Chapter 22 (Part I Of Minhwa and Jaehwa's Birthday)

Twins' Adventure


My face heated up in anger, though I kept my cool. I walked slowly towards Minhee, and with every step, I can feel the atmosphere around me darken. I finally reached the group and Minhee. She kept on looking at me smugly, twirling her hair. “So, can’t get enough attention, attention ?” I asked her.


Her face darkened, though her awful smirk remained in place. “Jealous?” She whispered, stepping near me. I was about to retort physically, when Zelo stepped in between me and Minhee.


“Look, I don’t know who you are, but you’re causing trouble to Minhwa, and I can’t have that.” Zelo said in a dangerously calm voice. Himchan, Yongguk, Daehyun, Youngjae and Jongup circled me, Zelo and Minhee, earning curious and afraid looks from passers-by.


“But.. you enjoyed the kiss right? You loved it?” She asked feebly, looking at Zelo expectantly. I smiled and let Zelo do all the work. “I didn’t love the kiss. I disliked it. I want you to please stop bothering Minhwa. Stop causing her trouble, and we might let this go.” Zelo said again in the same dangerous voice.


Minhee looked scared as B.A.P towered over, glaring down at her. She gulped and then pushed between Himchan and Yongguk, running away. I tapped Zelo's shoulder, grinning a bit. He turned towards me, looking sad. "Let's talk while walking, shall we?" I suggested as Zelo nodded grimly.


I walked side by side with Zelo, following the others that were already walking out the auditorium. "What's up with the face Ramen Head?" I asked as I glanced at Zelo's worn expression. He sighed as he said "That girl kissed me. That was my very first kiss. I wanted to have it with y- I mean with a special girl, but she took it away." He pouted sadly, hanging his head.


I punched him in the arm, earning a yelp and an annoyed look from him. "Why did you punch me when I'm feeling down?!" He asked loudly. "Because, that's not the guy I watched performing Warrior. I don't care if it's just an image, I can see that you're strong but sometimes cute and dorky.


You're beating yourself up over a girl?" I raised my eyebrows, daring him. He sighed and nodded in agreement. Though, I can see him doing it grudgingly, which made me smile a bit. "Yah! Why are you smiling?" He asked curiously as he opened the doorway out of the school for me. I stepped outside, stretching. I turned back to see him staring. "Cause I'm happy, got a problem with that?" I raised my fist.


Zelo shook his head and smiled slightly. "No ma'am. And may I delight you with a piggy back ride?" He offered, going over to me. I nodded happily as he bent down, waiting for me to climb on his back. I sniggered as quietly as I could as I tip toed my way to the van, leaving Zelo waiting for nothing. Jongup encouraged me to go faster as I gave him an impatient look. I was halfway there when a hand rested on my shoulder firmly.


I turned slowly to see Zelo annoyed, looking down at me. "And what possessed you to trick me like that?" He hissed. I gulped noticeably and blinked. "My nature?" I answereduneasily.


He changed the atmosphere by laughing loudly, clutching his sides. "You should've seen your face! It was priceless!" He yelled, still laughing. I huffed as I drew to my full height, still infuriatingly short compare to him.


"Fine. Laugh until you see the police chasing you" I said harhsly. He stopped laughing and looked around nervously. I tried to hold in my laughter, this boy was still scared of the police. Finally, I couldn't take it and burst out laughing. "Haha, very funny." I heard him mutter sarcastically.


A moment later, I found myself being carried bridal style to the van. Jongup and Daehyun were watching the display, chuckling now and then. "Will you two hurry up?! My joints are getting stiff." Yongguk complained. "Getting old, grandpa?" I heard Youngjae comment. "YAH! What did you say?!" Yongguk shouted.


I giggled uncontrollably. "So, finally learned to laugh? I still remember you sulking and issuing death threats at us before." Zelo smirked as I rolled my eyes. He set me down in front of the van as I climbed in.


I sat in between Youngjae and Daehyun as Zelo sat sadly beside Jongup. "She learned how to laugh? No way!" I heard Jongup exclaim sarcastically. "I know where you can stick up your words, right up your-" Daehyun and Youngjae both covered my mouth. "Please" Daehyun said. "No comments like that again." Youngjae continued. I giggled and removed the hands from my mouth.


I knew I was half-awake. Cause part of me can hear murmuring, and the other part was still sleeping. I opened one eye. "Ugh, what are those voices?" I grumbled. I sat up and checked the mirror. My hair was in knots, my face looked like a zombie, and my eyes were half closed. "Eh, I look presentable." I decided as I combed through my hair. I shuffled my feet to the door, opening it.

"SURPRISE!!!!" A bunch of voiced yelled. "What the-" I started asking, because the sight scared me a bit. There were balloons that were floating on the ceiling, banners and streamers were hanged loosely on the walls, and there was a cake that read "Happy Birthday Minhwa!" But the thing that scared me most was seeing Yongguk in a party hat. "Happy Birthday Minhwa!" Zelo greeted happily, pushing was the others to go over to me. "I hope you like it, nearly took all night to find the supplies. Right guys?" Zelo turned around to them and they nodded.


"We arrived here around 11pm, and it was Zelo who told us it was your birthday. So we went out again to buy all these, and your present." Jongup explained smiling. My heart started beating faster as I took in what they did for my birthday. "And, we invited NU'EST and your sister.


They'll be here around the afternoon." Daehyun winked at me.  "So, happy?" Himchan gestured towards the decorations happily. "I didn't know you guys would do this for me. Thank you. I have a feeling this would be an awesome birthday." I smiled widely and hugged Himchan.


Everyone piled in and it became one big group hug. "So, ready for your gifts?" Youngjae asked, tossing his gift up and down while catching it in one hand. "Wait! We forgot the crown!" Zelo dug through a pile of who knows what and took out a crown. He placed it on my head while smiling slightly.


"What?" I whispere to him. He shook his head and smiled some more, which worried me. "You just look amazing no matter what situation." Zelo whispered. I tried to hold my blush while biting my lip as he stood beside me. He intertwined his hand around mine, holding it firmly.


"I'm first!" Youngjae shouted, raiding his hand high. "Of course not! I'm first!" Daehyun started going over to me when Youngjae grabbed him. They were silently holdinh each other back as Jongup took the chance to hive his gift to me. It was a pair of dancing shoes.


I set the gift down and gave Jongup a one-armed hug because Zelo won't let go of my hand. "Thank you Jongup Oppa" I whispered. He patted my back and then pulled out of the hug. "You're welcome" He smiled and skipped happily back beside Himchan. It was Yongguk's turn.


He stepped forward and showed his gift. It was a white stuffed bunny with a mask on, and I knew at once that this was the bunny of B.A.P. "So if you leave us, you'll still remember us." Yongguk looke teary as I accepted the gift. "I remember~" Daehyun started singing.


I set the gift down and hugged Yongguk. "I'm not going to leave you know." I sniffed because tears were coming. "Sorry. Overreacted." Yongguk said as he pulled out of the hug. Next is Himchan Oppa. He showed his gift and it was a big bowl of- "Spaghetti. I thought you would want to eat something more than pasta, so I cooked you spaghetti." Himchan smiled as he set his own gift down before hugging me tightly. "Thank you" I smiled at Himchan who was already beside Jongup. Next was Daehyun and Youngjae. They both got me socks with each of their faces on it.


"You know, since you wanted to have one." Youngjae looked down modestly. "Aww, come here." I hugged Youngjae and then Daehyun. They both went back to their places as Zelo let go of my hand suddenly. "Argh" I heard him groan. I looked over to see him clutching his right hand.


It was bandaged tightly, as if there was a wound. "Are you okay?" I asked worriedly, examining his hand. "Maybe. If it stops stinging. Can you please unwrapped the bandage?" He pleaded. I nodded seriously as I unwrapped the bandage. As soon as it was unwrapped, I gasped in surprise; He was holdinh a silver ring on his palm.


"This is a promise ring" Zelo picked up a ring and held it in front of my face, "I want to give this to you. You promised you'll stay with us right? Well I want to make a promise to you." He was down on one knee, looking up.


I blinked a few times; this was not happening. "Kim Minhwa, do you promise to... you know... like me in that way? Because someday, I will ask you to be my girlfriend. But that day is not today, and sadly not in this year. And, I want you to make a promise. Will you like me until that faithful day comes? When I ask you to be my girlfriend?" Zelo looked at me hopefully.


My heart started running a marathon, my legs felt like jelly, I felt lightheaded. But I got enough wits to answer him. "I can't." I replied. The room was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.


 Then, an idiot broke the silence. "What?! I thought you liked him!" And that idiot was none other than Youngjae, looking furious and dumbfounded. "Shut up, you dimwit, I was joking." I hissed at Youngjae who stopped going crazy.


"So, what's your answer?" Himchan pressed on. Jongup was biting his nails, Daehyun covered his ears, Himchan and Youngjae looked at me expectantly, and Yongguk looked normal except that there was a hint of sadness on his face. I smiled and looked at Zelo.


"What do you think my answer will be, Ramen Head? Of course!" I answered. I heard the guys whooping and cheering as Zelo slipped silver ring on my ring finger on my left hand. He kissed it once and hugged me tight. I wrapped my arms around Zelo's waist, feeling a warm glow in my heart. "You know, I wish I could kiss you." Zelo sighed sadly. I smiled in content. "The time's not yet right, Ramen Head." I joked. "I'll kiss you someday." He declared. I could feel him smirking. "Maybe that day is closer than you think." I teased as I pulled out of the hug, winking at him. I started walkig away towards Daehyun when I heard him say, "Omo, really?! YAH! Come back here!"


I laughed as I chatted with Daehyun. I glanced down at the promise ring and smiled. I realized that Zelo shouldn't have asked me to like him till that faithful day comes. Because I'm already in love with that thick headed idiot.




A/N: So, what you guys think of this chapter? A bit boring? Sigh.. I hope not. Anyway, comment your thoughts below! Ideas are welcome too, I'll credit you if I do use it :) Bye~! ^_^

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?