A Heartbreak

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
“Kim Junsu, Hwaiting~!” Junsu murmured to himself as he saw Syae Ri go out of the house with his younger sister, Ji Soo. It was nearing dark and the party was about to end. This is Junsu’s last chance to redeem himself to Syae Ri. He breathed in and marched to where she was.

“Annyeong, Syae Ri-sshi!” he joyfully said. His greeting was met with a cold gaze. He bit his lip and tried to ignore it.

“Annyeong.” Syae Ri replied dryly.

“Uh, would you like some ice cream? There still more left.”

“No thanks.”

“How about some cake?”

“No thanks.”

“How about some kimbap then?”

“No thanks.”


“No thanks.”

“Uh, bulgogi?”

“Mianhe, Junsu-sshi. But I already ate.” Syae Ri said in the coldest tone ever.

Her demeanor still did not deter Junsu’s spirit. He went on.

“Oh, I see. Mianhe. I only thought you’d want a snack.” He said. Syae Ri didn’t reply but just stared away from him.

Okay, I’ve got to resort to my secret weapon, a desperate Junsu thought. He was saving this tactic for last and, he felt, it was time.

“Aish. There’s just so many food! I wouldn’t mind to dig into all of them. Eu Kyang Kyang~!” He laughed.

Yes, Junsu thought to himself as he made his unique laugh sound as cute as he could. He hoped that this would finally make Syae Ri see his cute side.

“Yah, Junsu-sshi?” Syae Ri inquired in a lighter tone, inciting a small relief inside Junsu.

“Hmm?” he eyed her cutely.

“Are you GAY?!” she asked bluntly and directly.

Gay… Gay… Gay…

The words echoed into Junsu’s head. His mouth fell wide open. Junsu felt everyone around him disappear. The surroundings went dark. The color on him was also gone. Junsu had turned white. He twitched uncontrollably. He felt like he was falling… falling deep into the abyss. Gay, gay, gay… the echo of her voice was his sole companion.

“Gay? Omo! Unnie, that’s so funny!” Ji Soo said loudly, unable to control her laughter. This had woken Junsu up from his stupor. He stood up straightly and frowned.

“Yah, I’m not, okay?” he almost yelled, more to his sister and less to Syae Ri.

“I know, I know. But… it was just hilarious!” Ji Soo said again.

“Yah! It’s not that funny!” Junsu, whose cheeks were turning tomato red out of embarrassment, argued.

“Okay, okay. I’ll stop now.” Ji Soo said and her laughter was slowly disappearing.

Junsu mocked his sister as she said that. He scowled at her. His gaze then went to Syae Ri who stood there, still eyeing him suspiciously. Junsu was conscious again. He then stormed out of there as quickly as he could, deeply disheartened that the girl he likes still wouldn’t look at him like he’d hope.

“Yah, Ji Soo-ah. Is he really gay?” Syae Ri asked seriously when she was sure Junsu was out of earshot.

Ji Soo stopped what she was doing. She had thought Syae Ri was joking at first but now it sounded like she was being serious. Ji Soo didn’t answer and can only look at the older girl incredulously.


Sae In slumped in her seat as the car slowly drove down on the road. She was seated in the back seat while her grandfather was on the passenger seat next to their driver.

“Harabeoji, you haven’t told me yet where we’re going.” she said.

“Oh, Mianhe.” The old man grunted. “We’re heading to Mrs. Kwon’s dress shop. You’re cousin, Chansung, is getting married soon and he chose you to be one of the bridesmaids. He just called me earlier and said that it was important that you would be fitted today.”

“Oh, I see.” she said.

Sae In sighed and edged closer to the car’s tinted window. She looked out. It was getting darker outside. The party at the Woo’s probably ended an hour ago and she wondered what her friends did there. She also wondered to herself where was Yunho-sshi at this time. Why wasn’t he there with his friends?

An answer seemed to appear right in front of her as she saw a familiar figure of a guy walking at the side walk. The sight of Yunho was supposed to cheer her up but, at this moment, it didn’t. Sae In actually felt heartbroken at what she saw.


Changmin paced around the garden, looking like a complete idiot. He argued with himself.

“Should I approach her?

Maybe I should not.

No, I should.

But… What am I going to tell her?

Just random things like you always do.

Aish! Isn’t there anything new?”

Changmin continued on with this debate until Yoochun called him in to clean up. Reluctantly, he obliged. He went inside the house and saw Ji Soo there talking with Da Hae. Changmin bit his lip and started the debate once again. He moved towards her but still kept his mouth shut.

“Oh, Changmin-sshi.” Ji Soo said as she turned around and saw him.

“Oh… Ji Soo-ah.” He said.

“Wait, just stay right there.” She said. She then took out her camera phone. Ji Soo had already taken a few pictures of Changmin in his costume before he realized what was going on.

“Yah!” he exclaimed as he tried but failed to get a hold of her phone.

“Bleh…” she stuck her tongue out and placed her phone back in her pocket. “Haha. Gotcha.”

“Aigoo.” Changmin whined dejectedly.

“Cheer up, Changmin-sshi. You actually look cute in that outfit.” She complimented. “I gotta go. See ya!”

“Uh, sure, see you.” Changmin replied. He watched as Ji Soo headed out the door.

“O-omo!” he whispered to himself as his cheeks felt warmer and warmer. “She called me cute?”


Mr. Song just happened to glance out of the window and what he saw drew a deep frown on his face.

“Stop the car.” He instantly ordered with his gruff voice. The driver obliged without any questions asked.

Fuming, Mr. Song angrily stormed out of the car.


Yunho walked silently with his date. He didn’t put his arms around her shoulders. He didn’t hold her hands while they walked. Yunho wasn’t even touching her. It was unlike him to do that and this got his date, Hyo Ri, wondering.

“Oppa.” She called cutely.

Yunho stopped walking but didn’t face her directly.

“What?” he asked rather coldly.

“Kwaenchannayo? You seem out of yourself lately. What’s wrong?”

Yunho sighed. This was the moment he was waiting for.

“Hyo Ri-ah,” he began. “Look, I know this seems sudden but we should stop this. We need to stop seeing each other.”

“Eh? Oppa? Wae?” Hyo Ri asked, shocked and hurt at the same time.

“I don’t want to pretend anymore. I’ve… I’ve found someone else.” He said. “I’m sure you can find someone else too. We’re… just not meant to be.”

“You’re not serious, are you?” she asked, teary-eyed.

“I am.” He said sternly.

Hyo Ri started to sob. Yunho turned around and finally faced her.

“Mianhe.” Was all that he can say.

Hyo Ri looked at him pleadingly but he didn’t budge.

“Fine.” She said bitterly. “If that’s how you want it. But I’ll leave you something that’ll make you regret ever breaking up with me.”

Without warning, Hyo Ri took Yunho by the cheeks and pulled him closer to her. She caught his mouth and kissed him hungrily.

“JUNG YUNHO!” a gruff voice yelled loudly.

Yunho pulled away from her and saw a furious and wild-eyed Mr. Song glaring angrily at him. He swallowed nervously, certain that Sae In’s grandfather had misunderstood it all.

“Harabeoji… I – “


Mr. Song stormed away and furiously went inside the car. Yunho looked down. He knew better than to argue more with the legendary Song Jin Young.

“SONG SAE IN! GET IN THE CAR NOW!” the furious businessman angrily yelled.

That was when Yunho realized Mr. Song’s granddaughter was there. He quickly looked up. Sae In was standing just meters away from him. She stared at him with gleaming eyes. Hurt and betrayal was apparent in her face. Yunho felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. He moved a step forward to her but Sae In quickly went back inside the car.

“Sae In-sshi!” he yelled but it was too late. The car had was already running. He tried to catch it but Hyo Ri, who was still there, grabbed his arm and didn’t let him.

“Aish. Let me go!” he yelled and struggled. By the time he got free the car was too far away.

“Aish!” he exclaimed in frustration.

“Oppa, I – “

“Shut up! You already caused me more trouble. Leave me alone!” Yunho said.

He could take being yelled at by a furious old man all day long. He would be alright with it. But Jung Yunho wasn’t that prepared when he saw the look on Sae In’s face. She was hurt, deeply hurt. And the fact that HE was the reason for this pain felt like a knife stabbing him. He couldn’t take it.

It was ironic. It was the first time that Yunho ever properly broke off with a girl and it was the time that someone got that angry with him, only because of a misunderstanding.

Comments are LOVED~!!! ♥♥♥
Hope u guys could drop some! Thank you! *hugs*

Here are the names of the girls again (if u guys are still confused) with their guys:
Kim Ji Soo = Changmin
Woo Da Hae = Jaejoong
Song Sae In = Yunho
Lee Syae Ri = Junsu
Han Seun Yoo = Yoochun

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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