Chapter 13

Twins' Adventure

"Choi Ju-Junghwa?!" I stuttered. I casted a nervous look at Jaehwa. "Yeah, the guy you saved from drowning" He answered in a humored tone. "Why did you call me?" I asked again. "I wanted to apologize for my sisters' rudeness. Sorry I was late in the update." He said. "Wait... Choi Minhee?! Choi Minhee is your sister?!" I demanded. I was starting to regret saving Junghwa from the pool. "Yeah, and as I said, I'm sorry." He apologized. I laughed humorlessly. "Sorry? Sorry doesn't cut it." I countered back. "Then let me make it up to you." He suggested.


That pulled me up short. Literally. I was pacing back and forth and his suggestion stopped me. "How?" I asked in a guarded tone. "Where's your favorite place?" He asked suddenly. "The local amusement park. Why?!" I asked loudly. "Dude, calm down. I'm treating you there as a sign of apology." He explained. "Oh no, it's okay! But, if you can maybe push your sister in the ocean without anyone finding out.." I let my sentence hanging, hoping that he'll get the point.


He chuckled and replied, "Sorry Minhwa, she's my sister." I sighed and hang up. It was official. I'll go to the amusement park with Choi Junghwa, sister of my archnemesis, Choi Minhee. I turned to Jaehwa wearing a sour expression. She, however, looked giddy. "So, going on a date with Junghwa, huh?" She teased, grinning. I covered my ears and closed my eyes. "Please. No more." I pleaded. "Just then, the door burst open. "We're home!" A voice that belonged to Youngjae yelled. "So, what's new?" Himchan asked as he sat on the couch.


"Minhwa's going on a date!" Jaehwa sang as she skipped around me. Six pairs of eyes stared at me in utter shock. I could feel my cheeks burn as I studied the ground as if it was the most fascinating thing on Earth. "You. Are. Going. On. A. Date?" Zelo asked through gritted teeth, his expression hard. "Yeah, well long story-" "You're too young to go on a date missy!" Himchan cut me as he lookes at me angrily. "I'm not that young! Besides, it's one measly date, what harm can it do?" I asked exasperatedly. "One date can lead to another, Minhwa. You don't even know if he's going to be a player." Yongguk said.


I stared at all of them. "Well I'm about to find out." I growled as I pushed past them , heading towards my room. I grabbed a jacket and headed back to the living room. I saw them all looking disappointed, except Zelo who had a scary expression on his face. I didn't say anything as I headed out the door. I continued walking as I texted Junghwa where to meet him. He said to meet him there at the entrance of the park. As soon as I got there, I saw Junghwa standing beside the ticket booth with his hands in his pocket. "Ready to go inside? I bought the tickets." He said smiling, holding two tickets. I smiled. "Sure." I answered him. 

This is the best day ever!

Junghwa took me to all the rides in the park, even the scary ones that I refused to but gave in it in the end. Night had already fallen when we were walking side by side, eating caramel apples. We sat on the bench, munching on our apples. "I had an amazing time Junghwa. Thank you." I grinned at him. His smiled, though there was sadness in it. "Why are you sad?" I asked, puzzled. "Because all of this is not real." He whispered. "Wha-" I felt a sharp thing slash across my skin. I looked at Junghwa who was holding a pocket knife. He smirked as drew back his fist and punched me. My eyes rolled inside my head, and I out.


I groaned as I opened my eyes slowly. My head was aching, I was exhausted, but one thing came to mind. I was tricked by Choi Junghwa. I yelled in frustration as my head ached some more from the effort. I settled in getting my bearings. I was inside some kind of warehouse. It was dingy and no one seemed to be around. I tried to think back to where I was last time. It was no use. Junghwa knocked me out real good.


I tried moving my hands to find that they were bound to a post. Even my feet was bound together. I blew a strand of hair that was sticking to my face. Great, I managed to let myself get kidnapped. "Help! Someone!" I shouted, my voice echoing throughout the warehouse. Then, two girls wearing a mask went over to me. One stood a foot away, and the other crouched down to see me face to face.


"Who are you?!" I demanded. "You sure you don't know me?" A too familiar voice issued from behind the girls' mask. "Choi Minhee." I said through clenched teeth. I could almost see the her smirk as she took the mask off. "You see, when I heard that you were going to go out with my brother, it clicked. Once I capture you here, you can't attend school tomorrow. And as I keep you trapped in here, you won't be able to attend the talent show. You won't be able to show your so-called talents and I will win, once and for all." She smiled mencacingly.


I gave her a look with utter most loathing. "You won't be able to hold me back." I growled. "Watch me." She whispered. She stood up and started walking away with her companion. I closed my eyes and summoned all my energy. I could feel every fiber in my body just waiting to break free. I opened my eyes wide. And by the nearby puddle, I saw that my eyes turned striking silver.


“Hey idiot! Why don’t you untie me and actually let me fight one of your minions! Or you’re too scared to let them fight me because you know they’ll lose!” I taunted. Minhee’s retreating back stopped and she faced me, her lip curling.


“What do I get if I win?” She asked harshly. “Are you that dense? Then I get beat up by your minions if I lose! Like that would happen anyway.” I scoffed and grinned at Minhee tauntingly. I was being reckless, but I had a brilliant plan. Well, more like a dumb idea.


“Untie her and let’s see how she handles it.” Minhee snapped at her companion. Her companion untied the ropes and set me free. I stood up and walked over to Minhee. Even though she looked like she wanted to kill me, I could detect fear in her eyes. “Bring it on” I said as I backed up.


“Junghwa! Come here!” Minhee called. Junghwa appeared, looking irritated. “What is it sis?” He asked in a bored voice. He then noticed me and gave me wink. I blanched in disgust. “My brother can do Taekwondo better than my father, and he owns the nearby Taekwondo studio. Let’s see how you do well with him.” Minhee flipped her hair and beckoned her brother forward. Junghwa shrugged and stepped in front of me, hands in his pocket.


“Start!” Minhee shouted. Junghwa lunged first as I sidestepped away from him. It was mostly hand to hand combat. He used moves that even I didn’t know, but I reciprocated well. The only thing that kept me from crumpling to the ground in a heap is my speed and skills. By a few minutes, he knew all my moves and used it against me.


By that time, I was already on the floor, coughing like there’s no tomorrow. “Get up, you useless lump. Or you’re giving up that easily?” Minhee taunted. My ribs were aching and my heart was aching like someone was squeezing it tightly. But never in my life I gave up a fight. And I wasn’t going to stop there.


I rose up slowly and faced Junghwa with so much hatred that what moves I didn’t next was beyond my control. I kicked, hit, slapped, punched every part of his body. I then delivered my last blow to Junghwa’s “private part” and he crumpled on the ground.


I blew the bangs off my face as I limped towards Minhee who was in shock. “Just so you would not remember.” I said smiling as I punched her in the face, and she toppled down like her brother. I tried to walk normally, and by the time I was out of the warehouse, I could walk properly.


Then someone touched me in the shoulder. I whipped the around and punched he or she in the face. Unfortunately, it was Youngjae. I covered my mouth and bent down to examine what I have done. He had a bleeding nose. Despite the situation, I rolled my eyes. “Are you okay, Oppa?” I asked quietly. “Yes, but why did you have to punch me in the face?!” He demanded.


I laughed and helped him up on his feet. “Where are the others?” I asked as we walked side by side. Wherever a member of B.A.P goes, his teammates were not far behind. Just as Youngjae was about to answer, Jongup appeared in front of us, holding metal cane.


But he was facing the wrong way. His back was facing instead of his front. I stifled a laugh because he was going crazy. “Where the hell did you put Minhwa?! WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE?! RELEASE HER OR I’LL-!” “Dude! We’re behind you!” Youngjae interrupted.


Jongup turned around and saw me. His scowl split into a full smile as he dropped the cane and hugged me tightly. He was actually sobbing which brought tears to my own eyes. “Stop crying, you idiot. I was the one who got kidnapped, not you.” I said jokingly as I pulled out of the hug, grinning.


Jongup was wiping his tears. “Yeah, but someone got you! We tried calling you, texting you, but you didn’t answer. Then we asked people if they saw you. An Ahjussi told us that you were being hauled unconsciously in that building” Jongup pointed to the warehouse. “Anyway, we tried to rescue you, but we were afraid on what will happed if we stepped inside.” Jongup continued, walking beside me and Youngjae.


“Oh. Where are the others?” I asked Jongup. “Oh, they’re searching in other neighborhoods. Yongguk hyung didn’t believe the Ahjussi, so he searched in other places. It’s only me and Youngjae who decided to go here.” Jongup said sadly.


I was not bummed out though, knowing that they were searching for me was enough to put a big smile on my face. “So, what exactly happened?” Youngjae asked. I told them the story from when Junghwa asked me out (To which both of them snorted in disgust) to when I fought him. By that time, we were already in front of the dorm. “It’s great to be back.” I said happily. Youngjae and Jongup shook their heads but were still happy that they got me back.  

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?