Chapter 34

Twins' Adventure


“YAH! YOU WANT TO DIE?!” I demanded Jongup. He shook his head and widened his eyes as I raised my fist. People stared at me while passing by, and I felt kind of embarrassed. “Don’t want scaring the others, right Minhwa?” Zelo asked amusedly. I shook my head feebly, but sent a secret glare at Jongup who stuck his tongue out at me.


“Hyung! Where’s the check in counter?!” Daehyun whined at Himchan who looked around worriedly. “I think that’s where it is” Youngjae pointed towards the food court. I rolled my eyes and whacked him in the back of his head.


“Yah! Don’t act informally!” Youngjae complained, rubbing his head. “That’s the food court, you dimwit. We’re supposed to check in our luggage.” I said to him, nodding towards the check in counter. Seriously, we’ve been standing here for 15 minutes.


“Let’s go!” Zelo shouted in English. I laughed with the others as we made our way towards the check in counter.  We did rock paper scissors on who would take all our luggage and check in with it.


In the end, Youngjae lost so he had to do it. “Hyung! You can’t be serious!” Youngjae whined as we gave him all our passports and luggage. I laughed a bit as Youngjaes’ shocked expression.


Youngjae huffed and dragged our suitcase to the waiting line of the check in counter. “Wait, remember when Youngjae lost his passports when we went to Singapore?” Jongup asked all of us worriedly. My eyes bugged out and I tried to make a dash to Youngjae when Zelo held me back. “Let Daehyun Hyung go” He said.


“Daehyun, supervise Youngjae before we can never go overseas again” Yongguk ordered. Daehyun nodded and dashed towards Youngjae. “They would seriously look like a cute couple” I commented as the rest of B.A.P stirred me towards the food court.


“Let’s eat ice cream!” I suggested happily, bouncing up and down. Yongguk ordered us ice cream as we sat around one table, slurping our ice cream happily. I sat in between Jongup and Zelo, which was a bit uncomfortable. Try sitting in between two people who sent weird looks to each other.


“Minhwa, do you want to taste my ice cream? It’s strawberry flavored!” Jongup suggested happily. “But Oppa, mine’s also strawberry!” I responded, chuckling a bit. He shrugged and held out his cone to me. I shrugged and was about to take a bite, when Zelo faced me towards him forcefully.


“Why’d you do that?!” I asked Zelo loudly. “Taste mine, it’s chocolate” He insisted, holding out his cone to me. He smiled cutely and tilted his head. I could feel my cheeks turn pink before I bit into Zelos’ ice cream. It went surprisingly good with strawberry.


“How does it taste like?” Zelo asked. “It tastes awesome. Thanks Zelo Oppa” I said, smiling a bit. “Ah Minwha! Have you read Harry Potter?” Jongup asked suddenly, facing me to him. My face lit up in excitement and nodded. “Have you read the whole series?” I asked him happily. He nodded and indulged me in a long conversation about Harry Potter.





Yongguk shook his head, smiling, as he saw how his dongsaengs acted towards Minhwa. “Yah, Jongup looks like he likes Minhwa” Himchan commented. Yongguk glanced at him and nodded. “That’s why he has been talking less when Minhwa’s around. He told me earlier that he would like to sit beside Minhwa in the plane.” Yongguk said back.


“Shall we make this vacation interesting?” Himchan asked mischievously, taking out his phone. Yongguk smiled and leaned back, finishing his ice cream cone. “You’ve read my mind” He replied as Himchan texted Youngjae for some seat requests.





She doesn’t notice me anymore. I pouted as they talked avidly about Lord Voldemort. I sighed and ate my ice cream, feeling as if a dark cloud was casted on top of me. “Zelo, do you want to join in? We can talk about Percy Jackson if you want.” Jongup Hyungs suggested, looking over to me.


I loved Hyung very much, that’s why I couldn’t stay mad at him for a very long time. I smiled weakly and decided joining the conversation. “So, what book are you in now?” Minhwa asked, grinning.


I smiled at her cuteness. “I’m on the Battle of the Labyrinth now.” I replied. Minhwas’ eyes sparkled as she started talking about how Annabeth and Percy roamed around the labyrinth. I barely paid attention as I stared at her.


Some might not notice this, but when she starts talking about something she likes, while she’s talking, the dimples on her cheeks becomes more pronounced. Some would probably be paying attention to what she’s saying now, but I only paid attention to her cute dimples. “Do you know Pan? He is alive, but not for long. Since the wild is growing smaller, he’s going to die. That’s why he appointed Grover to- Zelo? Are you listening?” She asked, furrowing her eyebrows and staring at me worriedly.


I reached out to poke her cheek where her dimple was. “Yah! What was that for?!” She asked, looking away and touching the spot on her cheek where I poked her. “Let me see if it bruised” I heard Jongup say gently. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.





“Kaja!” We chanted together as we stepped inside the plane. We were going to Boracay. We’re going to stay there for 2 nights and 3 days. “Where’s our seat Yongguk hyung?” Zelo asked expectantly, holding my wrist tightly. Yongguk smiled weirdly. Something about his smile told me he was up to something.


“Actually, you, Minhwa and Jongup are seating together.” Himchan replied for Yongguk. Zelos’ eyes widened as Jongup clapped happily. I smiled and walked over to our seats. “I call window seat!” I said loudly, flopping on the chair next to window.


Immediately, Zelo and Jongup started fighting on who will seat in the middle. “Yah Hyung! You’re older! You’re supposed to sit at the end!” Zelo argued, trying to get to the seat.


“Yah! I’m your hyung!”




“Yah that’s not what I meant!”


“I’ll just sit in the middle guys.” I said in a guarded tone. Something about this two worried me. Jongup huffed and sat at the end, me in the middle and Zelo beside the window.


“You can sleep on my shoulder anytime you want.” Jongup said, lowering himself down so his shoulder reached my head. I smiled and was about to say thanks when Zelo cut in. “Minhwa can sleep on my shoulder, hyung.” He said with an air of finality. Jongup stuck his tongue out and intertwined his hand around mine.


I didn’t find it unusual, because he was like a brother to me. Zelo reacted far from calm. “Yah! Why are you holding her hand?!” He asked loudly, scaring a kid nearby. “Because I want to” Jongup replied loftily. Zelo scoffed and put an arm around me. I sighed and tried to suppress my laughter. There was something going on between these two, and I think it would be interesting. 




Sorry if it's boring! I feel like I'm stalling a bit XD 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?