The Aggressive, Mischievous Heart

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
“Yah, Da Hae-ah.” Syae Ri asked as she gave her friend a nudge. “Are you okay? You’ve been smiling to yourself like an idiot for quite a while now and, quite frankly, it gives me the creeps.”

Syae Ri mocked a shudder, making the younger girl scowl at her.

“So not!” Da Hae retorted as she let out a wide smile she couldn’t suppress, contradicting what she had just said. She couldn’t stop thinking about Jaejoong.

“Aish. Whatever. You’re really acting weird. And why do we even need to buy Jun Hae a stuffed toy now? Her birthday isn’t until, what, next week or so?”

“Aish, unnie. I told you, Jun Hae did something for me yesterday. This is sort of a thank you for her.” Da Hae said as she picked a stuffed bunny holding a carrot.

“And what kind of ‘something’ was that?” Syae Ri said suspiciously as she took a stuffed bear and curiously held it up in front of her.

“She… uhm… let me of the hook. Yeah, because of her, umma didn’t get mad at me.”

Da Hae slightly bit her tongue, hoping that Syae Ri wouldn’t see through that little lie.

The older girl raised an eyebrow, curious at the lack of details. Da Hae usually tells her stories fully… always. “Fine. Whatever.”

Da Hae smiled, took the stuffed bear Syae Ri was holding and looked at it closely. “Hmm… this is cute. I think she will like this.”

She looked at Syae Ri for a reaction: a nod. Da Hae then proceeded to the cashier and paid for the toy. She took another glance at Syae Ri. She still had her eyebrow raised. Da Hae sighed. The words Jaejoong uttered to her last night re-played in her mind for the 4598126318423rd time:

“A secret… We’ll just keep it a secret then.”


Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Seun Yoo breathed in and out in an inconspicuous manner so as not to attract attention from the getting-more-attractive-by-the-second guy sitting beside her. Yoochun was happily retelling his favorite scene in the Naruto manga he was holding. Seun Yoo, of course, already knew what had happened but she still couldn’t help but to absorb his every word. She paused when he paused. She laughed when he laughed. She smiled when he smiled. Seun Yoo felt defenseless against his charm.

“Wow… it’s already late?” Yoochun said in query as he looked outside his window to see the orange-yellow hue of the sky sinking down, slowly being replaced by a darker blue.

“Really?” Seun Yoo asked, surprised that time went by that fast. “Oh… I, uh, better get going then.”

There was a hint of disappointment in her voice and Yoochun didn’t miss that. He suddenly felt happy at the prospect that this girl was also enjoying his company, like he was with hers. He smiled widely.

“You could come back another time.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Seun Yoo said with a wide smile.

She went on to the door but then turned around again, suddenly thinking of borrowing at least one volume of manga. Seun Yoo’s movement was sudden and Yoochun, who was following just behind her, wasn’t expecting it. She instantly bumped into him, her face crashing just against his chest.

“Omo! Mianheyo.” She quickly said.

“Kwaenchanna. Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m okay.” She said as she started giggling at her own silliness.

He chuckled with her. “You should be careful. What were you doing, by the way? Did you forget something?”

Seun Yoo looked up and saw Yoochun’s face closer than ever. Her heart beat frantically while her cheeks turned into a rosy shade.

“Uh…” she muttered as she looked down. “Yeah… I was just to ask you if I could borrow at least one volume, either Bleach or Naruto.”

He chuckled again. “Ahh... I told you before you could, right? Just pick.”

“Oh… okay then.”

Seun Yoo waited for Yoochun to move so that she can pass but he didn’t. Half-wanting and half-hating to do it, she looked up at him.

“Uhm, Yoochun-sshi?”

Yoochun couldn’t answer. He breathed heavily, taking her scent in. She was so close to him and he didn’t want her to move away any time soon.

“Yoochun-sshi?” she asked again, softer this time.

He didn’t answer again. Yoochun looked at her every feature intently, from her sparkling eyes to her soft supple lips. He suddenly had an inclination of finding out what they taste like. Slowly, inch by inch, moment by moment, he leaned in closer until he finally got close enough. Yoochun pressed his lips gently onto Seun Yoo’s, planting one simple yet sweet kiss. They were sweeter than he had thought. Then…

Yoochun suddenly pulled back, realizing how shocking this moment might be for Seun Yoo. He looked at her reaction: she was blinking her eyes quicker than normal, clearly disoriented by what Yoochun had done.

“Uhm…” Yoochun started. “M-mianheyo.”

“K-kwaench-channayo.” Seun Yoo muttered softly. Her brain still couldn’t fully process that her first kiss had just happened while the beat of her heart continued to pulsate loudly throughout her whole body.

Yoochun couldn’t move. Seun Yoo couldn’t move. Both were planted on their spots, both wanting and hating to move.

“Uh… the mangas?” Yoochun said, trying to break the ice.

“Oh, yeah.” Seun Yoo nodded.

Yoochun tried to move but his feet felt heavy. They seem like they wanted to just be rooted on this particular part of the floor.

“Uhmmm?” Seun Yoo mumbled, trying to remind him that he should move.

Yoochun smiled apologetically then started to chuckle. Seun Yoo chuckled with him. They smiled at each other like what they had done felt silly to them.

“Okay, I’ll move now.” Yoochun said as he moved… only one step back.

Seun Yoo moved forward and waited for the next steps that never came. She looked at Yoochun who only gazed down at her. Both chuckled at what they were doing, ending it with their eyes gazing silently upon each other. Seun Yoo heaved out a sigh and scrutinized the beautiful guy in front of him. His black hair was attractively messy; his brown eyes sparkled as they look directly at her; his lips look luscious as they curved into that sweet smile. She just couldn’t resist…

Seun Yoo placed both of her hands on his cheeks and pulled him in closer while she moved forward. Their lips met. She kissed him with more fervor and more want than his earlier kiss. Yoochun smiled against her lips. He breathed in more deeply and kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in a tight embrace.

Both of them were thinking the same thing: this was WAY addicting than manga.

Comments are loved! :D
was it totally cheesy? i think it was. LOL.

btw, another fanfic (just can't stop my brain from thinking story lines... a supposed to be one-shot though i think there would be more chaps. lol.):
Just Another Cinderella Story
--- dedicated to Jaejee ^_^

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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