadly, it was not. “Hyung, what time are we getting there?” I poked Daehyun who was sleeping peacefully. He waved my poking finger away.


I pouted and slumped on my seat. We ditched the photoshoot so we can go to Minhwa and Jaehwa’s talent show. I smiled at how happy Minhwa would be if she saw me. I smiled and calmed down.



I glanced nervously at the audience, scanning the crowd. The familiar blonde people I had been accustomed with were not there. I bit my lip, tapping my foot. Yes, I was still holding hope that they’ll watch us, even though I knew it was impossible due to their full schedules.


“NU’EST will be there.” Jaehwa nudged me, pointing at the front row. True enough, NU’EST was sitting there, looking at ease. Some would go to them to ask for their autographs, but except that, they were cool. “How’d you get them to come here?” I asked Jaehwa who was checking her outfit.


“I convinced Baekho. And he did the rest.” She replied simply. “Convince how?” I asked slyly. She punched me in the arm, going red. “Yah! You’re too young for that!” I shouted at her playfully as she tried to cover my mouth.


“Yah! You sound like Zelo!” She muttered, annoyed. I laughed, knowing that she was right. From all the times I spent with him, I sound like him sometimes. And I think he adapted my sarcastic nature when he dissed Jongup yesterday. He did say sorry, but he didn’t look that much abashed.


I shook my head at the thought, smiling slightly. Reality brought me back and reminded me harshly that they were not here. How’s that for your precious B.A.P A voice said in a boastful voice. “Shut up “I growled. “What? I didn’t say anything.” Jaehwa said, looking startled.


I shook my head some more. I am now talking to myself. Great. “Kim Jaehwa” An announcer from the stage asked. “Good luck!” I told her as I pushed her encouragingly. She smiled nervously and got up the stage.


She waited for the music to start. As soon as it did, Jaehwa started dancing the choreography I taught her. I smiled all the time, clapping and cheering for my amazing sister.


She finished the dance with a split as the crowd cheered the loudest of all. I saw NU’EST whopping and Baekho actually giving a Jaehwa a standing ovation. I beamed at Jaehwa who was going down the stairs, flushed with excitement.


“Kim Minhwa” The announcer announced. Jaehwa gave me a thumbs up as I ascended the stairs to the stage. I stood at the middle, clutching my mic. I brought it up to my lips and waited for the music.


As I was waiting, I noticed a group enter the auditorium where we’re having the talent show. I spotted Zelo and smiled happily. Zelo spotted me too, winking and waving. They took their seats in the middle of the auditorium.


Just then, the music began.


I sang with my heart, moving with the lyrics. I moved around the stage, doing little dance steps as the crowd cheered appreciatively. I got to Zelo’s rap part. I took a deep breathe rapped.


It came out good, not amazing, but good. I continued the whole song with a big smile plastered on my face. I ended the song with a bow. The crowd cheered loudly, some were whistling loudly. I glanced at B.A.P and saw that they were clapping and cheering along with the others. Zelo gave me thumbs up which I returned with a smile.


I bowed once more and walked down the stage shakily, to Jaehwa who was waiting for me, eyes shining. “That was amazing Minhwa!” Jaehwa exclaimed, hugging me tight. I laughed and hugged her back, happy. “Can I have your autograph?” A timid voice interrupter out hugging.


I pulled away from Jaehwa to see a girl holding out a pen and paper. There was a camera that was hanging out from her right wrist. “You want our autograph?” I asked, dumbfounded. She nodded shyly, offering the pen and paper to me and Jaehwa. I signed it along with Jaehwa, and after that, took a picture with the girl.


“Thank you!” She bowed and skipped away. “Wow, I felt like an idol.” I said, looking at the girls’ retreating back. “Me too. Come on, let’s find them.” Jaehwa nudged me, smiling. We found NU’EST first, and I left Jaehwa basking in Baekho’s praise.


I walked around, craning my neck to find B.A.P. I saw them walking towards me, Himchan was even waving. I waved back, but stopped suddenly. A girl was suddenly beside Zelo, and kissed him on the lips.


He was too young for that! But that was not the infuriating part. Zelo pushed away the girl and wiped his lips disgustedly. The girl smiled satisfied, and she turned to my direction.


And the girl who kissed Zelo was no other than Choi Minhee. 


DUN DUN DUN! What you think will happen next? What do you guys think about this chapter? Leave it in the comments. And thanks to those who commented, your comments always bring a smile to my face when I'm down :) 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?