Chapter 20

Twins' Adventure


"This is impossible!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, not caring if it woke the neighbours. I growled as I ran a hand through my hair. I pouted and stared at the piece of paper that was crumpled on the ground. It was the lyrics to B.A.P's Warrior. I decided to sing/rap that in the talent show that was in 2 days time. I groaned and laid my head on one of my pillows. No one was in the house. Jaehwa was with NU'EST, accompanying them to their performances. I missed that girl already.


"Where the hell do you think you're going?!" I demanded from my sister who was lugging her suitcase to the front door. "Minhwa, I'm moving in with NU'EST. They asked me if I wanted to go with them, and I agreed." Jaehwa explained sadly. My heart tightened to the thought that I wouldn't be able to see Jaehwa anymore. I shook my head and put on a brave face.


I did not want to look weak now. She might change her mind. "Okay then. I'll miss you JaeJae" I said as bravely as I could. Tears spilled down my cheeks, ruining my brave facade. Stupid tears. "Oh Min" She said half-exasperated, half-amused. She hugged me tight, nearly suffocating me. "You be good okay?" I tried to say in a normal voice, though it cracked.


She nodded vigorously and hugged me tighter. She let go after a few goodbyes and kisses on the cheeks. She waved in farewell as she crossed the street, walking towards NU'EST dorm. I waved back. 


I sighed and picked up the fallen paper. I am NOT giving up that easily. I got the singing parts, but Yongguk and Zelo's parts were starting to kill me. Their rap was fast, and my tongue ended up in knots. "How the hell did they get this part?!" "How the hell did we got what part?" A voice asked from in front of me.


I looked up from my paper and saw Zelo leaning on the doorway, holding the teddy bear I gave him last night. "Whoa, when did you get here?" I asked curiously as I tucked the paper under my pillow and crossed my arms. "We got here awhile ago. We had a fansign meeting, three performances, and we had to practice for our press conference today." Zelo replied tiredly.


I noticed the dark circles around his eyes, and the way he talked was slow. I patted the space next to me on the bed, signaling him to come over. He went over and laid down, breathing a sigh of relief. "Do you ever take a time out?" I asked as I brushed a curl away from his face. He yawned in reply. I smiled, he looked like a puppy. "Sometimes, I bring this with me." He said, indicating to his teddy bear.


"What'd the others say?" "They asked me where Igot it. I told them I bought it at the Namsan Tower. Though I think they figured it out that you gave it to me since Daehyun noticed me hugging it tightly, so I also think he spread it around the members." Zelo replied, yawning again. He was still in his performance clothes and he still had his mask on.


"So, what were you yelling about?" Zelo asked curiously, trying to get the paper under my pillow, though I slapped his hand away from it. "None of your business" I told him sharply. "Pleaseee?" He pouted and clapped his hands together. I laughed shortly and shook my head. He dropped the act and looked grumpy. "You're unfair" He complained.


"And you're weird. Come on, I'll cook pasta." I nudged him on the shoulder. He wouldn't budge, so I pushed him off the bed. A strangled high-pitched "Oww!" after, Zelo stood up, looking more than annoyed. "What?" I asked innocently, pouting.


This works on Youngjae when I want him to get something for me. Zelo sighed uneasily. I knew he didn't change his mind yet. "Yah! You're not going to change your mind?! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!" I demanded loudly. Zelo then laughed aloud, kissing me on the cheek.


I blushed noticeably, looking down. He was comfortable doing that already, I was still in a state of shock. "Don't ever use aegyo on me." He said jokingly. "Why's that?" I asked. "Because I'm the aegyo king." He boasted. I rolled my eyes and got up. I punched him on the arm as I walked past him, going through the doorway followed by Ramen Head.


The members were in the living room, sleeping. It was a bit scary and amusing because they were having a conversation in their sleep. Their relationship was at the point where they can communicate when they're unconscious. "Is that normal?" I asked Zelo quietly. "It happens thrice a week when we sleep together." Zelo whispered back.


I walked to each one of them, slapping each of them awake. Yes, even leader Yongguk. "Why the hell did you do that to me?!" Jongup asked me loudly as he jerked awake. "I'm going to make you pasta. Since your pasta maker is still passed out and unconscious." I jabbed a finger at Himchan who was snoring and mumbling in his sleep.


 "Seems logical to me!" Jongup exclaimed happily as he got up and went to the kitchen area. "I'm going to supervise him before he goes crazy over the pots and pans." Daehyun mumbled sleepily. "Hey, you know Jaehwa moved to NU'EST right?" I asked Youngjae and Yongguk. "Yeah, she texted all of us awhile ago." Yongguk muttered. I nodded, knowing Jaehwas' intentions. She didn't like me to explain because I might tear up.


I shook my head, clearing the sad thoughts. “Get up, I’m making pasta.” I told both of them. They got up happily and followed Daehyuns’ path towards the kitchen. I gave up hitting Himchan awake and decided to make the long-awaited pasta.


“Help me?” I asked Zelo. He stomped his foot and whined. “Fine, no pasta for you!” I told him, sticking my tongue out. His eyes widened at the thought of no food as I smiled smugly. “I’m sorry Minhwa~!” He said in a baby voice, hugging me from behind as I started walking to the kitchen.


I tried to pry his hands off, but it was likes steel. He kept on saying please and pouting cutely. “Alright! You’ll have your pasta. You have to help me because Commander Himchan is dead to the world.” I said, laughing quietly.


“Sure!” Zelo replied enthusiastically, releasing his hands from my waist. I rolled my eyes. This boy’s only doing it for food. “I’m not doing this only for food you know.” Zelo winked as he his lips. I laughed incredulously at his attempt on looking, well…you know…y.


“Don’t-do-that-again!” I said in between laughs. He looked embarrassed and shuffled his feet.




Gosh she was cute when she laughed. “Are we going to make pasta or not?” I asked her, poking her in the stomach which made her laugh more. I smiled as I led the laughing Minhwa towards the kitchen area. I got out the pasta and started cooking. Minhwa stopped laughing and watched me intently.


I furrowed my eyebrows in concentration. In “Ta Dah! It’s B.A,P!” I didn’t make the noodles quite right. I hope I get it this time. I glanced at Minhwa who was holding an apron, looking at me eagerly. “What?” I asked her. She held up the apron to me.


My eyes widened at the pink flower patterned apron. “Oh no, never in a bajillion years am I going to wear-“ After a few arguments, Minhwa won, using her puppy dog eyes. I huffed as she tied the apron behind my back.


I could almost hear my hyungs laughing. And true enough, Youngjae’s laugh was first to be heard by me. I sighed as I continued to cook pasta. I saw a flash of light when I glanced at Minhwa because she called my name. She held her phone aloft, looking at me smugly.


“Did you just photograph me?” I asked in a dangerously calm voice, abandoning the pasta. “Yes.” She answered sweetly. I made a move to get it, but she held it behind her back. “Give me the phone” I held out my palm. She shook her head and ran out the kitchen.


“If you dare post on twitter I will personally see to your funeral!” I shouted as I followed her out the kitchen. “Already posted it!” She shouted triumphantly. I shook my head but still managed to find her on the couch, holding her knees to her chest with a pillow for defense.


“Seriously? A pillow?” I asked skeptically. “Back off!” She held her pillow high above her head. Well, bad mistake Minhwa. I lunged at her, basically hugging her, since the phone was behind her. “Give me the phone!” I shouted, trying to find it.


She started tickling me, and I tickled back. She tackled me down so she was on top of me, tickling my sides. “Where’s the phone!” I demanded as I tried to stop laughing, though it was inevitable. I smiled at her as she continued tickling.


She stopped to catch her breathe, breathing heavily. She wrinkled her nose, and for some reason I find that cute. I bent up and kissed her nose, since she wrinkled it. She raised a questioning eyebrow.


I flipped her so now she was below me. I supported my weight with my elbows that were in each side of her head. “You’re heavy” She complained. I laughed and bent down lower so we were only an inch apart.


A sudden wild urge surged through me, wanting me to bend lower. I did bend lower, closing my eyes. I can feel her moving closer, her hot breathe just inches away from mine. Then, an idiot broke us up.


“Ugh! Get a room!” Himchan hyungs’ voice startled me as I sat up fast. I glanced at Minhwa who looked red. “In second thought, don’t get a room. And you see here mister, you are not allowed yet to have your first kiss!” Himchan hyung demanded. He started lecturing me and Minhwa about how we’re not allowed to kiss yet and other stuff.


I barely paid attention though, because I had my eyes on Minhwa. “Help me with something later?” She mouthed. I nodded slightly, turning back to Himchan hyung with a smile plastered on my face. 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?