Chapter 27

Twins' Adventure


I dreamt of a stampede of fans chasing me. I was literally running downhill, screaming my head off, as NU’EST and B.A.P fans, whose goal is to murder me, chased me. I remember tripping on who knows what and then the fans closed around me making a circle, and after that, my vision went black.


And that’s when I woke very loudly.


“AHHHHHHHHH!” I shouted as I bolted up right, opening my eyes wide like an owl. I panted, wildly looking around. Unfortunately, I woke up the person beside me. “What the hell Minhwa? Trying to wake up an elephant are we?” Zelo complained, groggily opening his eyes and rubbing them.


I stared at him in confusion. Then I looked around to see that this was not my room. “Why am I here in your room? I can sleep in my room alone you know” I pointed out loftily, folding my arms. He chuckled for some unknown reason.


“You asked me personally if you can sleep beside me in this room” Zelo stated triumphantly. He smiled smugly and put his hands behind his head. “Then you must be on medication” I spat, rolling my eyes. I made a move to get out of his bed when he said something that caught my attention.


“You kissed me last night” Zelo said quietly. I stopped removing the blankets off and stared at Zelo incredulously. In turn, he looked quite calm. I narrowed my eyes. This HAS to be a joke. “You can’t be serious, Ramen Head. You’re joking” I said back seriously.


He shook his head and smiled slightly. “I kissed you and you kissed back, Min.” He said in a superior tone. “You punk” I muttered, raising my fist. He pulled my fist down, along with me. Without any freaking permission, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him.


His scent made me a bit woozy, making me forget why I was mad just because he kissed me. “I really kissed back?” I asked. He chuckled, and nodded his head “You even said good night to me.” He said. I sighed and sat up once more.


I rubbed my sleepy eyes and took in what Zelo was wearing at the moment. A white tank top that shows his torso and pajamas. I swallowed and blinked a few times. He didn’t own a six pack like Jongup (don’t ask me how I knew Jongup had a six pack), but his muscles were toned. Not exactly buff, but not scrawny either.


Did the temperature go up or is it just Zelo?


“Are you okay Minhwa?” He asked worriedly, sitting up and brushing a curl out of my face. “I-I’m okay” I managed to stutter. I shook my head and regained my normal demeanor. “Come on Ramen Head, we have a lot of things to do today. You have to perform in an all girls school around 9, and after that, you’ll have to meet with your manager about something.” I said, getting out of bed.


I slipped on my slippers and touched my head. “Where’s my beanie?” I asked Zelo, looking around the room. He smiled mischievously, “It’s behind me” He said teasingly. I huffed and went over to him, trying to get it. He blocked my hand on getting the beanie.


He pulled my wrist and soon I was on top of him. I blew a strand of hair out of my face. “What do you want Ramen Head?” I asked him harshly. He chuckled and leaned closer to my face. “You said you don’t recall the kiss right?” He whispered.


I nodded uncertainly. “Today’s your lucky day” He smirked and leaned closer, closing gap between us. He placed his lips on mine, and as soon as he did, I can see fireworks and shizz like that lighting up inside my head.


His lips were soft but firm, and it captured mine in less than a second. I waited for him to do something, like move his lips. He stayed like that, pressing his lips against me. And I found myself liking this kiss rather than the normal, tongues battling for dominance, moving kissing style.


He pulled away because sometimes even Ramen Head needs to breathe. “So, how do you feel?” He asked nervously. I smiled widely and leaned down again to kiss him. I hope he got the message that I liked it.


The door opened with a bang which made me and Zelo jerk away from each other. “Did we interrupt anything?” Himchan asked, leaning on the doorway, looking smug. I smirked and shook my head. “We were done before you even thought of barging in” I said back, smiling at his shocked face.


He then rolled his eyes and walked off. I helped Zelo off the bed and told him to go change. I shuffled out of his room and started changing myself. I’m like their conductor when the manager needs to do more important stuff.


I checked Youngjae and Daehyun who were already dressed, and was watching in their TV. Yongguk and Himchan were making breakfast. And Jongup was happily waiting for their food.


After an hour of eating and changing later, we set off towards our first schedule. Which was in an all girls school. The boys are going to try to capture the girls’ hearts. As if they didn’t already.


We arrived their and quietly climbed down the van. They were not allowed to be seen by fans until the performance. But of course, Commander Himchan couldn’t resist calling out the girls from their classroom windows. Soon, all the students were taking pictures and looking out of their classroom windows to see Himchan and B.A.P walk across their very own grounds.


“Pathetic” I muttered as a girl lifted up her shirt to reveal tank top that says “I LOVE YOU MOON JONGUP AND ZELO”. Zelo laughed and put an arm around me, which made all the girls squeal with envy. It didn’t bother me though, I just rolled my eyes.


I pushed off his arm and continued walking. He caught up in my pace easily. He tried to put an arm around me again, which made me got hit by a pen in the head. And the worst part? It was a multi-colored pen.


“Are you trying to get me killed? Soon these girls are going to throw their bags with me filled with their books. If you don’t stop, I’m going to be dead by the end of the day.” I hissed.


He surrendered and left me alone. I huffed and crossed my arms as I walked. This was going to be a long day.




The boys performed Warrior perfectly and also Secret Love. The fans were energetic, which made the boys smile. I smiled as Zelo started to rap fast, which I echoed backstage. I still got it. I smiled as I watched the boys. They were smiling the whole time even though they needed to be emotionless. I think it was the fanchants that made them smile.


After Secret Love they bowed and exited the stage. I greeted them as they whooped and cheered as they went to the backstage. Zelo ran to me and hugged me, spinning me in the air. I was dizzy when I got down but tried to hold it in. “I think you guys captured 99% of their hearts” I told them encouragingly.


I then got a call from an unknown number. I frowned and excused myself, going to the girls bathroom. Once I got there, I leaned on the sink area and answered my phone. “Yeoboseo?” I asked. There was breathing on the other line, and then suddenly, it went dead.


I frowned deeply as I stared at my phone. “So you think you can have all the fun with our Oppas” A voice behind me asked. I turned around swiftly to see girl looking at me with dangerous eyes. I set my face into a permanent scowl. “What nonsense are you saying?” I asked coldly. She smirked and snapped her fingers.


In every stall of the bathroom, a girl would come out. And luckily, the bathroom had ten stalls! Yipee! I gritted my teeth and stared determinedly at the girl.


“What do you want?” I asked. “For you to be dead. You think you can sneak up on B.A.P Oppas and have them for yourself?” She asked, taking a step closer. I held my ground. “So we’re here to eliminate you” She said sweetly, smiling in a bad way.


The girls were closing in fast, and then I raised my fist. There was no way in hell I am going down without a fight. I kicked at the nearest girl, sending her flying at one of the stalls. I punched a girl in the gut, slapped one in the face, and kicked the charging girl that was about to kill me.


I fought like I have never fought before. My instincts took over me, and for once, I didn’t care that they suffered a serious injury. Because before one of the girls was about to grab my hair, I read the nametag in front of her vest. It said “B.A.P LOVES SAESANGS” And I knew these girls were not ordinary fans.


Saesang fans are fans that go way beyond the normal fan obsession. So instead of going to school, they stalk their favorite idols’ dorm. Instead of eating, they follow their idol wherever they go. And when B.A.P was performing Warrior, I overheard one of these girls planning to follow them to their dorm.


I planned on kicking their butts there, but they decided to bring the fight in a girls bathroom. Once all of the girls were on the floor, I huffed and brushed the dust off my shoulders. I had a bleeding lip and a swelling bump on the side of my forehead.


I turned to the exit but found myself face to face with the girl who sent those rampaging rhinos at me. She held a baseball bat and with one swing, she hit my knees and sent me hurt on the floor.


It hurt like hell. I groaned and tried to get back up, even though I knew I had a serious injury. The girl smiled and held the baseball bat. “Goodbye” She said in a smug voice as she swung the bat on my face. My vision was lost, and I was in the darkness. 



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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?