The Next Mischievous Heart

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
Junsu walked aimlessly around the park the next day. He had his trusty soccer ball with him but he didn’t feel like playing. He was thinking deeply. Changmin’s words seem to echo in his thoughts.

“Show her your good side. Try to act cute. That’s your specialty. And, try to make her laugh. Be kind to her.”

“Yes! I’ll do that!” he said aloud. “I will do everything in my power to win her!”

Junsu raised his right hand in the air and shouted at the top of his lungs. “Hwaiting!”

A few children and their parents shot a glance at this weird man cheering at nothing. Some looked at him curiously while some pointed and giggled at him. Junsu’s cheeks went a little flushed as he realized what he did. He then sat down on a swing, letting his feet play with his soccer ball.

“Aish…” he muttered to himself for no reason at all. Several scenarios wherein he could have the chance to impress her played in his mind.

“Help! I need help!” Syae Ri shouted, helplessly looking around for someone. With a dramatic music playing in the background, Junsu shows up with a superhero-like pose.

“Syae Ri-ah! What is it?” his squeaky voice asked with concern.

“Junsu-ah! You’re here! Please, help me… my cat’s stuck up a tree!”

Junsu chuckled lightly as his facial expression went from faking he was thinking hard to a serious one. “Is that all? Let me handle it.”

With his amazing spider-like powers, Junsu climbed up and down the tree effortlessly. The cat purred in his hands as he gave it to Syae Ri.

“Wah! Junsu-ah! I didn’t realize you were this amazing! I think I’m starting to see the real you! Kyaaaahhhh~!!!”

Junsu chuckled. “It’s no big deal. I’m just doing what is right.” With that, he winked at Syae Ri, making her week kneed and almost falling to the ground. Junsu caught her just in time.

“Wah…” Syae Ri murmured as she stared dreamily into Junsu’s eyes. “You’re really awesome. I’m so sorry for being mean. How can I ever make it up to you?”

Junsu smiled at her. “Well, if you say so…”

Junsu closed his eyes and puckered his lips as he imagined kissing Syae Ri. He was so busy drowning in his fantasy that he didn’t notice his cousin appearing at his side and laughing his heart out at him.

“Yah!” Jaejoong yelled as he threw the soccer ball at Junsu, hitting him flat on the face.

“AAHHH!” Junsu yelled as the image of Syae Ri’s lips vanished to be replaced by something black and white. He opened his eyes and rubbed his absolutely aching face. Tears were starting to well up in his eyes. “Ahhh… That hurts…”

“Yah! That’s what you get!” Jaejoong teased. “You were creeping out every single being in this park with what you were doing.”

“Aish… Hyung!” Junsu whined. The pain in his face was still throbbing but it was thankfully getting more tolerable by the second.

“What? It’s your fault anyway. What the hell were you just doing?” Jaejoong asked as he sat on the swing beside Junsu.

“Aish! None of your business!” he squeaked, frowning at his older cousin.

Aigoo… Why, even in my imagination, couldn’t I end up with Syae Ri-ah? Junsu whined pitifully to himself.

“Yah! Junsu-ah! You’re not busy this weekend right?” Jaejoong asked suddenly.

“Aish… No, I don’t think so. Why?” Junsu muttered irately as he focused more on what was happening around him and not inside him.

“Hmm… I just found a job for all of us.” He said, his eyes twinkling as his lips curled to a sly grin.


“Ahh… Yunho-sshi!” Song Jin Young’s voice echoed throughout his mansion.

“Harabeoji…” Yunho greeted with a bow to Sae In’s grandfather.

“Ah… It’s good that you and my Sae In are getting together nicely.” The old man said gruffly. “I’m hoping it would get better as the days pass. Your father and I would surely be delighted about an engagement.”

The businessman chuckled while Yunho merely smiled. The latter was unable to react with the former’s half-joked statement.

“Ah… there she is.”

Sae In walked gracefully down the spiral steps. Even with just a simple dress she looked breathtaking. Yunho couldn’t help but to look at her. He had finally acknowledged the truth that he was attracted to her – maybe even more than that – but the fact that Sae In was chosen, not by him, but by his father bothered Yunho.

“Yunho-sshi!” She greeted with a sweet smile.

“Sae In-sshi, you look great.”

She blushed. “Uh… Komawo.”

“Now you two, off you go.” Sae In’s grandfather boomed, gently pushing the two nearer the double doors. “Do take care of my granddaughter for me, Yunho-sshi! Have fun!”

Mr. Song chuckled heartily as he watched the two go out of the mansion and into Yunho’s waiting car.

“Ah… Young love.” he murmured happily before closing the double doors.


Sae In played with her fork nervously. She usually didn’t hesitate to eat, especially at a restaurant with this kind of reputation, but the guy in front of her was just making her knees go weak.

“Sae In-sshi… kwaenchannayo?” Yunho asked, noticing her silence. He was worried as he began to think that he was boring her.

Sae In looked up from her plate and smiled. “Oh, uh, yeah.”

“Are you sure?”


“I’m not boring you?”

“No, I don’t think you can do that.” Sae In said as she giggled lightly.

Yunho smiled at her and went back to his plate.

“Aish!” Sae In almost yelled in her mind. “I thought we’re already fine with each other! We’re friends. Why the hell am I acting like this in front of him? I’m looking like a pabo. Aigoo…”

Yunho looked at her again. He noticed her eyebrows were scrunched more closely than usual and that her lips were formed into a pout. Half of him was worried that Sae In was somehow getting annoyed at him while the other half was busy admiring how cute she looked with that pout.

Finally composing himself, he asked with a smile. “Uh, Sae In-sshi. If you’re really bored right now you could say so. We can go someplace else.”

“Eh?” she looked at him quizzically. “Bored? No, no. Do I look bored? Mianhe… I was, uh, thinking about something.”

Sae In gave him an apologetic look while Yunho silently heaved out a sigh of relief.

“What about?” he asked.

“Just… stuff…” she said, hesitating.

Since Sae In was apparently not too keen on sharing about the matter, Yunho didn’t ask any further. Instead, he started asking her random questions to try to get to know her more. She answered wholeheartedly and Yunho subconsciously took her words in deeply. They spend the whole night asking questions ranging from their favorite color to their worst vacation experience, both not noticing they were enjoying each other’s company more and more.


“Uh… Thank you for tonight.” Sae In bowed as she and Yunho stood in front of the Song Mansion.

“It’s no problem. I had fun.” Yunho replied with a wide smile.

“Me too. Again, thank you…”

Sae In and Yunho just remained standing here and looking at each other, both not wanting to end the night.

“Uh… I need to go now.” Sae In said.

“Oh, yeah, okay.”

Sae In moved slightly towards the door.

“Wait…” Yunho stopped her.


“Uhm…” Yunho hesitated for the first time. He looked down and Sae In can see his eyes going side to side.

“Uh… What’s he doing?” she thought to herself. “Omo! Don’t tell me he’s planning a – no! Well, I hope not. But even is he is I won’t let him. I made a vow and I’ll surely break it if ever he – “

“Sae In-sshi.” Yunho murmured softly, cutting off Sae In’s thoughts.


“Uh… “ – Aish. Why can’t I do this in front of her? – “We should do this some other time, okay?”

“Oh, uh, okay…”

Sae In started to move forward but Yunho seemed to block her way. He was hesitating again, a new experience for the usual smooth-with-the-ladies playboy Yunho.

“Well, goodnight.” He said.


Yunho willed himself to walk away but then he did the exact opposite. He moved forward.

“Omo! Omo! Omo!” Sae In yelled inside her head. “Please don’t – “

But Yunho was quick. The next thing Sae In knew was that he was kissing her. Yunho planted one quick yet long kiss on her lips. He then pulled away and smiled sweetly at her.

“Till next time then” he said with an even wider smile.

Grinning like an idiot (why was he even grinning?), Yunho walked towards his car and went on his way, leaving a wide eyed and confused Sae In feeling all giddy.

A shoutout to Syae Ri/Fushunlyn, a late HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, unnie~!
This chap was supposed to focus on just Yunho and Sae In but I had to add that adorable little imagination just for her. lol.
Btw, sorry if Yunho and Sae In's moment was kinda boring. Something more intense will be in their story, I promise, but it's not yet now^^
Hmm, to those who thought Ji Soo was the next Mischievous Heart after Seun Yoo (Yoochun's girl)... well, sorry for the disappointment. bwahahaha!
I'll update soon, if I can... Curse school if I couldn't ^_~

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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