Chapter 23 (Part II Of Minhwa and Jaehwa's Birthday)

Twins' Adventure


“What time are you going to NU’EST?” Yongguk asked. I shrugged, eating my spaghetti Himchan Oppa gave to me. “Around later. Why?” I asked, swallowing a mouthful of spaghetti. “Cause we need to give our gifts to Jaehwa” Himchan answered, looking at me resentfully. He seemed to take note of my love for spaghetti more than pasta.


“I can deliver them you know.” I pointed at the pile of gifts in the corner. I felt a bit jealous that she got more, but hey, you don’t all the good things in life. “Nah, it’s better if we gave them personally. We’re going with you.” Daehyun answered, entering the kitchen where we were discussing.


“Do you really want to deliver them or is it just that you want to supervise me and Jaehwa around NU’EST?” I asked skeptically, setting my plate in the sink. I laughed at their shocked expressions. “Of course not! What do you think of us?!” Youngjae said in a mock hurt voice, clutching his chest.


I shook my head and excited the crack house, finding Zelo. I found him on his room, sorting through books. “Hey Ramen Head” I greeted as I sat beside him on his bed. “Hi birthday girl.” He replied smiling, leaning over and giving me a peck on the right cheek. I blushed and started hitting his shoulder.


“Why do you have to inflict physical harm whenever I inflict romantic gestures?!” He demanded as I stopped hitting me. “Cause I’m not used to it yet.” I answered loftily, helping him sort his books. He smiled and tilted his head. “I can think of many ways to make you comfortable with romantic gestures you know.” He wiggled his eyebrows.


I threw my head back and laughed, clutching my sides. Cute Zelo? Hell yes. y Zelo? Too funny to handle. “You’re weird you know.” I said in between giggles, wiping the tears. “Only for you~~” He sang. “Oh shut up.” I rolled my eyes, but smiled all the same. Yep, this was our normal interaction.


“So, why are you sorting all these?” I asked getting a book and dropping it on the bed. “Jongup bought all these yesterday when we were shopping for party decorations. He bought me the Percy Jackson series, look!” He said happily, showing me the full collection of Percy Jackson books.


“You’re going to read them? Seriously? I thought you had a full schedule that you can’t read them!” I smiled and hit him lightly on the shoulder. He shrugged and started flicking through the pages. “I guess I wanted to read it so much to the point that I’ll read them whenever I have the time.” Zelo shrugged and smiled.


“Well, it’s great that you read now. Might make your brain smarter.” I mocked, flicking his forehead. “YAH!” He shouted, tackling me on the bed. He pinned my arms with his strong hands so I couldn’t fight back. I tried to release his grip, but it was near impossible.


“Yah! No fair!” I shouted, pouting. He laughed merrily as he bent lower so he was nearer to my face. “Nothing’s fair in life, birthday girl.” He replied. His peppermint breathe washed over me, and it smelled nice.


He leaned in closer that I had to close my eyes so I won’t go cross-eyed. He continued leaning in until I could feel his lips near, just a bit more-


“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” A voice interrupted. Zelo leaned back and sat on his bed, looking at Daehyun in an annoyed way. “Every time I try to kiss this girl here, one of you guys decides to barge in. Do you have superhuman hearing or what?!” Zelo demanded from the laughing Daehyun.


I sat up myself, patting Zelo’s head. “It’s okay, Ramen Head. No need to get worked up.” I winked and got out from the bed. I hugged Daehyun for greeting me and continued out the door with Zelo bellowing on the top of his lungs, “YAH! Why do you do that to me?!”




“LET’S GO PARTY! WORK THAT BODY!” Youngjae sang, grinding the air. We were walking towards NU’EST dorm, to give our gifts to Jaehwa. “Dude, you’re going to scare the neighbors.” Jongup hissed at Youngjae who was still grinding the air like a maniac.


It was until Himchan flicked his forehead that he stopped and went to Daehyun for comfort. I giggled as held Zelo’s hand. We stopped outside of NU’EST dorm. I intended to just go in without knocking, but Yongguk wouldn’t have it.


He says that we need to knock first because it was “polite”. I rolled my eyes, yeah right. Yongguk knocked, and a moment later, a shirtless Baekho opened the door.


His hair was a bit messy and his eyes were still a bit droopy. “Yes?” He drawled, yawning. No one answered because it’s either they were shocked that I was staring at Baekhos’ torso, or they were shocked that Baekho was shirtless.


“Baekho, w-why are y-you half-?!” I demanded. I shot him a glare as I can imagine Jaehwa staring at his torso for hours. “I was about to put on my t-shirt when you guys rang the doorbell.” He said in defense, smirking.


I do admit that his body was fine and was about to mention it too when Zelo covered my eyes. “Yah! What are you doing?! I want to see!” I complained. “No way you are seeing boys half-! Baekho, please show us inside your dorm before Minhwa tears my hands away!” Zelo said in firm voice.


I huffed as I was led blindly inside NU’EST dorm. As Zelo removed his hands from my eyes, I saw all four of them half-. They were just standing there. JR was holding a toothbrush in his mouth, Minhyun and Aron were looking for their shirts and Ren was just standing there, smiling.


“Wow” I breathed. “Oh no you’re not” Zelo growled as he covered my eyes again. “You’re so unfair!” I whined trying to pry his arms off. He abandoned trying to cover my eyes, so instead, he faced me to him and hugged me.


“Why are you so worked up?” I whispered. He hugged me tightly, resting his chin on my head. “Cause, seeing all those guys comfortable in their own bodies makes me uncomfortable.” He whispered back. Awwww, he’s still shy. “And to top it all off, it seems you go for guys who have a six pack.” He continued sadly.


I hugged his waist, looking up to him. “I don’t go for guys because they have fine bodies, you idiot. I go for personalities. And I love your personality, Ramen Head. So stop being jealous and start being happy.” I encouraged, pulling out of the hug.


“Seriously, you two should star in a drama!” Ren exclaimed. I glanced at him to see him wiping his tears with a tissue. I giggled and patted his head. The guys got dressed as I searched for Jaehwa. She was checking her outfit in front of the mirror. “Hey sis” I greeted, standing behind her. She smiled at the mirror.


“Hi Min. Happy Birthday!” She greeted happily as she hugged me tight. I laughed and hugged her back. “Finally sixteen” I said as I pulled out of the hug. “Yeah. I feel old, do you see my wrinkles?” She joked as she pointed to her forehead. I chuckled and tapped her forehead.


“No matter how old you get, you’re still pretty Jae” I said truthfully. “I know” She replied as she flipped her hair. I rolled my eyes but laughed all the same. We went back to the guys to see them huddled together, waiting for us.


“Happy birthday!” They said all together. “Here are your presents Jaehwa” Yongguk said, pointing to the corner filled with gift-wrapped presents. “You want to open them now or-?” “Later” Jaehwa answered Yongguk.


“I missed you guys!” She finally said, bursting into tears, hugging each and every member of B.A.P. She stopped crying after hugging Jongup and went back to stand beside me. “And here are your presents Minhwa” JR pointed in front of them. “I’ll open them later.” I decided. “Then what are we waiting for?! LET’S GO OUT!” Baekho shouted.


We cheered in agreement as we stepped outside the dorm. A big bus was parked in the middle of the street. “I rented a bus so we can go all together.” Yongguk explained happily as he climbed in the bus. I shook my head, bewildered. “Next time, I bet he will rent an airplane.” I muttered to Jaehwa, who giggled.


“Who’s sitting with who?” Ren asked as we all settled down. “Dibs on Minhwa! Anyone who calls dibs on her are invalid except for me!” Zelo shouted as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me beside him. I rolled my eyes as he sat me between him and the wonderful window.


Baekho called dibs beside Jaehwa, and the others found their partners. Only one was left and it was Ren who sat in the back, right in the middle, crossing his legs and looking superior. The bus driver hit the accelerator, and we sped away towards our destination.


First, we’ll eat in the mall. Second, we’ll go ice skating. Third, we’ll watch a movie.


The fun begins.


Sorry if it's a boring chapter! It begins in the next chapter :) 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?