First Impression

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
“What? We’re out of kimchi?” Yoochun asked as he shuffled through the contents of the fridge, finding nothing that looks like kimchi there.

“Weird.” Yunho said. “You call yourselves Koreans but you don’t even have kimchi at home.”

“Whatever, hyung. Just do us all a favor and shut up” Yoochun said half-jokingly. Yunho only snickered.

A beep was heard from his pocket. Yunho took out his phone and read the text message.

Yunho-ah, come here now. You have another appointment coming up at one hour sharp.

“Aish.” Yunho grunted as he placed the phone angrily back in his pocket.

“What’s up, Hyung?” Changmin asked, noticing the crease lines suddenly visible on his hyung’s forehead.

“Nothing. Family meeting.” Yunho muttered. “Yah, guys! I’m going.”

The other three looked at him looking like they had expected this.

“What, another date?” Jaejoong joked.

“I only wish.” Yunho said in disdain. “Family business.”

Yunho then walked out of the kitchen, not before flashing his signature smirk at the other four.


“Finally!” Syae Ri exclaimed as soon as Seun Yoo entered her room.

“Whatever, unnie!” Seun Yoo said as she rolled her eyes. “Like you’re not used to me yet.”

Syae Ri chuckled. “Fine, fine. What took you so long this time?”

“I almost forgot about it.” Seun Yoo said as she smiled apologetically.

“You always do.” Ji Soo butted in. Seun Yoo glared at her.

“Yah, you guys want something to eat?” Syae Ri asked and the other two nodded. “I’ll go get some food. Be right back.”

Syae Ri got downstairs and sprinted across the hallway into the kitchen. There, she was greeted by four guys.

“Oppa!” she said to the guy kneeling in front of the fridge, frantically searching for its contents. “What are you doing there?”

“Where’s the kimchi?” Yoochun asked. “Is there no more kimchi left?”

“No more. Mom and dad finished it yesterday.”

“Oh…” Yoochun said as he stood up. “Well then, I guess I have to buy.”

Yoochun moved towards his wallet at the counter near the sink. Syae Ri then went to the front of the fridge and saw that there was not much there.

“Oppa,” she said. “Since you’re going out, could you buy us some kimbap?”

“Sure.” Yoochun said.

“Kumawo.” Syae Ri said as she closed the door of the fridge.

“Yah, Jaejoong-hyung.” Yoochun said as he faced his friend. He used his thumb to point out.

Jaejoong got the message and nodded. He got up and went beside Yoochun.

“We’ll be back, just stay put.” Yoochun ordered to the two other guys left at the kitchen. He and Jaejoong soon went out of the house.

Syae Ri felt an eerie silence envelope the whole kitchen. She looked around and saw she was alone with two guys. One guy was looking out the window while the other, shorter guy kept moving his eyes around. There were moments that his eyes landed on her but when he saw that she was looking at him they instantly look elsewhere.


Junsu was stunned when the girl entered the kitchen. He had seen her earlier but this was the only time he got a better look at her. She was rather short and had short hair that falls just around her shoulders. When she talked to her stepbrother, Junsu noticed that she had a cute voice, one that he wouldn’t mind listening to over and over again. And, last but not the least, he had noticed her smile. For some reason, he felt a little bit weak when she smiled but he wasn’t bothered by it for one bit. She had a sweet smile and Junsu felt like he was on a cloud just by seeing it.

One thing was obvious: Junsu was attracted to this girl. He knew it and can’t help but to keep his eyes off of her. But now that Yoochun had left, her eyes wandered and she had noticed what he was doing. Junsu quickly averted his eyes away from her and went around the room, only to land his gaze back to her again.


“Yah!” Seun Yoo said as she poked her head in the kitchen, startling the people there. Ji Soo also poked her head and this made one of the guys there shocked. He was about to fall in his seat but then he quickly caught himself and went back to staring at the window. Ji Soo looked at the guy curiously but then returned her gaze back to Syae Ri.

“Oh, Ji Soo, Seun Yoo.” Syae Ri said, looking relieved at their presence.

“Where are the others?” Ji Soo asked as they went in the kitchen and she sat down near her brother.

“Yoochun oppa and Jaejoong-sshi went out to buy food.” Syae Ri replied, also sitting down but as far away from the weird guy as possible. Seun Yoo sat next to her.

“Yah, oppa!” Ji Soo said as she nudged her brother on the rib. “Why are you so quiet?”

Junsu sat up straight and forced a chuckle. “Quiet? Who me? I’m not being quiet!”

“Yah, sunbae!” Seun Yoo said. “Let me rephrase what unnie said. You’re not being quiet. You’re being weird.”

Junsu looked at her crossly and she stuck out her tongue in response. Junsu’s eyes suddenly landed on the girl next to Seun Yoo again and felt his cheeks go red. He instantly looked away.

“Oh, yeah.” Ji Soo said, realizing something. “Oppa, by the way, this is Syae Ri-unnie. I don’t believe you met her yet, have you? Unnie, this is Junsu-oppa.”

She motioned a hand towards where Syae Ri was sitting. Junsu looked at her, half-hesitantly and half-enthusiastically.

“A-annyeonghaseyo?” he greeted. Omo! I’m stuttering, he thought to himself as he heard his voice break a little.

“Annyeonghaseyo.” Syae Ri said simply and with a blank expression on.

Junsu was feeling funny-weird. He looked around for something to save him. He then saw Changmin sitting in a corner.

“Oh, and you haven’t met Changmin yet, have you?” Junsu asked his dongsaeng as he pointed to the guy looking out the window. Changmin turned around as soon as he heard his name. Ji Soo nodded.

“Yah! Come over here, will you?” Junsu ordered.

Changmin slowly walked near the table and sat a seat away from Junsu.

“Changmin, Ji Soo. Ji Soo, Changmin.”

“Annyeong.” Ji Soo said shyly.

“Annyeong.” Changmin replied with a smile.

His mismatched eyes immediately caught her attention and she couldn’t help but to smile at it. Cute, she thought to herself.

“And her friends.” Junsu said as he motioned a hand to the two other girls.

Changmin only nodded, his gaze still on Ji Soo. Syae Ri just ignored Junsu while Seun Yoo stuck her tongue out to him again.

“Yah! We have names, you know!” she said.

But Junsu didn’t hear it. He was thinking deeply to himself. Syae Ri seems rather cold towards him and he was, for some reason, deeply bothered by it.


Syae Ri ignored whatever the squeaky-voiced guy said. He annoyed her. First because of how he was looking at her earlier. It was creepy. And second, he had this annoying high pitched voice that sounds like a sneaker being rubbed on the floor. It was irritating. He was completely unlike his sister.

I need to stay away from this guy as much as possible, she said to herself.

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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