Those Hidden from Plain Sight

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-

Syae Ri woke up as the rays of sunlight shone through her bedroom window, hitting her face. She sluggishly sat up and squinted her eyes. She knew she was in her room but the whole place had an unfamiliar feeling to it. Syae Ri rubbed her eyes and tried to focus more. Her vision got better. She was indeed in her room… her new room, that is. Syae Ri chuckled to herself. It had been almost a week since she and her mom moved into this new house but she still can’t get used to it yet.

Syae Ri let out a yawn then stretched. She then tossed the covers away from her, stood up and went to the bathroom.


Syae Ri got downstairs and instantly made her way to the kitchen. A guy two years her senior was there, already finishing his bowl of rice and namul. He was a head taller than her. His bobbed-like hair style was half-neat and half-messy; and his bangs hanged just over his eyebrows, just enough so as not to cover his eyes.

“Oppa.” She greeted her soon-to-be stepbrother with a smile.

“Syae Ri-ah.” Yoochun nodded as he stood up and placed his bowl in the sink. “You woke up late again.”

He gave her a teasing smile.

“I did?” she asked him. She turned to the wall clock and saw that it was already 10:20 am.

“Aish.” Syae Ri let out. Now what time did Ji Soo and Seun Yoo said they’ll be coming, she thought.

“Well, gotta go.” Yoochun said as he patted his dongsaeng-to-be on the head.

“Bwo? You’re going somewhere?”

“No,” Yoochun said as he headed for the hallway. “But I need to shower. My friends are coming over soon.”

“You too?” Syae Ri asked as she got herself a bowl.

“Why?” Yoochun stopped and turned back to her. “You also have friends coming too?”

“Only two.”

Yoochun gave a nod then made his way upstairs.


Lee Syae Ri was a 19-year-old girl born and raised in Seoul. Her mother, Lee Rin Yoo, got divorced from her biological father when Syae Ri was two and she had never met him growing up. Instead, she treated her mother’s boyfriend, Park Han Sung, as her own father. Park Han Sung had a son from a previous marriage, Park Yoochun. Even years back, he and Syae Ri had treated each other as if they were biological siblings. Now, after a 6-year relationship, Lee Rin Yoo and Park Han Sung had finally decided to get married.

Lee Syae Ri, like the rest of her friends (in the group wherein they call themselves Megumi), had never had a boyfriend. It was both by choice and by having no opportunity. She can only remember one boy who ever professed his liking towards her. But that was when they were in kindergarten. Given a choice, Syae Ri wouldn’t want to be in a relationship yet, having had a subconscious trauma due to the divorce.


Sae In groaned as the curling iron was pulled away harshly from her hair by the overweight stylist. She knew Ji Soo and Seun Yoo would be going later on to Syae Ri’s new house and Sae In preferred to be there too if she had the choice.

Stupid matchmaking deal, she thought to herself.

“There.” The stylist grunted as she finished the last curl of Sae In’s hair.

She looked absolutely stunning. Sae In’s curly hair effortlessly waved at her movements and her make-up matched her pink dress perfectly. She stood up just as the double doors flew open. Her grandfather clapped his hands at the sight of his lovely young granddaughter. Her grandfather reached out a hand and she took it as he led her out. Sae In smiled her signature sweet smile, though deep inside she was cursing this match making thing her grandfather had thought up for her.


Song Sae In is another 19 year old girl from Seoul. She was the oldest of three children and the only girl among her siblings, namely Sae Yong and Sae Hoo, and her cousins. Her grandfather, Song Jin Young, was a rich old business man. He had treated Sae In as one of his prized possessions, seeing that she was the only rose among his grandchildren. He loved her dearly and as soon as she turned 16, he had placed her in matchmaking services to find, on his opinion, the most suitable prince for his only princess.

Sae In held no grudge against her grandfather but she hated these matchmaking rituals. She just gives out her sweet smile but always makes it a point to find fault with the guys she was usually forced to date. Fortunately for her, her grandfather was quicker at pointing out these things.

Besides having to put up with the pressure at home, Sae In also has to put up with the pressure at school. Being the oldest and having the most obvious appeal among the five of them, she is always secretly pressured by her other classmates about having a boyfriend. They kept asking her about her “dull” love life. This annoyed Sae In but she didn’t show it. She would just laugh and say that she still doesn’t think about those things. In reality, she does think about it, wanting only to find love at the right time, at the right place and not through that silly matchmaking business.

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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