Chapter 17

Twins' Adventure


I raised my right hand and pointed it to Baekho and JR. The crowd clapped and cheered in agreement, some shook their heads and shot me death glares. I shrugged and blended in with the crowd. “I guess we have a winner!” One of the boy performers announced, holding up Baekho and JR’s hand for the crowd to cheer for them.


Zelo, Jongup, Baekho and JR went down from the stage and made their way towards us who were waiting a little away from the crowd. “So, you chose us instead of them.” Baekho commented. I shrugged again. Jongup looked sad, but then brightened up. Zelo still looked down, not looking me in the eye.


“Why’d you choose us?” JR asked as we walked back to the van. Zelo was keeping a fair distance away from me. And whenever I try to talk to him, he won’t say anything. “I chose you because you were good. I liked your moves more than Zelo and Jongup.” I said loudly, so Zelo would hear.


I heard Jongup protest, but then Yongguk silenced him. “Well, thanks. It meant a lot to us.” Ren piped up. I smiled at them and continued walking. “So, what’s the real reason?” Jaehwa whispered beside me. “Because, B.A.P already has a hundred compliments from us. And besides, I did prefer JR and Baekho.” I replied quietly.


We arrived at our van, and we went our separate ways. I noticed that most of the B.A.P members sat front. So there was like a huge space at the back, and they decided to squeeze in the front. “Dude, an elephant can fit in here. There’s still space.” I told Zelo who was squashed between Daehyun and Himchan.


He turned to me, eyes angry. “Why don’t you just go to NU’EST van since you like them better than us?” He suggested harshly. Anger bubbled in me and I glared back. “Fine, I think it’s a fine time I should.” I bit back.


I the van door open and ran to NU’EST van, leaving B.A.P and Jaehwa behind. I knocked on NU’EST white van, and Minhyun answered. “Minhwa! What are you doing here?” He asked, puzzled.


“Do you have any space? Can I ride in your van?” I asked. They all nodded enthusiastically. I was about to climb in when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see a winded Jaehwa.


“If you’re going with them, me too.” She said. I smiled at her and let her climb in first. I sat beside JR as Jaehwa sat beside Baekho. The driver started driving to our next destination. Which was Myeongdong Street. We were going to visit the mall there.


”So, why’d you choose to come to our van?” JR asked. “Reasons” I replied simply. He shook his head amusingly and looked out the window. I sighed and leaned back. Why were the boys so jealous? I didn’t pick them now doesn’t mean I don’t like them anymore. In fact, I love the boys.


But some were so dimwitted that they caused the other party harm. And that dimwitted idiot goes by the name Choi Junhong. That stupid boy. Aron and Baekho were trying to teach Ren how to cheat as Jaehwa tried to distance Ren away from his cheating hyungs.


Minhyun was sleeping and JR was just staring out the window. We arrived at our destination, and climbed out of the van again. We saw the black van stop too and B.A.P climb out. Fans greeted them, and they greeted them back enthusiastically. Instead of filling my heart with pride, it made my heart shatter.


No fans were present to greet NU’EST. And I swore that I saw Zelo throw us a smug look. I tried to go over to them, but JR stopped me from pounding them to bits. “It’s alright.” He said quietly, though I could detect sadness in it. I saw Minhyun looking around expectantly, even Baekho look down hearted.


I tried to stop the tears and ushered them away from the van, to keep moving. Along the way, we joked and laughed so hard that the security guard had to shush us. We arrived at the mall and practically ran inside.


I forgot all my worries and had fun. First we visited a hat store. I got a fluffy pink hat for Ren, since it looks funny on him. Baekho and Aron and black caps that were pulled above their eyes, and they acted like secret agents.


I got JR a white cap and fixed it on his head so he won’t have a problem with it. Jaehwa adjusted Baekho’s cap so you couldn’t see anything but his hair. I cracked up and tried to stifle it while Baekho moved around, pretending to be blind.


We paid for our things and then we exited the store. Just then, it broke loose. People noticed NU’EST and they started asking for autographs and pictures. Some people even wanted me next to the members so they can photograph us. I explained to them that we were only friends of NU’EST.


It was my turn to throw a smug look at Zelo who looked stricken at the number of fans.




“That mean girl.” I growled under my breathe. She threw me a smirk and I wanted to take her then and there. I frowned and focused on something else. Even since she chose NU’EST over us, we felt a bit… betrayed.


“Look at them. More fans than us.” Himchan commented. “You know, we should not act this way. We should act professional, not like immature singers.” Yongguk said finally. I glanced at him hopefully. I had pride, so I was waiting for Yongguk or anyone to say what he said.


Thankfully, Yongguk hyung did. “Should we apologize?” Youngjae asked. “I think we should.” Daehyun mumbled, So we swallowed our pride and marched over to them. No more fans were lingering with them, so it was safe. I saw Minhwa cast us a suspicious look. I tried to smile but then she looked at JR who was calling her.


She smiled at him and fixed his cap. JR , taking off his cap and putting it on her. Minhwa tried to swat it away, but JR persisted. Minhwa laughed as she successfully removed the cap and put it back on JR’s head.


My eyes stuck on the ground, not wanting to witness their friendliness. She was not that open with me. I blinked back surprised tears. I think she would be better with JR than with me. I got out the present I had for her out of my bag.


I intended to give it to her after the show that we watched. But then my big mouth decided to make things bad, and suggested her to stay with NU’EST. Conflicted feelings washed over me like a tidal wave. Fight for her or let her go her own way?

“Hey, she’ll forgive you.” Jongup said, noticing my negative atmosphere. I nodded half-heartedly. If she didn’t… I can’t bear to think about it.




I narrowed my eyes as they stood in front of us, B.A.P. What did they want? “We apologize for our coldness towards you. We were a bit jealous that Minhwa chose you over us, so we overreacted. I hope you don’t take it to heart.” Yongguk said to NU’EST sincerely.


They all glanced at JR. It was his decision. “It’s okay. We forgive you.” JR smiled at them, and they smiled at each other. We all went as one group. Laughing and joking as we visited shops.


I even noticed a bromance forming. It was Daehyun and Minhyun. I call them the Hyun couple, or DaeMin. They were talking together, occasionally their arms were lined. I shook my head as Youngjae shot glares at Daehyun for abandoning him. After two hours of visiting shops, we all decided to get ice cream.

“I say Choco you say ice cream! Choco!” Youngjae sang

“Shut up!” Daehyun replied.


“Shut up”



After much singing later, we finally got to the ice cream shop. B.A.P treated us all. I sat on the corner with Jaehwa, waiting for our ice cream. “Oh, Baekho invited me to seat with them..” Jaehwa said awkwardly. I laughed and shooed her towards Baekho.


I stared at the people who were passing us when a shadow was casted over me. “Need company?” Zelo asked politely. He was holding two ice creams. I shrugged and turned back to watching the people. I haven’t forgiven him yet about awhile ago.


“Here’s your ice cream.” He offered again in a polite voice. “Thanks.” I mumbled as I took the ice cream off his hands. I just held it, not eating it, and continued staring at the passers-by. “I was thinking-“ He stopped talking and I glanced on why he had.


His ice cream had fell on his shirt, and he was looking at it worriedly, not knowing what to do. I laughed hysterically. Gosh he was dense. “I think I have ice cream on my shirt.” He commented. I laughed again and smiled widely.


“Come on. I found a shop somewhere that sells clothes.” I said, grabbing his wrist, pulling him up. The others noticed and was about to comment when I noticed Zelo slicing his neck with his thumb with a scary expression on his face.


“Er, Zelo? Are you okay?” I asked, half-amused. He returned back to reality and nodded sheepishly. “Let’s go then.” I chirped happily as I dragged him towards one of my favorite stores that I saw today. We went inside and I went over to one of the t-shirts.


I got a plain black one for him. “Here try this one.” I shoved it to him without even looking at him. “Busy much?” I heard him say before disappearing behind the changing room.


After a few minutes, he got out wearing his black shirt. I thought it would be a baggy shirt, but I guess I underestimated his shirt size. It fitted him perfectly. “Er, is that okay?” I asked, trying not to look at his torso.


He smirked and moved closer to me so that we were an inch apart. I laughed nervously and pushed him away. “You two look like a great couple! Do you want to buy the couple shirts that are on sale today?” A sales lady asked me and Zelo. “Oh, we’re not a couple.” I said, blushing.


The sales lady raised her eyebrows, clearly not believing me. I was about to tell her loudly that we weren’t a couple when Zelo talked first. “May we see the couple shirts?” He asked politely. The lady nodded approvingly before turning her back to us and leading us towards the rack of couple shirts.


I glared at Zelo who shrugged and smiled. I held my hand and made me follow him. I rolled my eyes but smiled all the same. The sales lady left us alone to sort through the t-shirts. Zelo was examining one when I scoffed.


“You know, in a normal situation, it would be the girl sorting out through the t-shirts, not the boy.” I said in a matter-of-fact tone.


“Guess you’re not normal.” He retorted.

“Guess you’re turning into a woman.” I countered.


He smiled and shook his head. And I couldn’t help but smile back. 

A/N: From now on, there will be more Minhwa and Zelo moments. I think they don't show much, so I'll try on the next chapter. I hoped you liked it! :)

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?