Chapter 10

Twins' Adventure


"Today may be your first class, but it's not you official one. In the upcoming talent show, you will show your skills and the judges will determine whether to put you in the low class, middle class or high class. If you're talents are poor, you'll be in the low class. If you're talents are neither bad or good, you'll be in the middle class. If you're exceptionally talented, then you'll be place in the high class. Take note, the judges are extremely strict, and if you won't give your best on the talent show, might as well pack your bags and go home." The teacher, whose name was Mr. Kang, said to the whole freshman class.


After he was done with his warm speech, I could hear whimpering and quiet complaining around me. I admit, it was making me nervous, but I decided to stay calm instead of breaking down like the girl in front of me did. Jaehwa nudged me. "So, what will you do for the show?" She asked quietly as the teacher started teaching about vocal cords and stuff for singing. I dropped my voice lower. "I have a shrewd idea, and I'm
pretty sure that if I do it, I'll get in the low class."


I muttered. "Yes Ms. Kim? Since you're talking with your twin, I assume you already knew what I said awhile ago?" The teacher called on me, raising his eyebrows. I can feel my cheeks grow hot, so I shook my head. "Sir, if I may." A girl from the front raised her hand. "Ah yes, Ms. Choi Minhee?" The teacher turned to Minhee and smiled at her. My face settled in a frown and I rolled my eyes. "At least she knows the answer." Jaehwa commented.


"Shut up" I murmured back. "You said that when singing, you use the heart and the mind. You use the mind for thinking your next move, and you use your heart for feeling the song." Minhee answered flawlessly, flashing her brilliant warm smile to the teacher. 




Jaehwa skipped to the dorm. She was literally smiling and laughing brightly. You could see a fudging rainbow around her the follows her everywhere. A complete contrast to me. My face was set into a permanent scowl as I sulked, walking slowly. I glared at everyone who passed, even at a cute dog who was innocently blinking up at me.


“Good afternoon Oppa!” I heard Jaehwa greet. I scoffed and smiled humorlessly. I tend to do that when I’m pretty mad. “Good afternoon, Jaehwa. Where’s your sis- Oh.” Yongguk finally noticed me. I looked up from the ground and gave him my most evil glare with pure loathing. See, this is why I hate seeing people who has the same gender to the person I get mad with. I charged Yongguk, determined to kill him.


I was stopped abruptly by someone holding me by the waist. I tried to kick and wiggle out of his or her grasp, but he or she was too strong. I gave up fighting and stood weakly in the arms of the person who stopped me from committing murder. “Er, why is your sister?” Yongguk asked Jaehwa anxiously.


“She was scolded ten times today for being herself. You know, her loud, rude, pride self.” Jaehwa explained. I glared at her as she shrugged it off. “So, she’s going to be in this mood for how many hours?” Yongguk asked again. “About a day or two, why?” Jaehwa answered easily. Yongguk swallowed and shook his head.


I smiled again in a sick way. So, the leader was afraid of a fifteen year old girl? “Jongup, you can let her go now.” Yongguk ordered. Jongup removed his arms around me and walked in front of me. “Hey!” I yelled at him. Jongup turned and raised an eyebrow. “What?” He asked. “Why’d you stop me?” I asked, trying not to get mad.


Jongup rolled his eyes. “I didn’t want hyung to be cut into tiny little pieces. Besides, it’s not for your benefit; it’s for hyung’s.” Jongup replied coldly. He pushed in between Jaehwa and Yongguk who was staring at me and Jongup.


“Come inside, Min. Let’s get you something to eat.” Jaehwa said, putting an arm around me and leading me to the kitchen area. Zelo and Jongup were playing a game of who can finish an apple first as Himchan was cooking pasta. Again.


Himchan noticed us. “Welcome home! I made you pasta! Your favorite!” Himchan exclaimed happily. I couldn’t help but chuckle. Pasta was Himchannie Oppa’s favorite food, not ours. But that didn’t stop him from filling our plates with a mountain of pasta.


“So, how was your first day?” Himchan asked, sitting on the counter. “Great” Jaehwa answered him happily in unison with me saying “Horrible” in a dead voice. Himchan sighed and patted my head. “Pasta will be there for you.” Himchannie consoled. I smiled weakly at Himchan’s way of cheering me up.


I finished my pasta, because I know if I didn’t, Himchan will bite my head off, and then visited Daehyun and Younjae’s room. I didn’t even bother knocking. I twisted the doorknob, and stepped right in, closing the door behind me.


“Hi, Dae” I greeted sitting on Daehyun’s bed. He looked up from the book he was reading and looked at me. “What’s the matter?” He asked, putting his book down. I sighed. “Is Jongup Oppa mad at me?” I asked him uncertainly. Daehyun’s face grew darker, and I had an idea on what he was about to say. “Jongup….he’s a bit hard to explain. He usually bright and bubbly, but when he’s around you and Jaehwa, he grows reserved. I’m sorry Minnie, but I think I can’t answer your question.” Daehyun said sadly. I smiled again and looked around the room. “Where’s Youngjae Oppa?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at his bed. “Oh, he went out to buy some snacks. We were all sick of Himchan’s pasta, so we sent Youngjae out secretly to buy us some food.” Daehyun replied mischievously.


I laughed aloud. I didn’t know Quiet Boy had a sense of mischievousness in him. “And as soon as we get the snacks, we’re going to play Mario Kart in the Wii. Want to join us?” Daehyun asked. “Yeah, that’d be cool.” I agreed, actually smiling in happiness. I hugged Daehyun as he hugged me back.


Then, the damn door opened. I looked to see who it was and saw Zelo holding an apple in his right hand and staring at us in utter shock. “Yes?” I asked innocently as I hugged Daehyun tighter. Daehyun snickered quietly.


“Why the hell do you keep hugging every male you see?! You hugged my hyungs like a billion times and I get ONE hug! ONE!” Zelo exclaimed, tossing his apple on the floor. I laughed and pulled away from the hug, but held Daehyun’s hand in a casual way. “WHAT?!” Zelo noticed me holding Daehyun’s hand, and wretched my hand apart from Daehyun.


He grabbed a hold of my wrist and put me behind him. I laughed at his over protectiveness. “You are NOT allowed to hold Minhwa anymore, arrasseo?!” He demanded Daehyun. Daehyun was shaking with laughter, falling backwards on his bed. “Dude, take a chill pill. I’m not going to steal Minhwa from you.” Daehyun said, slapping Zelo’s shoulder.


“What? No! Minhwa’s not mine! I’m just – I was just –“ “Jealous?” Daehyun provided for Zelo who was blushing scarlet. “I GOT FOOD!” A yell echoed throughout the dorm. I suddenly went to the living room to see Youngjae holding four paper bags of food. I saw Himchan storming out of the kitchen with a spatula in hand. I put my fist in my mouth, trying not to laugh at the way Himchan was yelling at Youngjae, and hitting him with a spatula.


“How dare you betray B.A.P’s favorite food?!” Himchan asked loudly and continued hitting Youngjae with a spatula. Daehyun and Jongup held Himchan back as Youngjae rushed to the coffee table to lay out his treasures. I spotted a lot of chips and softdrinks, so I assume that B.A.P had to eat healthy foods to maintain their godly- Er, I mean their fit bodies. Cough.


“Turn on the Wii hyung, I’ll fluff the coach.” Zelo said, jumping on the couch. He started rolling on it. I chuckled at his weird ways and helped Youngjae set the chips and drinks. B.A.P members sat around the coffee table or on the couch comfortably. 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?