The Wedding [Part iii]

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
Yoochun left as his father’s friends were now the ones having their pictures taken with the newly married couple. His eyes darted to their table but he found it empty. He found two of his friends sitting on the next table, deep in conversation. Then his eyes found someone. Among the people at that table, there was one girl who seemed left out. She just sat there, looking bored and was playing with her phone. He smiled.


Jaejoong couldn’t wait for a reply any longer. He stood up. Jaejoong gently grabbed Da Hae by the arm, made her stand up then dragged her to the dance floor just as a mellow tune began playing. She was shocked at this sudden movement but she felt weak at his touch. She couldn’t do anything but to follow.

Jaejoong guided Da Hae. He turned and made her face him, putting her arms around his neck. She grew more nervous with him so close like this. She kept her gaze down and tried, but failed, to ignore the sweet scent of Jaejoong’s perfume. Da Hae felt like she was being deprived of oxygen.


Seun Yoo watched as Jaejoong dragged Da Hae to the dance floor. She then shifted her gaze forward but found Ji Soo still immersed in a conversation about books with Changmin.

Aish. This is so boring. Seun Yoo thought.

She scanned the whole reception hall but couldn’t find Syae Ri and Sae In. Seun Yoo let out a frustrated sigh as she slumped on her seat.

“Bored?” a baritone voice said beside her.

Seun Yoo turned towards where the sing-song voice came from and saw Yoochun pulling the chair beside her and sitting down on it.

“A little.” She said as she placed her phone on the table.

Yoochun chuckled as he saw the Naruto and Ichigo key chain figures accessorizing her phone. He took them into his palm and smiled at Seun Yoo.

“You’re also a fan of Naruto and Bleach?”

“Of course.” Seun Yoo said, finally smiling widely. “They rock!”

“You know, I collect their manga.” Yoochun lightly bragged.

“No way! Really?” Seun Yoo asked excitedly. She looked like she was jumping as she sat up.

“Yup. I have the volumes of Bleach from the first one to the latest while I have most of the volumes of Naruto though there are some missing ones.”

“Lucky you! I only have a few volumes.”

Yoochun chuckled. “I’d lend them to you sometime.”

“Really? You wouldn’t mind?”

“Of course not. Just as long as you come to the house.”

“Wow. Thanks!”

Seun Yoo smiled and Yoochun returned it. He was excited that he finally had something in common with this girl. And the idea of her coming to his house every once in a while just made his heart sing.


Jaejoong chuckled as he was facing almost the top of Da Hae’s hair. He took her by the chin and made her face him.

Da Hae’s heart felt like bursting. She tried to look away from Jaejoong’s soft brown eyes but the latter didn’t let her.

“Yah!” Jaejoong said softly and somehow it sent shivers down Da Hae’s spine. “We’ll look ridiculous if you keep looking down and making me face your hair.”

“O-oh… S-sorry.” Da Hae said, almost breathless.

Jaejoong smiled sweetly and more widely as he and Da Hae swayed slowly with the tune. His heart was secretly on over drive in his chest. He was sure he had never felt like this with any other girl before.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Uh-huh.” Da Hae replied softly as she nodded. She tried but failed to hide how nervous she was feeling. Jaejoong thought she absolutely looked cute at this. He chuckled lightly. Da Hae felt a little embarrassed, thinking she did something funny. She looked away but then Jaejoong took her by the chin again and made her face him.

“Nuh-uh.” He said.

“B-but you were laughing. Did I do something funny?” Da Hae asked nervously.

“Nope. You just look cute.”

Da Hae felt her cheeks go hot at these words. She made no reply and tried to avert her eyes away from him.

Jaejoong smiled as he studied the features in front of him. Da Hae looked more beautiful up-close. His eyes went from her gentle brown ones to her soft-looking lips. They were glittering, having strawberry lips gloss on them. Jaejoong’s heart went even more berserk as he suddenly had the urge to kiss them. He tried not to, but with her so close to him like this…


Da Hae – though trying hard not to – found herself looking at Jaejoong again. He was looking at her intently and she couldn’t explain what she was feeling. She was breathing heavily, nervous as hell, but she didn’t want this scene to end any time soon.

Da Hae tried to take a breath but she noticed Jaejoong was moving in closer to her. Millimeter by millimeter their faces were getting closer and closer. Da Hae’s heart was beating faster and faster as she felt his breathing almost on her face. She fought the urge to close her eyes but found it very hard to do so.

Jaejoong leaned in, his nose now touching her nose. He was about to lean in to press his lips against hers but then an elbow grazed his back. Jaejoong retreated, realizing that they were in a crowd and there were other people there. He moved to the left then cleared his throat, wishing they were someplace else, someplace where they could just be alone…

Da Hae’s eyes were almost closed when Jaejoong moved suddenly. She opened them widely and felt her face flushed, half-contented that what was about to happened didn’t happen and half-regretful that it didn’t.

She cleared at the same time Jaejoong did.

Da Hae felt an awkward air wrap around the two of them.


Sae In’s cheeks were red as she talked about anything and everything with Yunho. He seemed to take her every word in. He listened to her intently, making Sae In like Yunho more.

She was smiling widely the whole time they were together. She even had to suppress a squeal as he placed his arms over her shoulders while they went inside. Sae In was sure she liked this guy.


Junsu was leaning in, hoping to press his lips against Syae Ri’s but then a sharp pain stabbed through his head.

“Aaiishh!” he exclaimed as his head throbbed painfully. It took him a few moments to let a little of the pain subside.

Junsu looked around but didn’t find Syae Ri there. He went inside the hall. He did find her but the scene in front of him felt more painful than the pain throbbing on his head.


Syae Ri watched as Junsu closed his eyes and started to move his face forward. She took a stone from the ground and hit him on the temple.

“Aaiisshh!” he let out as he backed away a few inches.

Syae Ri smirked and quickly went inside.

“Aish. I should be the one irritated. To be almost kissed by some weirdo. Aaarrgh!” she muttered irately to herself.

“Yah! Syae Ri-ah, you seem problematic.” A voice from behind her said.

She turned around and a wide smile quickly played on her lips. The guy in front of her was the closest thing to a “dream guy“ she ever had.

“KyuHyun-ah! You’re here!”

Cho KyuHyun, the son of her mother’s friend, beamed at her.

“ Of course I’m here. You looked problematic earlier. Anything wrong?”

“Oh no!” Syae Ri said, not wanting to think about Junsu. “Everything’s fine.”

KyuHyun chuckled and went beside Syae Ri, putting his arm over her shoulders.

“That’s good then. Congratuations, by the way!”

“Aww, thank you!”

Syae Ri hugged KyuHyun and he hugged back. She felt her heart beat a little faster at their interaction.

“No problem.” He said.

As son as they parted, Syae Ri saw Junsu from the corner of her eye. He was standing meters away from them and he was surely seeing her with KyuHyun.

“Syae Ri-ah!” a woman’s voice said, making Syae Ri forget about Junsu.

KyuHyun’s mother greeted her with a hug and insisted to take pictures of her with KyuHyun.


Junsu watched Syae Ri as she did sweet poses with a guy while someone took their picture. She was smiling brightly. It was a bittersweet scene for him. He liked seeing her smile but the reason behind this particular smile was hurtful. Junsu never saw this smile on her face whenever he was with her.

Junsu felt tears coming. He fought them back. He tried to smile as he watched the girl he liked be happy with someone else.

Sorry for the really late update! T_T
been busy these past few days bcoz of school... teehee...

by the way... who would you think will be the first one to BREAK the vow?

I'll give you your fave DBSK member if you answered it correctly. LOL. fine. I don't own DBSK so I'll just give you cookies. haha! --- don't worry, you'll find out who's the girl in the next chapter^_^


Sorry... I think I focused again on the guys on this chapter. I promise I'll try to focus on the girls' thoughts on the next ones.

new fanfic [sequel to my first one^^]:

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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