Chapter 4

Twins' Adventure


"So what's the plan?" Youngjae asked. I had to stifle a laugh before I answered. We agreed to make a plan today, on how to convince Minhwa to stay with B.A.P. So, we decided to conjure the plan in a popular cafe. Himchan received a punch in each shoulder when he mentioned it. We might get caught, but it's nearer to me and Minhwa's house, and the foods awesome. 


So, we had to disguise ourselves. Yongguk as a military officer, since he's perfectly suited for that role. Youngjae colored his hair red and put on a fake mustache. Daehyun put on dark sun glasses and also colored his hair blue. Zelo straightened his hair, so that you couldn't see his eyes.


Jongup decided to dress as a girl. So he wore a petite periwinkle blue dress with ruffles on the sides, high matching blue heels, and he also put extensions on his hair. The members put on lipstick and blush and eyeliner and all the chizz. Himchan wore a hoodie that hides most of his face.


All in all, we were a pretty weird group. Still, looking at Youngjae was really funny.


"Minhwa HATES love songs, hearts, corny pick up lines, and people singing to her," I said, not really answering Youngjae's question.


"Er, I thought we were trying to get Minhwa in her good side. Not her vicious, killer, painful side," Himchan muttered. Since he was wearing a mask, it was a little bit hard for him to speak.


"Yes, but sometimes, when I try to get Minhwa happy by doing all her favorite things, she doesn't get too excited. She likes surprising stuff, even though sometimes those stuff will turn into things she hates," I explained.


"But what if she's still angry with us and it will make her even angrier?" Jongup asked.


"Well, we have to find out. My sister is a bit... unpredictable." I looked at the members uncertainly.


"So you've been living under the same roof as her for around 15 years and you still think she's unpredictable?" Zelo asked skeptically.


"I told you, she's surprising. So, do you want to go through with the plan I have or not?" I asked them. It was up to them if they wanted Minhwa to be all goody-goody.


"Alright. We agree. What's the plan?" Yongguk asked.


"Oh, you will love it." I clapped my hands enthusiastically. 


Minhwa’s P.O.V

Okay, I love my sister, but sometimes I just want to chuck a sink at her. I tried calling her, I haven't seen her since yesterday, me and my mom are worried like heck, and she still won't show up.


"What if we don't find her?!" I asked the painting of grapes. Mom put a reassuring arm over my shoulder.


"We will, Min. You know Jaehwa is not stupid to get into trouble. Maybe she saw a new guitar in a shop; she might be drooling all over it like when we bought her, her first guitar," Mom replied.


I laughed a bit. Mom was clearly a mix of Jaehwa and me. The doorbell rang for a reason and mom went to answer it. I continued on staring angrily at the painting of grapes. There was soft talking and mom closed the door.


"Minhwa, go through the back door and to the backyard," Mom instructed, her eyes happy. I looked at her suspiciously.


"This has something to do with Jaehwa, right?! Mom where is she?! You know right?! Why-"


"Just stop yapping and go." Mom turned me around and pushed me through the back door and locking the door behind me.


I grumbled as I stood there on the backyard porch, waiting for who knows what. Suddenly, music filled the air. Guitar music. I stood frozen, listening. Then voices filled the air with the music. Soft, angelic voices. A voice mixed by a boy and a girl. I went down the porch and stepped on the grass.


And at that moment, something came from the side of the house. A boy, who I recognized as Yongguk and a girl, who was Jaehwa started walking towards me. They stopped after they got a foot away from me. I was genuinely happy to see my sister and wanted to hug her and scold her for being absent.


But I wanted to know more why Yongguk started playing acoustic guitars and started singing in a soft voice. It didn't fit him well, in my opinion. Then, Zelo and Jongup came out from the side of the house holding a big, red heart with pick up lines like,


"Are you the sun? Because you shine just like it." and "Are you an angel? Because I swore I never found anyone more beautiful than you." It was so corny that I had to hold in my laughter.


Then, Daehyun and Youngjae came out holding a paper crown and a wand. They gave it to me while bowing 90 degrees. Then, Himchan came over and knelt on one knee and gave me a real rose. I accepted it because I didn't know what would happen if I didn't. The group joined in Yongguk and Jaehwa's singing. I later realized that it was a love song.


After the song, they stopped singing and continued smiling at me.


"Okay, Jaehwa? Please explain to me all this chizz?" I asked. Jaehwa came over and hugged me first before saying anything.


"Well, I know you hated this so I decided to do it for you," Jaehwa said happily, holding both my hands.


"You know you're the worst sister ever for doing this?" I asked.


"Yes, I do know. Now, Yongguk wants to ask you something," Jaehwa replied happily and pulled me towards the group. 


Yongguk put the guitar down and walked towards me. The weird thing is, they wore suits. Was this a business deal or something like that?


"All this was Jaehwa's idea. We wanted to make you happy because we want to ask you a huge favor. Would you and your sister like to live in our dorm with us?" Yongguk asked. I was too stunned to answer him. So I just lifted up my hand to point out some things but then someone spoke before me.


"Oh please don't kill us! We value our life and our loved ones! I like to stay on Earth, playing on my iPad, please don't take that away from me, I promise that when I'm in heaven, I'll guarantee you free access-" Youngjae continued begging on his knees. It was funny to see him there, but I tried to hold it in. Instead, I settled for a smile.




"She's NOT going to murder you, pabo. You won't right?" Himchan casted me a look of suspicion. Tears were falling out of my eyes from the barely controlled laughter. With effort, I shook my head. Youngjae suddenly stood up and fixed his suit and coughed manly.


"Now that's sorted out, let's get down to business."


"TO DEAFEAT, THE HUNS!" I continued, singing it. The group stared at me weirdly.


"Sorry, Mulan reference," I apologized.


"So, would you want to come live with us?" Zelo asked.


"Sure. When do we move in?" I answered easily. Youngjae started again, begging on his knees.


"Dude, I'm not going to kill you unless you give me a reason to," I said, patting Youngjae's shoulder.


"You can get settled in today. We already asked your mom and she said yes. She's now there in the front porch with your packed suitcase," Jongup said.


"Oh, then that's cool then. What are we waiting for? Let's go!" I said happily. I and Jaehwa raced to the front porch as the others followed behind.


"Don't forget to write me letters. Don't forget that you need to brush your hair every night, don't forget to brush your teeth. Don't forget-"


"I won't forget mom." I replied, laughing slightly. Her eyes shone with tears, but it didn't spill. One of the things i inherited from her. I hugged her tightly before letting go. We said our goodbyes. We piled in the van and we were on our way.


"So, we need to know you first. But you have to tell us some things. You have to open up." Zelo said after a moment’s silence. I exhaled deeply. He did have a point. If I was going to live with them, they needed to know me first.


"Fine, but promise you won't laugh?" I asked the whole group. They shook their heads and turned to me. I took a deep breathe, and with my sister's help, I recalled everything about me. I told them everything that happened in the present. But not what happened in the past, it was too embarrassing to admit. Yet.


"So, we now know the real Minhwa," Jongup said after I finished narrating my life.


"And...I'm sorry I acted like a jerk before. I'm sorry Himchan, for being a stuck up girl for no reason. I'm sorry to all. I hope I can still call myself a Baby after this." I let out a hollow laugh.


"We forgive you, Minhwa. All of us now are a family," Himchan was the one who spoke first. My eyes teared up at what he said. I leaned forward and back hugged him, since he was in front of me.


"Can she be this nice all the time?" Daehyun complained.


"You just ruined the moment, doofus," Jaehwa snapped. I actually laughed at the personality change. I'm suddenly saying sorry and she finally getting mad. 


"Well, since Minhwa and Himchan made their peace, we ARE a family now. You can call us Oppa, well, except for Zelo who's your age. Just call him Zelo. That's it really," Yongguk finalized.


"I have one more question. I only saw your mom, where's your dad?" Youngjae asked. I looked down at the floor.


"He left," was what I said. I sighed and tried to steer the conversation away.


"So, where's your dorm?" I asked curiously.


"We're not going to outer space, right?" I joked lamely.


"Hey! Look who has a fun side!" Himchan said sarcastically.


"Yah! DO YOU WANT YOUR FUN SIDE RIPPED RIGHT OFF YOUR EGO?!" I asked loudly, imitating what I said. Himchan backed off a little bit, looking frightened. I laughed at his expression. It was beyond priceless.


"Yah! I thought we made peace already," Himchan grumbled as the others patted him sympathetically.


"Yes. But it doesn't mean I can troll you whenever I want." I smiled evilly.


"She means it," Jaehwa said, chuckling.


"Again, where's your dorm?" Jaehwa asked.


"We're near," Zelo answered, pointing at the brown building right in front of us.


"Why would no one answer us?" I and my sister said in unison.


"Because. Fans are not allowed to know," Jongup explained. I rolled my eyes. So I was not allowed to know the address but I was allowed to sleep inside that building. Great. Youngjae noticed how I calculated all of it.


"Sorry," he apologized, grinning. I imitated his smile; I was mocking him of course.


We piled out of the van and went to the trunk to get Jaehwa and my suitcase. Yongguk helped Jaehwa as the others continued inside the building. I tried to lug the suitcase out of the van, but since I didn't know how heavy it was, it fell on my foot. I didn't scream, but started hopping like it's my dearest hobby. Zelo noticed me hopping, and went over.


"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly, looking at my feet and at my face.


"No. I'm perfectly fine," I growled sarcastically. Zelo snorted and grabbed hold of the suitcase handle.


"Stay here. I'll put this inside and I'll come and get you," Zelo instructed. I scoffed as he went inside my house, suitcase in hand. I tried walking, but immediate pain sprang from my feet. I stood there, leaning on my left side since my right foot got hurt. I crossed my arms and waited for my knight and shining- I mean the ramen headed blonde boy. He came back, looking smug.


"What?" I asked harshly.


"It's good to see you defenseless and powerless sometimes," he teased. I tried to take a step forward to hit him in the shoulder, but fell over. Well, almost. Zelo held me up. He righted me as I looked away from him.


"Can't stand getting your pride hurt?" he asked in a mock voice. I still didn't answer him.


"Fine." Zelo turned his back and went to the house. I almost called out to him when my pride got in the way. Fine, if he doesn't want to help me, I'm okay. I'll do it myself. The sun was lowering from the horizons, after a few hours, it would be night. 


I tried limping, but I only got about 2 inches before I fell on the ground. I tried crawling, but thoughts on what I would put my hand on stopped me from crawling. So I tried limping and crawling at the same time. I yelled in frustration and mustered up the courage to stand up. I took a deep breathe and started to run.


"Well I know one thing. I'm never going to do that ever again," I hissed to myself. An hour passed and it was already night. Great. I might get hit by a car here in the middle of the road.


"So this is how I'm going to die?!" I asked loudly to myself.


After a few minutes more, I knew I'll spend the night here. I was about to debate if I should sleep here or crawl back to the side of the road when I heard footsteps. Even though I was incapable of standing up, I readied my defenses. I held my arms out in a boxing position. Then I realized the human figure walking towards me. It's Ramen Head. I lowered my hands.


"What are you doing here?" I asked irritatedly. He bent down and looked me in the eye. He knew who was stronger at the moment.


"I'm here to save you. And to hurt your pride. So, do you want to sleep in a comfortable bed, or do you want to sleep here in the middle of the road?" he asked, knowing I would choose the first choice.


I snarled. I HATED this.


"How the hell are you going to get me inside the dorm?" I asked harshly.


"I'm going to carry you," he replied back simply.


"Fine," I agreed. I only did it because I really wanted to sleep in the comfortable bed. He bent down in a sitting position so I could climb on. I climbed on his back and clung to his shoulders. He hooked my legs on his arms so I won't fall off. He stood up fast and started walking. He was incredibly tall.


"Ugh, what did you eat? Bricks?" he asked as he groaned for emphasis. I rolled my eyes.


"Yeah, haha. Very funny Mr. Joker. You should open a comedy bar and make lifeless souls laugh again," I responded, maybe a little bit weirdly. Surprisingly, he chuckled.


"You have a weird sense of humor," he commented. Even though I can't see it because of the darkness and because I'm behind him, I can feel him smiling.


"So I have been told," I replied slyly. We reached the door. I reach down so I could twist the doorknob. Zelo took off his shoes first, and then took off mine. I was a bit surprised since he could have set me down there and I could have taken my shoes off by myself.


Nevertheless, I was thankful. He stepped inside and guided me to the room which would be mine and Jaehwa's. I twisted the doorknob to find two beds and Jaehwa sitting on one of them, listening to music and reading a book.


"Oh hi! Er, are you okay Minhwa?" Jaehwa asked suspiciously.


"I think my foot hurts because I dropped a suitcase on it," I replied, looking at my right foot. Zelo set me gently on the bed. Again, he could have dropped me, but no. I gave him a look of deep suspicion but he ignored it. He took off my converse and socks to examine my foot. 


It was bruised, like black and blue bruised.


"It will heal after a few weeks. I'll go and get the first aid kit," Zelo said, as he furrowed his eyebrows on my foot, concentrating. He stood up and exited the room. Almost after he step foot out of the room, Jaehwa was at my side. I told her about how I dropped the suitcase and Zelo helping me.


"So, Zelo actually helped you?" she asked curiously. I nodded.


"Ramen Head was good after all," I commented. Just then, Zelo went in, followed by Jongup. Jongup put a bandage on my foot. Zelo stood at the side, watching quietly.


"It will heal, don't worry." Jongup patted my foot.


"Thank you, for caring," I said, looking at Jongup then at Zelo.


"It's fine. You are our family now." Jongup smiled and pecked my forehead. I didn't feel very awkward after that. Jongup is my big brother already. He went out of the room and only the three of us were left.


"Thanks, Ramen Head." I said, smiling slightly. Zelo went over and patted my head.


"We're the same age," I stated, knowing that he wanted to act older. He bent down beside my ear.


"But I saved your life," he teased. He pulled away.


"Goodnight," he called out to me and Jaehwa.


"Goodnight," we said in unison. Zelo turned off the light and closed the door.


"Jaehwa?" I asked after a moment.


"Yes, Min?" She answered.


"Do you think we chose the right decision on living with them?" I asked worriedly.


"I know we did," Jaehwa said in content. I smiled and turned over, slipping into my dreams. 

Chapter 4 is up! :)

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?