Pure Innocence

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-

Ji Soo dashed downstairs and into the hallway. She was just near the door when-

“KIM JI SOO!” her mom yelled.

“Aish.” She muttered to herself as she turned away from the door. She saw her mother stand just near the staircase, clad in an apron over her clothes and gripping on a brush.

“Yes?” Ji Soo said, trying and failing to hide the annoyed tone in her voice.

“Clean the shoe rack and the closet will you?” her mother ordered.

“B-but, why can’t oppa or dongsaeng do it?” Ji Soo pleaded.

“Both of them left minutes ago. There’s no one else. It would only take you a second.” She said as she went back to the bathroom where she was cleaning.

Ji Soo let out a sigh as she took off her body bag and placed it aside. She first went to the shoe rack and started to clean it just like her neat freak of a mother asked her too.

After 30 minutes of cleaning (that was already rushed), Ji Soo hurriedly fixed herself up and left.

“I’m going.” She yelled before closing the door.

“Aigoo…” she muttered to herself as she walked down the street. Now my timed schedule for today is ruined, she thought.

After about ten minutes of walking she stopped. She let out a sigh of relief as she finally reached her destination. She walked into the bookstore with a smile and said a “sorry” in her head, hoping that it would somehow reach Syae Ri. Ji Soo will surely not come at her house on time later that day.


Kim Ji Soo is an 18 year old girl who was born as the middle child of a middle class family who was originally from the Gyeonggi-do province. They moved to Seoul when she was 8 and they had stayed there ever since. She has an older brother, Kim Junsu, who’s two years older than her, and a younger sister, Kim Hee Soo, who’s four years younger than her. Ji Soo is described as shy and timid, as opposed to her siblings who are more sociable. She spends most of her time inside the house or, more specifically, in her room, making her less known with the neighbors and with her family member’s friends. The only time Ji Soo goes out (besides school or errands asked by her mom) is when her friends ask her to or when she’s inclined to go to her favorite place- the bookstore.

Ji Soo simply loves books. She has a library in her room that houses all the books she had ever bought. For her, fiction is more interesting than her reality. This is one bad trait of hers she can never get out. Ji Soo also thinks books are more interesting than the “boys of reality”, as she called them. She had never personally met a guy that was close to her dream guys on her favorite books. To add to her already man-hating self, her parents (like Syae Ri’s) are also divorced, making her also traumatized with relationships. Her dad lives abroad and they seldom get in touch, which was fortunate for her because he, as she described her dad, is a stupid old man who couldn’t make decisions for himself. It was true, since he obeys his second wife more than he does his own free will.


Da Hae ran breathlessly through the crowded streets of Seoul. As she swerved into the corner she instantly saw the bus nearing the stop. She quickened her pace and made it just in time. Da Hae quickly got in and sat at the nearest available seat. She breathed out in relief as she wiped the sweat off he face using her sleeves.

She was going to make it to her choir practice just in time.


Woo Da Hae’s newly-turned 19-year old life of being “just an average looking girl” (as her relatives would call her) made it difficult for her. She had a younger sister who was bragged by every one else in the family to be the prettiest out of the three siblings. Her cousins were entered in every beauty pageant held in their town. Her close friends from church were also entered in those and they had hot guys drool over them everywhere they went. This made Da Hae feel deeply insecure. She wouldn’t admit it, of course, but it was apparent every time the word “beauty” was mentioned. But this was just Da Hae’s point of view.

If you ask every one of her close friends, they would all give you the exact same answer: Da Hae is one of the prettiest girls they’ve ever seen. Standing at 5’5 she was the tallest among her four other friends. She was slightly of medium build and has soft hair brown that falls gracefully behind her. Da Hae has deep set brown eyes and pouty lips. Her appeal may not be as powerful as Sae In’s, having an appeal that can be detected at a distance, but it was it was more apparent up close. Da Hae carried herself well in her own way, making her dongsaeng, Ji Soo, look up at her for this.


Seun Yoo had her eyes glued on the screen of her laptop for almost an hour now. She was intent on reading the new chapter of her favorite Naruto fanfic when her dad called her attention.

“Yah, Seun Yoo-ah.” Her dad said as he fixed his shirt in front of the mirror. “Aren’t you supposed to get ready? You’re going to Syae Ri’s house later right?”

“Omo!” She exclaimed as she remembered it just now. “Yeah, I am. Thanks for reminding me.”

Seun Yoo shut her laptop down and stood up. She hurriedly went to her bedroom and got some clothes out. Seun Yoo was in the bathroom the next second.

“Silly girl.” Seun Yoo’s dad muttered to himself as he watched his daughter dash all around the house. With a final tug at his shirt he opened the front door and went on his way to work.


Han Seun Yoo is the youngest among the five friends, being still 18 and was two months younger than the second youngest, Ji Soo.

Seun Yoo lives with her dad. Her mother had abandoned them when she was 12 and she didn’t talk about her ever since. Like her two unnies, Ji Soo and Syae Ri, this had affected her view on relationships and made her settle for the world of anime. Add the fact that the superficial boys in her class had always found her a bit weird, having smart remarks and absolutely no sense of fashion whatsoever.

Seun Yoo just ignores their comments. She knew she wasn’t as pretty as the others or that she can’t act like the stereotypical girl-next-door but she knew there was no point in acting like someone she’s not. Seun Yoo just moves and thinks like the way she is and she’s not afraid to show her individuality. This is why her friends consider her the wisest out of all of them despite her age.



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I've been busy.
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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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