Chapter 25 (Part IV Of Minhwa and Jaehwa's Birthday)

Twins' Adventure


“Race you to the end of the rink!” I shouted, readying myself. Zelo nodded. “Loser gets the consequences?” He suggested. I nodded in agreement. He smiled evilly. “Then be prepared to lose Kim, because you’re going down.” He said in a superior voice.


I laughed loudly. “In your dreams Choi. Ready…..set……skate!” I shouted as I started skating. I glanced to my right to see Zelo catching up with me. I huffed and built up my speed. Zelo caught up again easily. “You’re going to losee!!!” Zelo teased, skating backwards. “Show off!” I yelled back.


I was near the finish line, I squinted my eyes, I’m soo going to beat Zelo. As I crossed the finish line, I let out a cry of triumph. “Hell yeah I won! Whoo!” “Ehem” Someone said behind me. I turned around to see Zelo smirking.


““ “I got here first Minhwa” He stated happily, still smirking. I huffed and folded my arms together. “What’s the consequence?” I grumbled, looking at the ice. He skated near me and tilted my chin up using his index finger. He was no longer smirking, he was smiling.


“Kiss me” He said softly. I blinked, trying to focus. “Kiss you? Where?” I asked. He raised an eyebrow and tapped both his cheeks. I sighed in relief. I leaned up and kissed both his cheeks. “Done. That was easy” I commented, nodding in a satisfied way.


He chuckled and held my hand as we skated around, helping those he didn’t know how to skate. As we skated around, someone tapped Zelo on his shoulder. He turned around to see a red-head looking at him. She had freckles on her nose, she was wearing a sweater and sweatpants. She was clutching the railings for dear life.


I scoffed, I bet that girl knows how to skate. “Can you help me skate?” She asked feebly. “Sure” I answered bluntly. “Oh, I wanted him to teach me.” The red-head pointed at Zelo. “I can teach you.” Zelo said excitedly, letting go of my hand.


I exhaled, trying not to murder him. He was dense when it comes to girls. “Thanks!” She replied happily, holding Zelo’s hand for comfort. I counted to ten to calm myself down. “You’re welcome. I’ll teach you how to march first. Min-“ I skated away before he could ask or talk to me.


If he wanted to help the girl, fine. I wasn’t jealous. I scoffed at the idea. “You know, scoffing at yourself is not healthy.” A voice behind me said. I turned around to see Daehyun with his hands behind his back. I didn’t really take in what he was wearing today, but now I did.


He was wearing a green v-neck sweater and loose baggy pants. “I don’t scoff at myself.” I mumbled. Daehyun laughed as I turned around and started skating away from him. He skated beside me. “Where’s Zelo?” He asked curiously. “He’s teaching someone.” I muttered, not looking at Daehyun. “Let me guess, the gender who Zelo is teaching is the same with my mom.” Daehyun guessed.


“I’d prefer your mom with Zelo rather than that red-head.” I jabbed my finger at Zelo and the girls’ direction. “Did you just say that my mom would be fit with Zelo?” Daehyun asked, shocked. I giggled and shrugged. “Maybe” I answered.


Daehyun shook his head and put an arm around me. “There’s no reason to be jealous and unhappy. It’s your birthday, Min. Enjoy this day, don’t go sulking because a girl is with Zelo. What happened to the tough girl that I met before?” He prodded me in the arm.


I smiled and brightened up. “You’re right. I’ll forget about it, and I’ll have fun. Last one around the rink is a loser!” I shouted suddenly, skating away from him. “Yah! No fair!” Daehyun shouted. I laughed, though it got lost in the wind.




“Can you teach me again how to march?” Hwayoung, the girl that I was teaching, asked me. I tried not to flip. I thought her how to march for about 20 minutes. “I thought you got it already.” I said as nicely as I could.


She batted her eyes at me and touched my arm. I tried to recoil, and instead, pushed her hand away. “Let’s go somewhere…private.” She whispered, going near me. I backed away, and it was not like just an inch away. I made sure that there was a foot distance between me and Hwayoung.


“I appreciated your time, but I have to find my baby.” I told her. Technically, since she was a B.A.P fan, she was a Baby. I just used it in my own way. I left Hwayoung there, looking for Minhwa.




“You so lost!” I teased Youngjae and Daehyun who was panting. “I fell down alright! That has to count for something!” Youngjae demanded. “Yeah, it counted in my victory! Thanks Youngjae Oppa!” I said happily. “Look who’s coming over.” Daehyun commented, nodding at a direction.


I saw Zelo skating over me, looking worried. “Hi guys, what are you up to?” Zelo asked happily. I rolled my eyes and was about to skate away when Daehyun caught my wrist. “Remember. Don’t let her get you down.” He reminded me firmly. I wanted to diss him, but he was right. “Fine, I’ll talk to him” I mumbled. Daehyun helped the still whining Youngjae skate away, leaving me and Zelo alone. He skated nearer and I was about to say something witty when he tripped and fell on me. Again.


“Are you okay?” He groaned. I didn’t feel any weight on me, and saw that Zelo was holding himself up by his elbows. The idiot planned this. I narrowed my eyes. “You planned on falling on me, didn’t you?” I asked him harshly.


He nodded sheepishly. I tried to push him away but again, it was like pushing a mountain. I resorted to harsh talking. “Let me up” I growled. “Not until you hear my side of the story” He countered.


“Fine, make it quick” I snapped. He took a deep breathe. “I was having a good time skating with you, and then Hwayoung showed up. The girl. She asked me to teach her. I said sure but then I realized that you’d react like this, jealous. So I was about to call your name to make up an excuse so I can escape with you, but you skated away without giving me a chance.


Hwayoung was torture. She purposefully made me teach her how to march for about an hour. Thank god it lasted only twenty minutes. She wanted me to go with her in a private place, but I said no. Please Minhwa, you see now that I never wanted to go with her. I’m sorry!” He exclaimed, sniffing. There were tears in his eyes, and it was a bit saddening, but I held my ground.


“How do I know you’re not lying?” I asked harshly, though not as harsh as before. “Look at me Minhwa, would I ever lie to you?” He asked desperately. I realized that I shouldn’t have been that harsh to this guy. He meant what he said, and I have been nothing but cold.


I dropped the cruel act and wiped the tears that leaked out of his eyes. “Why do you have to cry?” I asked softly. He hiccupped before answering. “Because, I thought that you would think I preferred that girl over you. And I’m not that much good in convincing. I’m thankful it worked now.” He smiled.


“I’m sorry I overreacted.” I apologized. He shrugged. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, then my nose, then both my cheeks. And it left my lips. He leaned down and closed his eyes and I did the same.


And, as usual, an idiot broke us up for the millionth time. “Getting friendly huh?” Himchan asked loudly. Zelo snapped up and narrowed his eyes at his hyung. He stood up and helped me up. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Don’t worry, I’ll get him for you.” I chuckled as I saw him chase Himchan around the rink, yelling curses. “Daehyun’s right. I shouldn’t let anyone get me down.” I said happily. “Told you I was right” Daehyun said in a superior voice, skating pass me. “Yah! Come back here!” I yelled as I chased Daehyun. This day as getting better and better. 


Triple update! Or is it? :) 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?