Delivery with the words ‘I’m Sorry’

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
Junsu still couldn’t help smiling was wide as he can (if he can really make it two times wider than his face he would have but that was just humanly impossible). His smile was plastered on that blooming face ever since he arrived home yesterday afternoon up until now. The cause of this was, of course, Syae Ri. They walked on for a few minutes last night. It was in silence since he didn’t know what to say but Junsu still treasured it and considered it as their “first date”. Little did he know that Syae Ri let out a loud “Thank goodness” when he finally went to another street that led to their house.

Still, even if he got weird glances from his two sisters, Junsu was smiling. His WIDE smile only decreased a fraction of a millimeter in size only when Changmin called him in a somewhat frantic voice.

“Hyung! I need your help!” Changmin whined drastically when Junsu answered his phone.

“What? Do you need to go to the hospital or something?” an alarmed Junsu (still smiling) asked.

“Well, no… Uhm, hyung, can I ask you for a favor?”

Junsu sighed a little in relief (still smiling, people!) before answering back. “Uh, sure, I guess.”

“Okay, here it goes… Hyung, promise me that whatever happens you will not answer the door.”


“Don’t answer the door.”

“Uh… okay… And why?”

“Uh, whose there with you?”

“Just me, Ji Soo and Hee Soo. Umma’s still at work and won’t be here until tonight. Now please answer me, why???”

“In a minute… Hyung, whatever happens, stop Hee Soo and yourself from answering the door.”

“Okay, I promise as long as you tell me why.”

Changmin sighed. “I, well, uhm, PLANNED something… And it involves Ji Soo answering the door… So please, hyung, Ji Soo should be the one who answers the door… Please.”

“Ah, araso.” Junsu answered. He didn’t need to widen his smile (because it was already stretched enough as it is) to indicate he was happy and willing to do this request. It was about time for Ji Soo to be involved in something romantic after all. “Sure. I’ll do that.”

“Thanks, hyung! I owe you one.”

“You don’t need to owe me one. Just a promise.”

“What is it?”

“Take care of her.”

Changmin beamed. “I promise, hyung. I promise.”


The doorbell of the Kim house.

Hee Soo stood up and was about to head to the door when Junsu carried her up and dragged her to the couch.

“No, no no!” he whispered.

“Why?” Hee Soo asked, also in a whisper.

“I’ll explain later.”

Hee Soo raised an eyebrow but nodded anyway. The doorbell rang again and echoed throughout the house.

“Will nobody get that?” A rather irate Ji Soo asked from the second floor.

Junsu quickly dragged Hee Soo towards the kitchen then yelled back at his second sister.

“Ji Soo, will you get that?!”

“WHAT?!! Why not you or Hee Soo! You’re already there!”

“We’re, uh, busy… We’re doing something in the kitchen!”

“AISH!” Ji Soo frowned and grudgingly went downstairs.

The annoying sound of the doorbell rang again.

“Coming!” Ji Soo yelled before opening the front door then proceeding to open the gates.

“Delivery.” A chubby guy in a white uniform greeted Ji Soo. She returned his smile with only a curious look.

“Uhm, mianhe. You must be mistaken. We didn’t order anything.”

“Hmm? Are you Kim Ji Soo-sshi?”

Ji Soo looked more puzzled. “Uhm, yeah…”

“Then I’m not mistaken.” The guy declared. He held out a pen and a piece of paper. “Sign here please.”

Ji Soo was completely puzzled but signed anyway. The guy then pocketed the pen and paper and proceeded to get what he was there for. He took it and gave it to her.

Ji Soo was wide-eyed with shock as she stared at the huge gift in front of her. It was a huge adorable white teddy bear sitting neatly on a larger basket.

“Uhm, w-what’s that??”

“Your delivery.”

“But… But… But…”

“Please, take it.”

The delivery guy handed the basket to the stunned girl. She slowly took it then he went on his way.

Ji Soo kept blinking, uncertain if what she was seeing was real. Her eyes drifted to the cute toy. It was the huge whitish to cream colored teddy bear with a brown bow on his neck and a cute smile on his face. The sight was somehow familiar. Then it hit her. It was the exact same bear she had seen when she and Changmin went to buy a gift for his mom. It was also the biggest one she pointed to when he asked her what she liked.

“O-omo!” she uttered breathlessly.

Before she could react more, her eyes drifted to the sparkling blue stationery that was on the bear’s lap. A second or two passed before she finally got it.

“I’m sorry…”

It read. The two simple words were scrawled in the familiar handwriting.

Ji Soo’s heart skipped a beat as something Changmin had said to her then entered suddenly on her mind.

“…These kinds of gifts are symbols for the guy’s affection...”

She couldn’t understand why but, at that moment, Ji Soo felt like crying as her heart somehow felt like it just burst into life.

My ChangSoo bias is acting up again... lol.


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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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