
I Was Completely Okay... Until I Met the Choi Brothers



"Okay, don't freak out." CL said as we walked into the school the next day.
"Freak out about what?" I asked, confused.
"Top is going to ask you to the dance today. And Siwon. And Minho."
"What?!" I screeched, stopping in my path.
"I told you not to freak out!" CL exclaimed.
"Uh, that calls for freaking out! What do I do?"
"You hide from them." CL said quickly.
"How?" I scanned the school.
"Let's get your books. I have it all planned out."
As we walked, I looked at CL. "Wait, what was I supposed to expect today?"
"Oh, that's later." CL waved me off. "Right now, we need you to avoid the Chois."
We got to my locker, and Daesung was waiting. CL spoke to him. "Go straight to class. Don't stop." 
Daesung nodded. I handed my books to him, and we walked to class. I thought I heard someone say my name, but I didn't look back.
"Why don't you guys want them to ask me?" I sighed as we sat down in class.
"Because that would cause a lot of problems." Daesung told me. "And we don't want you to say yes to the wrong person."
"So you guys do want me to be with one of them." I confirmed.
"We just want you to want to be with the right guy. And we don't think you can chose that yet."
"What am I supposed to do?" I asked CL and Minzy nervously, constantly glancing at the entrance to the Biology 2 room.
"Uh.... I dont know..." CL said nervously, looking in the same direction.
We saw TOP come in, and his eyes landed on mine as he headed towards his spot next to me.
"Help!" I squeaked to the girls behind me.
CL jumped into action. "Uh, I think my vision is bad today. I need to sit a seat up." she said loudly, grabbing her books and sliding into TOP's seat right before he could.
"Uh, CL? That's my spot." TOP said.
"Uh... Oppa! Come here! I'm making a new rap and I want your advice!" Minzy said, scooting over to CL's spot.
"Okay?" TOP said, confused. He looked at me and smiled softly. "I need to talk to you later, okay?"
I bit my lip and nodded slowly. "Mm-hmm."
He sat in Minzy's old seat, and I groaned softly and put my head on the table.
CL patted my shoulder. "Five more hours, Emma. Five more hours."
And here came the most dreaded hour I was not looking forward to: Lunch.
I got my food, and walked into the cafeteria. I looked around. 
Immediately, I felt Minho, Siwon, and TOP looking at me. The YG table was clearly not an option.
I sighed and walked over to an empty round table. I set my apple and water on the table, and put my face in my hands. This was too much. Why couldn't I just say yes to the first one to approach me?
I glanced up. I saw Siwon tap Shindong on the shoulder, then stand up with his tray. Oh my God, he was headed my way!
I looked around and my heart stopped. Minho and TOP were doing the same exact thing.
CL saw this, and pushed Minzy and Dara off the bench table. Them, along with Bom and Daesung, ran over to me.
Right before all three Chois approached me, CL and Minzy sat on either side of me. Siwon tried stepping to another spot, and Bom occupied that seat. TOP tried sitting across from me, and Daesung managed to sit there. Dara sat down before Minho could, too.
"Uh, Emma? Can I ask you something?" Minho spoke first.
"Emma, what do you think about this theory for our new Biology project?" CL interrupted , pushing an open notebook in front of me. On the page was written: Get Out Now!
"Uh... I need to go use the bathroom." I said quickly, standing, grabbing my crutches, and leaving for the bathroom quickly.
I walked in, and leaned against the counter of sinks and looked in the mirror. My heart rate was super high, and I didn't know what to do. And what was CL's marvelous idea about getting me a date?
I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom. I would just go to computer design class early today.
I started down the hall, and I heard someone call my name. "Emma!"
I froze. Oh no.
Again, I heard another voice. "Emma, wait up!"
I was motionless as the three Choi brothers were approaching me from the left, right, and in front of me. I was trapped!
What was I supposed to do in this situation?
"Go now!" I heard CL shout from the other end of the hall. I looked down that way, and she pushed Daesung forward. He was holding something.
Daesung (literally) sprinted over to me, sliding past Siwon. Just before all three brothers cornered me, Daesung stepped in front of TOP. He was holding a bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear. He smiled and flipped his blond hair out of his eyes. "Hey, Emma!"
"Daesung." I nodded slowly, confused by the gifts.
Daesung continued, all three Choi brothers watching. "So, we're pretty good friends, I'd say. And I know you're under a lot of stress and pressure. And, I mean, come on, finding a date to the dance has to be difficult. So, would you go to he dance with me? As friends? I think it'd be a lot of fun." Daesung said at lighting fast speed.
"What?!" TOP growled. He barked something at Daesung in Korean. 
Daesung bit his lip innocently and looked at me.
I took a deep breath. "Well... Since you were the first to officially ask me.... Yes, Daesung. I would love to go to the dance with you." I smiled.
"What? Emma, you can't be serious. I was about to--" Siwon started. 
I put my hand up to stop him. "Dae got here first. I'll save a dance for you, Siwon."
Daesung smiled brightly and handed me the flowers and teddy bear. "This is so great. It's going to be a lot of fun."
"Wait, so now I have to go with Bom, don't I?" TOP sneered, clearly angry.
"What?! No!!" Bom screeched on the other side of the hall, overhearing this.
The bell rang, thank God.
"You need help with your books, Emma?" Siwon asked. "I can walk you to class."
"CL has them. But thanks for the offer."
As TOP and Siwon left, Minho looked at me. "Still not gonna give up, Emma." he winked and left.
I looked at Daesung. "You were serious, right? We're going to the dance together?"
Daesung nodded. "Of course. I think you would be the most fun date ever. I've been thinking about asking you anyway. As friends. Definitely as friends."
I nodded. "Yeah." I hugged Daesung. "Thank you so much for helping me out with this." I let go of him. "Is Top mad at you now?"
Daesung shrugged. "Well, he did say, 'How dare you betray me and ask her, you conniving bastard.' But I think he'll turn around." 
My eyes widened. "Wow."


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CrayOnVIP #1
Chapter 62: Aww, the epiloge is so sweet.
Chapter 34: Im not talking about this chappie but till this extent..... from reading this story, id really like your method of writing. Maybe if I could co author your tories. But I dont know anything about YG groups and most of all.. I only know SHINee and SNSD aka Girls generation... so if you are writing stories with them as main charecters ill be glad to co author those!!!
qiqisone #3
Chapter 62: Omg! I actually cried... yes im an emotional reader but hey i like it though :)
taeyangsfuturewife #4
this was such a good read :)
Chapter 62: Whelp. I haven't been on Asianfanfics for so long, but now I finish up what is actually one of my favorite fics on this site. Thank you. Great way of ending it. Keep writing okay? -A fan
Chapter 62: so you manage to caught me with this story coz i read it in one go... and i love it, 1st u manage to.put ALL my bias as a love interest (except se7en but lol)... my friends tease me calling me Ms Choi for them being my bias... but u ended up pairing with my number one, my ultimate and i love u.for.that author-nim
Ok leaving the fangirl on the side, i trully liked how you kept giving turns on the story, it didnt felt rushed and the pace was perfect. You describe the scenes and the characters emotions so well that you could truly feel it, im happy you decide.to share this story, keep it up :D
I love it. it's great.
sinaelee99 #8
Chapter 62: I can die happily now. <3