Jealousy is just a word

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
A/N: Chapter dedicated to Jaejee ^^

Changmin pouted at the bookshelf in front of him. It has been weeks since Ji Soo last set foot in this bookstore—her favorite one as she had mention one time to him—but ever since he did that (stupid) thing he did, she never appeared through the door again.

“And I’m the reason.” Changmin mumbled to himself irately. “Ugghhhh…”

The front door opened. Like always, Changmin automatically turned his head towards it and expected that long-haired girl going through. But every time he does so he gets disappointed. This time was no different. A guy with neat and shiny black hair and perfect almond shaped eyes entered. Changmin shook his head but then turned towards the guy again.

“I knew it!” he thought to himself as he finally got a better view of the guy’s face. He was the same guy who was with Ji Soo at the park the other day. “The stupid ice cream bastard… Ji Soo’s boyfriend?”

Changmin shook the thought away from his head and averted his eyes away from the guy.

“Pssshhh… He’s not that good-looking. He’s shorter than me and his eyes actually look like a girl’s.” Changmin thought darkly. “He’s not so perfect. Psh. I know I’m better at him at… well, stuff.”

Changmin’s thoughts were interrupted by a ring tone and a smooth voice answering it.


Changmin turned his head and saw that it was the guy earlier.

“Jagiya!” the guy said with a huge smile on his face.

“Omo! That’s not Ji Soo, is it?” Changmin thought worriedly.

He now watched and listened intently for some small clue that might confirm his suspicions.

“Uhm, well, I’m at a bookstore.” The guy answered looking like an actor doing a monologue.

“No. I’m actually looking for a book to help a friend out. She’s actually hopeless at her love life and I’m doing everything I can to put some sense into her head.”

The guy chuckled. “Yeah. You’re right. That’s her.

“Yeah. Oh, okay then. I’ll just call you later. I also should be getting back now. And I don’t want Ji Soo ever finding out about this too soon. She’s known to do some drastic things when she’s mad… Well, believe me, that girl can get crazy…. Okay, see you later. I’ll pick you up… Yeah… Love you. Bye.”

Changmin’s head was filled with thoughts… Ji Soo… That guy… the phone call… Another girl… Kept secret to Ji Soo…. Changmin instantly went red hot with anger as soon as he put two and two together. He may not be in a position to be angry but this guy was two-timing Ji Soo! Just the mere idea of it could already make Changmin filled with rage, what more now that he found out that what’s actually happening.

Exhaling air out of his nose like a bull, Changmin stood up and marched towards the bookshelf where the bastard was.

“Yah!” he said angrily.

The guy turned around and recognition came to his eyes. “Hey! I know you. You’re—”

But before the guy could finish his sentence, Changmin’s fist suddenly came out of nowhere and harshly collided with the guy’s face.


“Mianhe…” Changmin bowed down again to the guy. “Mianhe, Yesung-sshi, I really had no idea that—”

“That you misunderstood my real relationship with Ji Soo?” Yesung finished for him in an amusing tone as he pressed another tissue on his nose. He then took it off and saw that there was no more blood. His nose wasn’t bleeding anymore.

“Mianhe…” Changmin repeated again for the umpteenth time. “I really thought you two were together. I didn’t really think that you’re his friend or anything like that. It’s stupid of me, I know.”

Yesung chuckled again and placed an arm on the younger guy’s shoulder. “Changmin-sshi, it’s okay. I can understand that love can do things to a person.”

Changmin looked at him, surprised. “L-Love?”

“Yeah. And it’s clear that you’re very much in love. Being jealous for no real reason at all can be considered as an evidence of it.”

“Oh, uhm… I guess it really is obvious, huh?” Changmin asked sheepishly.

“Aigoo. You two, really. You’re making things more complicated than it should be. Why can’t you guys just confess to each other so that we can get this over with?” Yesung asked, more to himself than to Changmin.

“Yesung-sshi, c-confess? What do you mean by that?”

The older guy grinned. “What do you think it means?”

“Changmin swallowed nervously before answering. “Are you saying that… Ji Soo has… she also has… feelings for me?”

Yesung nodded. “Yes. And you actually took this long to figure it out? Ji Soo told me you’re actually pretty smart. How’s that?”

“Uhm, Yesung-sshi, h-how can you be sure?” Changmin asked, worry and confusion etched on his face. “I mean, Ji Soo has either been ignoring or running away from me. You were even there when she, uhm, well, you know…. I’m actually starting to believe that she hates me.”

“She doesn’t.” Yesung stated matter-of-factly. His tone changed from amused to serious. “It’s far from hate, trust me…. Ji Soo’s just… scared.”

“Scared? How?”

“You’re a friend of her brother’s right? Junsu-ah?”

Changmin nodded.

“Then,” Yesung continued. “You know that their parents are divorced right?”

Changmin nodded again and had a feeling at where this was going.

“Well, that had affected all of them a lot, especially Ji Soo… I’m pretty sure that that’s what triggered her fear of relationships—if we put it like that... She’s actually scared… She doesn’t want to end up like her parents. I guess she doesn’t want her future kids to experience what she had experienced…”

Changmin sat silently for a moment… He now understood what Junsu had said then about Ji Soo agreeing to the vow… He now understood why she ran away that night and why she had kissed him back yet slapped him on the face for the 2nd attempt. It was all suddenly clear.

Comments are LOVED~!!!

Sorry for the late updates. I've been busy and I'll still be busy since our exams are coming. T____T

Gosh, I just reread the updates and found out that they . *cries*
Man! My writing keeps getting y... I wish it was already my summer break. -.-
Jaejee, sorry if this chapter isn't that much on jealousMin. kinda thought it was. T_T
I'll try better next time...
[End of rant...]

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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