
-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
Jaejoong’s solemn apartment greeted him as soon as he opened the door. He closed it behind him, flicked on the lights and headed to the couch. Jaejoong slumped miserably down on it. His apartment reflected what he was feeling right now: EMPTY.


“Yah!” Jaejoong angrily called out to Dong Hae before the latter could get a good distance away. Dong Hae slowly turned around. His face was cold and challenging as he stared at Jaejoong straight in the eye.

“What?” Dong Hae asked.

Jaejoong was getting more furious by the second. He hurriedly walked towards Dong Hae and punched him on the face. The latter was nearly thrown off balance but managed to catch himself.

“No one kisses my girl like that and gets away with it.” Jaejoong hissed.

Dong Hae chuckled as he stood up straight. Blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth but he quickly wiped it away with the back of his hand. Dong Hae looked at Jaejoong as if he hadn’t received a blow just a second earlier.

“You’re only a lucky bastard!” Dong Hae said, getting as furious as Jaejoong now. “But you won’t be as lucky. I’m the one that Da Hae needs. She doesn’t need you. No one in her family even knows you! She doesn’t even know you herself. You’re just a player. You’ll dump her and get a new girl! While I just be here for her.” He said threateningly though his voice was getting softer so that Da Hae couldn’t hear it.

Jaejoong was enraged. Not only because of this rival of his that seems to be too full of himself but also, the frustration of hiding the relationship for weeks was dawning on him. Jaejoong didn’t mind the secrecy at first but, as the days passed by, he got a little more irritated. He cannot hold Da Hae in public. He cannot hug her in public. He cannot kiss her in public. It was always in hiding. No one even knows they’re together. He was silently annoyed by the fact. But, now, every emotion that he kept hidden inside came bursting out.

Jaejoong snarled. His fist clenched tightly. He glared at Dong Hae. The latter took this chance and punched Jaejoong squarely on the jaw. Jaejoong took a few steps back but didn’t fall down. He stood up straight. Jaejoong was about to punch Dong Hae again but someone stopped him. Da Hae got hold of Jaejoong’s arm before it can collide with Dong Hae again.

“Jaejoong-oppa!” she said, crying. “Please, stop this!”

Jaejoong turned around. “What? Are you siding with him?” he asked, rather angrily as he misunderstood her action.

“Aniyo! You two don’t need to fight! This is childish!”

“Childish? Childish?” Jaejoong yelled. “Then what do you call what we’re doing? Always hiding all the time, always looking over our shoulders? Is that not childish?”

“What are you saying?!” Da Hae asked, crying more now.

“I’m saying I’m sick of it! I don’t like it that I can’t tell the others that I’m with you! I don’t like it that other guys can hit on you because they think you’re single! I don’t like it that you ACT like you’re still single! I don’t like it that we’re hiding it all because of some stupid promise!”

“You’re the one who suggested to hide it!”

“Only because I wanted to be with you! But I didn’t think it would be like this! You don’t know how frustrating this is for me! I’m really sick of this!”

Jaejoong had said it even before he could think. But he cannot take his words back anymore. They hit Da Hae like a large butcher knife. Tears were uncontrollably falling down her cheeks now. She looked at Jaejoong with sincere, sad eyes.

“You’re sick of it?” Da Hae asked, her voice soft and cracking. “Fine. I won’t let you be in this misery any longer. We’re over. Just imagine nothing had ever happened between us.”


“We’re over. Just imagine nothing had ever happened between us.”

The words echoed again and again throughout Jaejoong’s mind. Those words had hurt him but, he figured, it was not as much as he had hurt Da Hae.

“Pabo! I’m the biggest fool ever.” He said to himself. “Mianheyo…”

If only he had the power to turn back time.

If only he could take back what he said.

If only he had controlled his anger more.

If only he had thought of her…

But he couldn’t…

He didn’t…

Now Jaejoong had paid the ultimate price. Da Hae is no longer in his arms.

Yes, all the leading Kims in this story are now miserable... T_T

The fight scene here between Dong Hae and Jaejoong is dedicated to Jaejee since she wanted them to have a fight. :D

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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