Chapter 28

Twins' Adventure


“Appa?” I asked the man who stood before me. He was wearing a white suit, and had the same eye smile Jaehwa had. I looked around to see that we were in a dark place. It was dark everywhere, you couldn’t see a thing.


I looked around slowly and rested my eyes at my dad. “Still beautiful and strong, just like your mother.” The man, who I knew by heart was my dad, said gently. He came closer and put a strand of hair behind my ear.


My eyes welled up with tears and my lower lip quivered. I hugged the man tightly, tears rolling down my cheeks endlessly. Mom didn’t have pictures of Dad in the house. She said she burned it long ago. I hugged the man tighter as he patted my head and hugged me back.


“Sssh, don’t cry, Minhwa. It’s okay” My dad whispered. I hiccupped and let go of my dad, wiping my tears with my sleeves. I was wearing a long white dress with no shoes or slippers on. “What happened Appa?” I asked him as I stopped crying.


He sighed and held out his hand. His eye smile was gone, replaced by a sad expression. “Am I dead?!” I exclaimed loudly. He sighed once more and brought down his hand. “Minhwa, do you want to see what happened after you out?” He asked gently, not looking me in the eye.


At the moment, I just needed a confirmation that I was alive. I gulped and shook that thought away. No way was I going to die. I plastered a determined look on my face and nodded at my dad.


He waved his hand in front of him, and a white screen appeared. First, it was just white. Then, the film rolled.


I saw myself on the ground, bleeding heavily. No one was there to help me. I tried to reach out to the screen but my dad put my hand back. “Just watch” He commanded. I nodded my head and watched.


Just then, the door burst open, and it revealed a worried Yongguk and Himchan. They spotted me lying on the floor and they yelped. Yongguk was immediately at my side, trying to wake me up as Himchan called the others. Soon, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup and Himchan were there, all trying to wake me up.


I gritted my teeth at the six idiots. “Why don’t those dimwits take me to the hospital? Or they think they can magically wake me up by slapping me?” I asked no one in particularly. Eventually, Jongup slapped me as he also shook my shoulders.


“I have always liked your mothers wit and sarcasm.” My dad mumbled softly. I glanced at him and he noticed. He cleared his throat and motioned his hand towards the screen. Just then, Youngjae took out his cellphone and called the ambulance.


In no less than 10 minutes, men in white suits were there, lifting me up and putting me on a stretcher. They wheeled me through the back door so we won’t be trampled by the fans at the front door.


I thought B.A.P would go back to their fans and say goodbye. Instead, they stuck by me, even getting inside the ambulance and driving away from the venue with a backward glance.


My heart broke as I saw Youngjae crying, Himchan and Yongguk who were sickly pale, Jongup who was biting his nails and Zelo shedding silent tears. I shed tears of my own, touched by the gesture.


“I approve of your friends, Min. They didn’t leave you. They could have left you alone to go to the hospital and stay. Instead, they left with you without even thinking about the consequences. Their manager will probably be in dreamland by now” My dad said.


I glanced at him weirdly as he shrugged. The ambulance stopped in front of a hospital, and the men in white suits wheeled me inside the ER. They told B.A.P to wait outside as they work on me. Just then, the screen turned white again.


My dad waved his hand on the screen and it disappeared. He turned to me with a grim expression. And I got the message immediately. “Go on, take me now to heaven. I’m sure there’s free pizza there” I said bluntly. He stared at me for a moment and laughed loudly.


Which startled the heck out of me. “Minhwa, you’re not dead. Unless you choose to be” My dad said seriously. I frowned in confusion. “What do you mean?” I asked him. “Minhwa, whenever a person is in a coma, like you now, they have a chance to choose. In situations like these, it’s pretty much 50/50. You can choose to live. Or, you can choose to leave the world.” My dad explained sadly.


“Did you go into a coma before you died?” I asked uncertainly. He looked at me in the eye with a blank expression on his face. “JR told you already, didn’t he?” He asked quietly. I nodded. “Then yes. It was my mom who was there with me while I was in a coma. I chose to leave the world. I didn’t mean to Minhwa. I was suffering. I couldn’t see your mother, I lived under the tyranny of my wife. I knew I couldn’t take it anymore.” My dad looked so heartbroken, so fragile, as if he was about to cry.


I hugged my dad once more, patting his back. “I understand Dad, JR explained everything” I whispered. He pulled away and held me at arms length, his eyes spilling with tears. “You grew into a great girl Minhwa. I am so proud of you for staying strong. But I have advice before you go back to your friends.” My dad smiled.


“Wait, how’d you know I’d choose to stay with them?” I asked him, chuckling a bit. “I’m your dad. And I watch over you too. And young lady, what was going through your mind when you kissed Zelo? You are too young for that.” My dad said strictly.


I couldn’t help but giggle at what he said, earning a smile from him in return. “So, here’s my advice. Don’t rush into relationships Minhwa. Let them gradually grow. I see Zelo gave you that promise ring because one day he’s going to ask if you would like to be his girlfriend.” My dad looked at the ring, and I couldn’t help but blush.


“I admit, that was very classy for a young boy. And when the day comes when Zelo does ask you to be his girlfriend, I approve of it. He’s a keeper.” My dad winked at me. “Dad!” I exclaimed, laughing.


He chuckled and hugged me once more. “You can go back now.” My dad whispered in my ear. “How?” I asked curiously. “You’ll know. Just think about what you think is worth living for.” My dad replied.


He let go of me, eyes shining with tears. “I love you Minhwa. And tell Jungah that she’s the only woman that caught my heart. And also tell Jaehwa that I love her too. I love you three very much.” My dad smiled and let me go.


“I love you dad” I managed to croak out. “I love you too Minhwa” He responded calmly. I took a deep breathe and imagined all the things and people that was worth living for. Jaehwa, B.A.P, NU’EST, my mom…


It was like I fell from the ceiling and landed on the bed. I jerked awake, breathing in and out. “Minhwa?! You’re awake?! She’s awake! Himchan! She’s awake!” I heard Yongguk scream. He bent down on me and kissed me on the cheek. “Don’t scare us like that Minhwa. We thought you were going to die!” Yongguk exclaimed loudly enough to make my eardrums shatter.


“Not to loud, Oppa. I don’t want my ear to go deaf” I joked. “Yah! How can you joke in a time like this?” He demanded, but laughing while drying his tears.


Himchan came barging in the door. He stood for a moment and then went over to me, hugging and kissing me on the cheeks. I smiled through the tears. Next thing I know, Zelo, Jongup, Daehyun and Youngjae came piling in, crying and hugging me.


“I thought we lost you” Daehyun whispered in my ear. I could feel his tears as it dripped past my ear. “You think death could keep me away?” I tried to joke. He managed to laugh but then resumed to crying again with happiness. “Oh and Jongup, come here” I motioned a finger at Jongup’s direction.


He went over, eyes shining with tears. I scowled at him as he blinked in confusion. “What on earth possessed you to slap me across the face?! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!” I demanded.  




Sorry if it's boring, but I need to write it :) 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?