Chapter 6

Twins' Adventure

After an hour of pushing each other down, playing tricks and skating later, we removed our shoes and exited the skating rink. We got B.A.P to their van because they had to perform on another location. We had to run away from the Babies because there were a number of them, and there are only 10 of us, counting the bodyguards. I tripped along the way, on something I didn't even know. I tried to stand up but then my right foot started aching again. It stopped aching when I was skating, but then it decided to ache now?! When I'm about to die in the hands of hundreds of Babies?!


Just then Zelo appeared out of thin air, helping me on his back. In my opinion, I think it was safer when he just left me on the ground. The moment he held my waist to help me up, the Babies went out of their minds and ran faster. "Leave me now, I'll catch up." I growled, trying to weaken his grip. "I am NOT letting you die here in this mall." Zelo argued. He flung me on his back and hooked his arms around my legs like the night he carried me.


He ran in top speed, heading out the mall, and into the black van. Once we were in throwing distance, Zelo unhooked his arms, grabbed a hold of my waist, then tossed me. I wasn't kidding. He tossed me to Jongup who was ready to catch me. Jongup threw me in the van, beside Himchan and Yongguk as he and Zelo rushed inside. Daehyun slammed the door shut. "Hit it!" Youngjae screeched at the driver. The driver hit the accelerator and they were off, speeding towards their destination. 


I fixed my hair, and sighed. Zelo saved me twice in two days now. First, from beind hit by something, and next from fangirls. I wanted to thank him, but after him tossing me to Jongup, I think I'm just going to sleep for awhile. I laid my head on Himchan's shoulder and started sleeping.



"Why in hell would you toss a human being?" Yongguk demanded at Zelo. "Hyung, if I didn't toss her, we would have been trampled to death." Zelo said in an obvious voice. "Seriously," Zelo thought, "No one thanks me for saving her?" Jongup put a reassuring hand on Zelo's shoulder. "It's okay, Junhong. We know you saved her. And that was pretty heroic of you." Jongup smiled at Zelo, who seemed to brighten up a bit in his hyungs' compliment.


"Well, we're all thankful. Just please don't toss my sister like she's a rag doll every again, okay?" Jaehwa pleaded. Daehyun rubbed her shoulders, calming her down. "Jaehwa's right. And I'm sorry I got mad at you, Junhong. It was a brave thing to do, saving Minhwa." Yongguk apologized and gave the maknae a high five. "So, where are we all headed?" Youngjae asked excitedly. "I don't know. Jaehwa told the driver already where to go. Right Jae- Oh." Himchan stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Jaehwa sleeping on Daehyun's shoulder.


Himchan sighed in exasperation. He shifted Minhwa a little bit so she won't be uncomfortable. "These two are not that normal, aren't they?" Himchan asked, trying to make himself sound nagging, but everyone could detect the care in his voice. "Yeah. But we all have to admit we already love these two." Daehyun commented, looking at Jaehwa, who was softly snoring. The others nodded in agreement. All of them settled for a nap. Yongguk leaned on the window, Himchan laid his head on Minhwa's shoulder, Daehyun did the same thing like Himchan, laying his head on Jaehwa's head, Youngjae slept normally, while sitting up, Zelo and Jongup slept like Daehyun and Himchan.



I wished I hadn't woken up. My dream was freaking awesome! I won the soccer game, won the swimming competition, won the trophy in the basketball league, and won first place in the dance competition. B.A.P were cheering for me and Jaehwa was at the sidelines, shouting how proud she is. Mom went over to hug me and tell me how proud she is of me. Then, Zelo hugged me from behind. "I knew you'd win. But there's room for improvent though." Zelo had said in the dream, tickling my sides. I laughed like there's no tomorrow, like I can freeze that moment right then and there.


But then, the freaking van had to stop because we have arrived. It stopped so suddenly that I banged my head on the seat in front of me. I rubbed my forehead, wincing in pain. Waking up and banging your head in something was not cool. I looked over to see who was beside me, and sure enough, Himchan was also rubbing his forehead with an annoyed face plastered on him. I giggled. "Are you okay, Channie? Or does Channie have an ouchy-wouchy?" I said in a baby voice, teasing him. Oh, the satisfaction. He growled but did not make a move because he was still nursing that bump. I laughed again and looked behind to see everyone massage one part of their body. 


"Guess we arrived." Yongguk said, looking out the window. "Aaaannndddd, we're dead." Youngjae said. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked out the window. We're not only dead, but I guess those fans outside would fry me and Jaehwa before they trample us to death. Very reassuring. "What are we going to do? We can't go through that. We'll die." I said in worry, looking at Jaehwa who was thinking deeply. Jaehwa then snapped her fingers and grinned at me. "What?" I asked exasperatedly. I don't know what the hell is going through her mind right now, but if it can save us, then lucky us. "Dopplegangers. Do you guys have your camera crews' number?" Jaehwa asked them all. "I have them all." Himchan raised his hand. "Good. Tell them to dress the way you are dressed now. Then, tell them to run around and get the fans attention. Make sure to let them expose their hair so the fans will think that they are you." Jaehwa said hurriedly. 


The guys blinked in confusion. I rolled my eyes and translated for them. "Jaehwa says that you guys need to tell your camera crew to dress exactly like you!" I said loudly. Himchan nodded and whipped out his phone, texting six camera crew members. "You know, the Babies will get disappointed if they find out it's not us." Jongup said in the silence. "We have to, Oppa. If not, then we would be squashed if we go through that." I pointed towards the sea of fans. Jongup sighed and Zelo hugged him. Sometimes, they have to make sacrifices. "The camera crew is going to create a distraction over there in a few minutes." Himchan said sadly, pointing towards a place where there are many fans. 


We waited in silence, and then chaos. The fans noticed the B.A.P look a like and started chasing them, instead of the van. The driver put his foot down on the accelerator, going towards the parking lot behind the stage. The boys looked sadly at their fans, chasing someone they didn't even know. The driver parked and we got out of the van. We bowed in thanks, and then we rushed inside the backstage.


Stylists were already there, doing B.A.P's hair and makeup. And we were pushed aside. Me and Jaehwa sat on one of the benches and leaned our heads on one another. B.A.P got back their stylist, they don't need us anymore. "Want to catch the bus ride home?" Jaehwa asked sadly. I nodded. "It was fun while it lasted." I managed to say. We stood up and took one last look at the boys. Then, we went out of the room, not looking back.

DUN DUN DUN! Hahaha, I like the ending here. It's sad, and sometimes endings should be sad. Don't worry! I'll try to think of a way to win Jaehwa and Minhwa back to B.A.P's side. And to @lalaland8241, NU'EST will be arriving very soon ;) 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?