The Wedding [Part ii]

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
“Yoochun-ah, Syae Ri-ah,” their mother called as she motioned a hand for them to come in front.

Syae Ri and Yoochun stood up and joined their parents for family photos. Yunho stood up too, having seen an interesting girl from afar. Sae In saw him. She stood up, telling the others that she’ll go to the bathroom but her eyes were on Yunho’s retreating back.

Jaejoong watched as a seat near Da Hae became vacant. He stood up, went near to the girls’ table and sat down beside Da Hae.

“Annyeong,” Jaejoong said. Da Hae looked up and felt, once again, the heat of the spotlight.

“J-jaejoong-sshi?” she asked as she suddenly felt her cheeks rise a degree or two.


Changmin still had his eyes on Ji Soo. He saw Jaejoong approach one of the girls and he decided he should also take this chance to talk to her more.

“Ji Soo-ah!” he greeted as he took the vacant seat next to her and showed his cute mismatched eyes.

“Oh, Changmin-sshi.” She said as she looked up. “Annyeong~!”


“Sorry, I’m busy.” The girl said as she moved on ahead with her nose in the air.

“Aish.” Yunho grunted to himself. “Air-headed snob.”

He smirked to himself and turned to head back to the table.

Fine, I know I promised Yoochun-ah but if I can’t find any suitable girl here then I’ll go on ahead on the girls with his step-sister, Yunho thought to himself.

“Uhm, Yunho-sshi, annyeonghasyo?”

Yunho looked up and saw a girl in a light pink drawstring halter tube dress. Her hair was now straight but he still recognized her. She was the girl he had met days ago.

“Oh, Sae In-sshi, annyeonghasyo.” Yunho said in a rather uninterested tone. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m friends with the daughter of the bride.” Sae In replied cheerily. “I see that you’re also friends with Yoochun-sshi.”

“I am.” He said as he looked around the reception hall again.

He shook his head lightly when he saw that there were no other interesting girls around.

Fine, I’ll settle with her in the meantime, Yunho said to himself. He looked at Sae In and smiled widely.

“So, how are you doing?” Yunho said in his most cheerful voice so far.


Junsu just realized that he was the only one left at their table. He looked around for the others. Yoochun was still with his dad, taking pictures with various relatives. Jaejoong and Changmin were in the next table; Changmin was talking with Ji Soo and Jaejoong was talking to a girl in a light purple dress. Yunho was in the far left of the reception hall. He was leading some girl out into the garden.

Junsu let out a sigh as his eyes searched for a particular girl. He found her on her way back to her table. She looked stunning in her simple cream colored dress. He breathed in and out, trying to muster every bit of courage he could find in him. Finally, he stood up, hoping that this time, things would turn out for the better. He let out a smile.

Junsu had something planned in his mind.


Syae Ri felt her jaw grow tired from all the smiling she has done for the family “photo shoot.” She posed for one last shot then made her way towards her table. She found Seun Yoo looking bored, being the only one who has no one to talk to at the table. She was about to reach near the empty seat next to Seun Yoo when –

“Annyeong~!” a high pitched voice squeaked on her right. She turned and saw the dolphin-man beaming widely at her. She tried to smile back but instead she just gave him an awkward smirk.

“Oh, it’s you.” she said indifferently as she tried to move on ahead. Junsu outstretched his arm and blocked her. She raised an eyebrow at him.

“Uhm, excuse me.” Syae Ri said through gritted teeth, trying to be polite. Now’s not the right time cause some trouble.

“Let’s go somewhere first.”


Before Syae Ri could think, Junsu grabbed her arm and was leading her towards the gardens outside.

“Aish.” Syae Ri exasperatedly exclaimed. “What the hell?”

“Doing you a favor.” Junsu said as he looked around. No one else was there (Yunho and Sae In were in the garden on the other side of the hall). He smiled and looked up. “You always seem so hot-tempered. There,” – he pointed at a brightly twinkling star – “doesn’t that look so pretty?”

“It does look pretty.” Syae Ri said softly as she looked up at the heavens.

“Hopefully this will make you calm.” Junsu said as he looked at her. Syae Ri felt his eyes go on her again and this made her more uncomfortable than she already is feeling.

She looked at him with an eyebrow raised and her lips were sternly pursed.

“Sorry,” Junsu said, looking away as he felt he was shrinking. “I was only trying to help.”

“What, by trying to be a romantic?” She said, her tone rising higher. “I’m not in trouble so don’t try to help me! Aish!”

Syae Ri turned around and tried to head back inside but Junsu grabbed her arm and didn’t let her go.

“Wait.” He said, desperate to make them at least friends.

“Aish.” She groaned as she tried to break free from his grip but couldn’t. Junsu turned her around to face him. Syae Ri wasn’t prepared for this and she ended up bumping into his chest.

“Aish.” She let out again. She looked up and saw Junsu’s face just inches away from hers.


“I didn’t know she was your cousin!” Da Hae said she slapped the chuckling Jaejoong lightly on his shoulder.

“Okay, okay.” Jaejoong replied.

“Well, you also didn’t know that I was friends with Ji Soo so we’re even.” She said as she smiled widely.

“Yeah, I guess we are even.”

Jaejoong smiled widely as their conversations with each other were growing more comfortable by the second. His eyes went on the dance floor. His smile grew wider.

“They seemed to be enjoying themselves.” He said as he watched the people dancing.

“I guess.”

“Dae Hae-ah,”


“W-would you…” – Why am I stuttering, he thought as he said this – “would you care to dance with me?”


Da Hae was taken aback by this. She looked at him and he stared at her with sincere eyes. She felt her cheeks burn up and felt like they were now red. She was blushing – a thing she had never done with other guys before. NEVER. Other guys had asked her things like these but she turned them down effortlessly. But now… it was different. This guy in front of her had something… something, she didn’t know what.

Da Hae struggled to find the words.

Will Da hae say yes, or will she say no?

Will Junsu and Syae Ri... kiss? O_O

haha... a subtle cliffhanger. :D
i don't know if I wrote this right. haha.
i was kinda in a hurry.
please, guys, tell me what you think.
Thanks! *hugs*

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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