Hearts, Hearts, Hearts

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
“Jung Yunho, where do you think you’re going?”

Yunho was greeted by fiery brown eyes as soon as he turned around. His father was there, standing on the hall, eyes shifting from his son’s face down to the luggage in his hand.

“Not to be rude, appa, but this isn’t your business.” Yunho answered defiantly. He turned around and started walking towards the door.

“Seo Yang-sshi!” he heard his appa’s voice call the head maid.

“Yes, sir?”

“Call the bank and tell them to cut all of Yunho’s credit cards.” Mr. Jung said this loud enough.

Yunho stopped. He turned and saw the head maid bowing to his father and scurrying away.

His father glared at him. “This is to teach you a lesson, Jung Yunho. You already caused much disgrace to our family. I cannot let you do more damage.”

Yunho dropped down his bag and marched towards his father.

“That’s what you think of me?! A disgrace?!” he yelled, his nostrils flaring out of anger. He stopped for a moment, and then continued. “You know what, I’m not gonna waste my energy explaining to someone who can never understand me. You can just call me a stranger because you certainly don’t know your own son! Do whatever you want! Cut me of for all I care! I know you’ve wanted to do that ever since I was born!”

Yunho glared more at his father before turning around, getting his bag and storming out the door. Mr. Jung just stood on his spot as he coldly watched the door bang loudly as it closed. He knew he should be angry, but he wasn’t.

“Seo yang-sshi!” he yelled and the head maid ran as fast as she could towards him.

“Yes, sir?”

“Have you called the bank yet?”

“Not yet sir. I was about to when you called me again.”

“Good. Don’t call them anymore.”

The head maid was perplexed but the years of serving the Jungs had made her not to ask questions and just obey. “Yes, sir.”

“One more thing,” Mr. Jung said in a more serene tone. “Do you have any idea what the hell that boy is planning on doing?”

“Yunho-sshi didn’t tell me anything, sir. I went to his room earlier and saw he didn’t pack all of his things. Though I did see a train ticket.”

“Did you see the destination?” Mr. Jung asked softly, eyes still on the door.

“Cheongju, sir. I saw it clearly.”

“Ah… I see. Thank you for that, Seo Yang-sshi. You may go back to your duties.”

“Yes, sir.”

Before the head maid can go back to the kitchen, she saw the man reach for a newspaper. If her memory serves her right, Seo Yang had read earlier that a businessman—Song was the last name but she couldn’t remember the rest—was going to Cheongju this week for a wedding. As the head maid walked, she couldn’t help but wonder to herself if this was related to the young master Yunho’s sudden trip to Cheongju but seeing that she wasn’t supposed to meddle in the Jungs’ personal lives, Seo Yang dismissed the thought and went back to her work.


“What’s up with you?” Ryeowook asked as he and Da Hae walked together, both on their way home after the choir practice.

“Nothing.” Da Hae mumbled.

“The look on your face says otherwise.”

“Aish… I don’t know… I’m confused. I’m still not over the little guy-problem I had last time. I still like him but I don’t like him anymore… What am I gonna do?”

Ryeowook sighed. “Well, I don’t really know, to be honest. I’m not really good at giving advice for that. Maybe… you just have to give it time.”

“That’s hard considering that we work in the same place. Wait…”

Da Hae stopped walking and stared at Ryeowook. A mischievous smile played on her lips as she did so.

He looked back and felt scared. “Uh… Da Hae-ah, what are you up to?”

“Can I ask a favor?” she asked, walking towards Ryeowook and clinging onto his arm.

“I’m scared but I think I have no choice but to say yes.” He said, staring at her pout and silently cursing himself for being a guy that couldn’t easily say “no”.

Ryeowook had a feeling that whatever Da Hae was thinking, it wouldn’t be good for him. And as she whispered to him her plans, Ryeowook confirmed this.


It was already an hour after lunch when Seun Yoo finished what her dad asked her to do. Apparently, the files he asked to bring to the office needed more work done as they received a memo about the changes. She and Eunhyuk spent all morning going over them, luckily for her, Eunhyuk seemed to know more than what her father had implied to her and she was just there to watch things as he got to do most, if not all, the work.

“Phew. It’s done.” Eunhyuk declared.

“That’s good then. I better go soon. I think I have more work to do at home since appa’s is freaking sick and all.” Seun Yoo said in a rather dejected tone. She actually stayed here longer than she needs to since her father is more annoying when he’s sick.

“Hey, don’t you want to grab something to eat first? I’m going on my lunch break. My treat. It’s a thanks for helping me out here.” He said with a smile.

Seun Yoo smiled back. “Well, I don’t actually want to go home yet so, sure.”


“Woah, who sent you that?” Yesung asked with a smile as he approached the still-clearly-stunned Ji Soo standing in front of their gates.

“Uh… He… He… S-sent it…” she stuttered, face flushed red.

Yesung chuckled. “Aren’t you gonna take it inside?”

Ji Soo seemed to be in a daze as she nodded. She took a step forward and slowly and carefully lifted the bear up.

“Did he hand deliver it personally to you?”

Ji Soo turned and shook her head. She stayed on her spot for a while before she spoke softly. “Oppa, w-what do you think this means?”

“What do you think it means?”

Ji Soo blushed more and turned her head a little. “It’s… confusing,”

Yesung sighed. “What’s confusing about this? He stated his intention pretty clearly.”

“It’s not that… I’m confused… about how I feel.”

Yesung mouthed an “Oh”. He took a book out of his bag and handed it to Ji Soo.

“I came here today to give you this. It’s to put some sense into your muddled brain.” Yesung said with a light laugh.

Ji Soo took it. It was a copy of “Dating for Dummies”. She smiled at her friend’s way of helping.

“Aish, oppa! Seriously?” she managed to joke.

“It could help, you know.”

“Fine. Thank you.” she said softly, her smile fading.

“Yah, you still look troubled.”


“Yah, Kim Ji Soo! Please tell me you’re gonna ignore Changmin-sshi again after this.”

Ji Soo didn’t answer and looked down on the ground.

“Yah, Kim Ji Soo! Aigoo…” Yesung whined.

“Mianhe, oppa. It’s nothing really… It’s just that…” Ji Soo sighed, turning to the side a little. “Oppa, I think I’m in love with him.”

Comments are loved~!
(I think i said this for the 54651356218th time already but still) Sorry for the late update! Been kinda busy and to be honest I was kinda having a writer's block for this but thankfully I finally remembered what should happen next! :)
To Syae Ri, JunsuLove, bitty91, MilkTea, ooglyboogly92, aliceeyy-chan and Sae In, thank you for your comments! I'll properly reply to your comments when i have more free time. :)
Thank you for reading~!

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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