The Green Eyed Monster

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-

Yoochun wandered around the mall. He wasn’t sure what the hell he was actually doing there aside from walking around. He got bored earlier at home. His step sister was out, his girlfriend was out and all of the other friends were either on a trip, busy or not answering the phone.

Yoochun heaved out a sigh. The mall was as boring as his house today. Deciding to just go home to sleep or whatnot, Yoochun walked towards the parking lot. He was about to head towards the car his dad gave to him when something stopped him in his tracks.


“Here.” Eunhyuk handed Seun Yoo the ice cream cone and she took it with a huge smile painted on her face.

“Thanks.” She said before she started to the cone.

“So, how is it, being Han-sajangnim’s daughter?” Eunhyuk asked as they started walking towards the benches outside the mall.

Seun Yoo chuckled. “And why do you want to know, Eunhyuk-sshi?”

“Just curious. He’s like a dictator at work and I’m wondering if it’s the same when he’s the same at home.”

“Well, he is kinda like a dictator but he’s usually too tired when he gets home. But still he can be annoying. My misery worsens on his day off. He’s really bossy and he’s not satisfied with everything. But I love him. He’s my dad after all.”

Eunhyuk chuckled. They continued on with their chat, talking about random things. Eunhyuk popped up jokes a few times, making Seun Yoo laugh or giggle girlishly. They were too busy to notice that someone was watching, glaring at them from afar.

Yoochun bit his lip as he watched his girlfriend laugh with this unknown guy. He was pissed. No, more than pissed. He had never been this angry in his entire life.

‘And she said she was busy? He was busy with him?’ Yoochun thought menacingly. He balled his fists and, when he couldn’t take it anymore, Yoochun marched towards the two.

“Yah! Han Seun Yoo!” He yelled. The said girl turned her head and smiled widely at him.

“Oppa!” she called.

‘Oh, so you still have the nerve to smile at me?’ Yoochun thought to himself. He walked a step closer to them and glared heavily at her.

“Uh, oppa? Is something wrong?” Seun Yoo asked, noticing her boyfriend’s sudden negative vibe.

“You said you were busy with something earlier. I didn’t know you were busy playing with another guy.” Yoochun said, glancing at the guy then back at Seun Yoo again.

“Hey, it’s really—” Eunhyuk tried to defend but Yoochun cut him off.

“I wasn’t talking to you!”

“Oppa!” she muttered. “O-oppa! It’s not what you think.”

“Yeah, that’s what they always say. Don’t talk to me again, okay?”

The words felt like knife stabbing her. Seun Yoo tried to stand up but before she could, Yoochun was already walking away.

“Oppa! Oppa!” She yelled but he never looked back again. Her heart was too heavy and her legs felt like jelly because of how Yoochun acted that she couldn’t bring herself to run after him. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as hurt and irritation started to settle into her.

“S-Seun Yoo-sshi?” Eunhyuk said in an apologetic tone as he placed a hand on her shoulder. “I… I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s okay.” Seun Yoo sniffed. “He’s just like that. I’ll just go talk to him later, if I could.”

“Is there anything that I can do?”

“No, no. It’s fine, Eunhyuk-sshi. Thanks for the ice cream but I better go.” Seun Yoo gave a weak smile.

“Okay, I’ll go with you to the bus stop.”


“Ready?” Da Hae whispered to Ryeowook after she took a peek inside their restaurant.

He frowned at her. “You owe me big time for this.”

“Aish, okay. Fine. I promise I’ll help you with Sung Ye after all this.”

Ryeowook sighed. “Remember that, okay… Fine, I’m ready.”

“Thanks, Wookie-ah. You’re really a great friend.”

“Yes,” Ryeowook mumbled. “I really am great.”


As Jaejoong closed the backdoor of the restaurant when he finished dumping the trash, he saw an unfamiliar, scrawny guy in the restaurant. There was nothing unusual about this guy, except for the fact that he was talking to Da Hae and she was laughing heartily. God, he missed her laugh. Jaejoong wondered if he would be able to make her laugh like that again. Sighing to himself, he headed back to the kitchen. As Jaejoong washed his hands on the sink, he could still hear Da Hae’s laughter and the muffled sound of her conversation with the guy. Jaejoong couldn’t help but to be curious as to who the guy is. Biting his lip to somehow keep his curiosity at bay, Jaejoong closed the tap and tried to get back to work. He took out his knife and started chopping the potatoes up. He could still hear more of Da Hae and the guy’s conversation. It was sill muffled but it was clearer than it was earlier. He tried his best to ignore it but when he realize that the conversation was about ‘what they were doing that night’, Jaejoong felt like he was about to burst with anger.

It seemed Da Hae had moved on and it was that fast.

‘Wait, no, Jaejoong, calm down.’ He thought to himself. ‘Maybe it’s not what you think. There has to be a good explanation about this.’

Jaejoong nodded but he still wasn’t convinced. He continued chopping but he was still silently eavesdropping.

“We could go there on our next date.” He heard the guy say in a rather high-pitch voice, but it was not as high as Junsu’s.

“Uh, I don’t know.” Da Hae answered.

“Come on, it will be fun.”

“Fine, I’ll let you take me there.”

“How about this Saturday?”


Jaejoong didn’t notice he had stopped chopping the potato. He was listening intently now. Every word that he heard made his blood boil even more. He couldn’t take it. Who was that guy? Why the hell was he talking about a date with Da Hae? Chucking the knife down on the sink, Jaejoong marched out the kitchen. He instantly saw the two sitting on the table nearest the kitchen. The guy looked up at him and they made eye contact for a fraction of a second. Jaejoong just stood there looking like an idiot for a few moments. The guy continued talking to Da Hae while she, as always, pretended like Jaejoong didn’t exist. Not knowing what to do next, Jaejoong just walked towards the bathroom.

After a while, Ryeowook breathed in relief. “He’s gone.”

“Really?” Da Hae asked, looking behind her for a second then back to her friend. “What happened?”

“Well, he looked like he was close to killing me.”

“That’s good then.”

“Yah, how is that good?”

“Like he’s really going to kill you. Besides, I’m only doing this so he could just get out of my hair.”

“Do you think it will work?” Ryeowook sounded doubtful.

“I’m hoping it will.” Da Hae answered.

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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