Crazy Silent

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
Yoochun had his hand ruffling his hair as he walked briskly towards the door. The doorbell rang again, echoing throughout the house.

“Yah! I’m coming!” he shouted.

Yoochun walked faster as he went outside. He opened the gates and saw 4 beaming faces. Yoochun chuckled and motioned them to come in, like that was necessary. They were already headed inside before he signaled them to. Yoochun closed the gates and followed after the guys as the tallest of them opened the door and went inside.

“I heard you now have a stepsister.” The guy closest to him asked smugly.

“Nice to see you too, Yunho-hyung!” Yoochun said sarcastically, making everyone else laugh.

“Yah, Yah! My smile earlier was enough hello.” He said half-irritated and half-amused. “Now, about that step-sister of yours…”

“Yah!” Yoochun cut in. “Hyung, first of all, it’s a soon-to-be stepsister; and second, I will not let her meet you.”

He said it half-jokingly, but meant it fully. Yunho may be his good friend but he had a reputation for being a player. Yoochun was not willing to expose Syae Ri to this guy any time, at least, not if he can help it.

“Yah! What’s that suppose to mean?” Yunho said in a mock angry voice.

Yoochun just chuckled as he settled down on the couch. Yunho did the same while the others were ahead of them, having settled a minute earlier than the other two.


I hope I still know the way, Ji Soo thought as she slowly walked around Syae Ri’s neighborhood. She had been there before but only for a brief moment since her mother was flooding her with calls about “coming home early”.

Ji Soo let out a sigh of relief as she saw a familiar three-storey house loom just in front of her. She walked faster and was in front of it a minute or two later. She rang on the doorbell and waited.

Half a second later, she heard the front door open. Soon enough the gates, too, opened and she saw Yoochun smiling at her.

“Ji Soo-sshi, annyeonghaseyo!” Yoochun greeted with a short bow, recognizing the only one of Syae Ri’s friends he knew.

“Yoochun-sshi, annyeonghaseyo!” Ji Soo greeted back as the older guy closed the gates.

He soon led her to the door.

“Where’s Syae Ri-unnie?” Ji Soo asked as she went inside the house.

“She’s upstairs, I think. I’ll call her.”

Ji Soo walked through the hallway when she saw someone she recognized.

“Oppa?!” she asked loudly, making the guys sitting on the couch look at her.

“D-dongsaeng?” a high pitched voice squeaked.

“Ji Soo?” another voice inquired.

Ji Soo went nearer and confirmed what was obvious. Her brother, Junsu, was there. He stood up as soon as he saw her. Their cousin, Jaejoong, was also there, sitting just across from Junsu. He smiled as soon as he saw her.

“Junsu-oppa? Jaejoong-oppa?” she asked surprised as she eyed both of them. “You’re here?”

“What are you doing here?” Junsu asked with that high-pitched voice of his.

“You know them?” Yoochun asked from behind her with an eyebrow raised.

“Of course! She’s my sister!” Junsu said. He then turned to Ji Soo. “You know him?”

“His soon-to-be stepsister is a friend of mine.” She said plainly.

“Wah!” Yunho cut in. “She’s your sister? She doesn’t look like you at all!”

They all looked at him weirdly. Ji Soo had her eyebrow raised at him. Yunho ignored it and went on.

“How rude of me.” He said as he stood up. “Jung Yunho imnida.”

He smiled and made his way nearer to where Ji Soo was. Jaejoong took him by the waist of his pants and made him sit down.

“Aish.” Yunho grunted as his landed on the soft cushion.

“Mianheyo.” Jaejoong said to his cousin. “Yunho gets a little hyper around girls.”

“Yah! I do not!” Yunho retorted. Junsu answered him by hitting him on the head.

“Aish.” Yunho grunted again.

“Oh-kay.” Ji Soo said as she felt awkward with how the guy was acting around her. Fortunately, someone called out her name, saving her from more awkwardness.

“Ji Soo!”

Syae Ri went down the stairs and Ji Soo hurriedly went to her.

“Unnie!” she greeted back as she grabbed Syae Ri by the arm. Ji Soo gave her a please-get-me-out-of-here look. “Where’s your room? I wanna see it!”

Syae Ri was puzzled with how Ji Soo was acting but played along. She led her upstairs and into her room.


“Yah!” Yunho yelled as he stood up and hit Junsu and Jaejoong on the head. “What was that for?”

“Stay away from our dongsaeng!” They both exclaimed.

“Yah! I’m not doing anything to her yet! I’m just getting to know her. What’s wrong with that?”

The other two raised their eyebrows. They knew exactly how Yunho played his cards and, like Yoochun, they didn’t want Ji Soo to be part of Yunho’s deck.

“Fine.” Yunho said. “Is she really your sister? I mean, you don’t look alike. At least she resembles Jae a little bit since he’s good looking too.”

“Yah!” Junsu shouted. “Are you saying I’m not good-looking?”

Yunho acted like he was thinking hard and this annoyed Junsu.

“Yah!” Junsu yelled again, ready to attack Yunho but Jaejoong held onto his shoulder and stopped him.

Yunho chuckled childishly. “Hmm… By the way, why didn’t I know about your sister?”

“Because you didn’t ask.” Junsu answered sardonically.

“Good point.” Yunho said as he sat down beside Jaejoong. “Are you not that close? Why don’t you know her friends and she doesn’t know yours?”

“They are but she stays in her room most of the time.” Jaejoong answered coolly. “It’s rare when she goes out. Besides, it’s not necessary for brothers and sisters to know every one of their friends.”

Yunho nodded. Junsu was getting annoyed at the older guy’s interrogations.

“Yah! Hyung, will you stop it!” he said. “If you’re interested in my dongsaeng stop it right now because I wouldn’t let you go near her!”

Yunho chuckled. Junsu was sure caring about his sister.

“Fine. I won’t ‘target’ your dongsaeng! Then can I go after the other girl?”

His lips curled into an evil grin as he looked at Yoochun.

Yoochun met his gaze.

“Don’t even think about it.” he coldly said.

“Aww, no fun.” Yunho said.


Changmin stayed silent as he watched her disappear up the stairs. He had been awfully quiet with her there and Yoochun had noticed it.

“Yah!” he said as he eyed the other three as they goofed around. “What’s up with you?”

Changmin shook his head.

“It’s nothing.”

Yoochun raised an eyebrow, still doubtful about his youngest friend’s answer but he knew Changmin well enough not to ask any further. He let the subject go… for now.

It’s nothing. Changmin repeated the words inside his head but it felt ironic. There was something. He shrugged at the thought but then let out a smile. He finally knew her name… Ji Soo.

Comments are very much loved♥!
-sorry for the late update... been busy :) I'll try to update as soon as I can.

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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