A Dish of Love

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
“Hyung?” Changmin inquired worriedly.

The upper half of Junsu’s body was sprawled against the kitchen counter. His scrunched-up face was resting on his hands while he idly swayed his legs. He seemed not too mindful of the younger one’s presence.

“Yah, hyung!” Changmin said in a louder tone.

“What?” Junsu asked lazily as he raised his head slightly to look at him.

“What’s wrong with you? Ji Soo-ah said you’ve been like this for two days now.”


“’So?’ Aish! Hyung, that’s all you’ve got to say? You’ve turned emo for no apparent reason. It’s really alarming. That’s why I instantly went here when Ji Soo-ah told me.”

“Are you sure you’re visiting me, not my sister?” Junsu said in a sluggish matter-of-factly voice. “I’m not stupid. I can see you like her.”

Changmin’s cheeks were slightly tinged with red.

Aish! hyung, Changmin thought. Being emo did not affect you as a know-it-all. You’re the reason I’m here… well, half the reason anyway while the other half is Ji Soo. Kekeke…

“Yah!” Junsu squeaked, still in that lazy tone. “See, you can’t answer. Why don’t you just go to her and leave me alone?”

“Aish, hyung!” Changmin said irately as he hit him on the back of the head. “Pabo! I’m here because of you! What the hell is happening to you, huh? If you won’t stop sulking there, will you at least tell me the reason why?”

Junsu scowled. He finally sat up straight as he massaged the back of his head. “Aish that hurt. And you still have the nerve to call me hyung?”

“Yah! What am I supposed to do? You were losing yourself.”

Both heaved out a sigh then laughed.

“So, care to tell me what’s been troubling you?” Changmin asked with a brotherly smile.

Junsu sighed again as he slumped back down on the counter. “I don’t know… Does it seem silly if I told you that a girl is a reason behind this?”

Changmin’s eyes widened. “A g-girl? For real?” he asked incredulously. “What could a girl ever do to make you like this?”

Junsu sighed once again. “Let’s see: she called me weird, she’s angry at me for whatever reason, she hit me with a rock when I foolishly tried to kiss her and she… likes another guy. In short, she hates me.”

Changmin tried but failed to suppress his laughter. He chuckled loudly, incurring a menacing look from the older guy.

“Araso… Araso… Mianhe, hyung. It’s just that you tried to kiss her? Oh man! I think any girl would freak out to when a dolphin man tried to suddenly kiss her!”

“Yah! I thought you were here to help me? Some help that is!”

“Mianhe, mianhe.” Changmin said, trying hard to be serious on the matter. “From what I see, it’s your entire fault.”

“Gee, thanks for that! I feel much better.” Junsu stated sarcastically.

“No, I mean, you tried to kiss her and then she hits you with a rock. My guess is you were freaking her out.”

Junsu sighed yet again. “What do I do then?”

“Hmmm…” Changmin mumbled as he thought hard. “I think you should show her your good side. Try to act cute. That’s your specialty. And, try to make her laugh. Be kind to her. Those things…”

“I guess…” Junsu said, regaining some of the hope he lost during the past two days of pure languish.

“Hyung, who’s the girl anyway?”

Junsu hesitated for a moment before finally answering. “It’s, uh, Yoochun-hyung’s step-sister… Syae Ri-sshi.”

“Bwo?” Changmin asked in surprise. “Her?”


“Nothing, it’s just... It’s hard to imagine her doing those to you. She seems nice.”

“I’m the only person she’s not nice to.” Junsu said gravely.

“Ooh. That’s gotta be tough.”

Junsu sighed yet again as he nodded.

“Yah, hyung~! You got some food here? I’m hungry.”

Junsu looked at Changmin incredulously. “Hungry?”

“Yeah. It’s almost lunch time, see?” the younger one responded as he pointed at the clock.

Junsu didn’t bother to look at it as he stood up. “How can you be thinking of food at a time like this?” he muttered to himself.

Junsu walked towards the table and found nothing on top. He proceeded to the fridge and opened it.

“Uh… Well, we have some food, but it still needs to be cooked.”

“Eh?” Changmin mumbled as he went next to Junsu. “Uh, hyung, do you know how to cook?”

“Me?! You’re the one who’s hungry, you cook!”

“Eh? But… I’m not really good at it.”

“Well, so am I!”

“Aish. Where’s Jaejoong-hyung when you need him?”

“Yah!” Ji Soo’s exclaimed loudly as she entered the kitchen and found the two guys arguing in front of the opened fridge. “What’s happening here?”

“Ji Soo-ah, annyeong~!” Changmin greeted. Junsu didn’t miss that the younger guy’s face instantly lit up as soon as he saw her.

“Oh. Changmin-sshi, annyeong.”

“Dongsaeng!” Junsu exclaimed in his squeaky voice, excited that his sister is here.

“Oh, oppa. You seem happier now.” She said with a smile.

“Uh… yeah. Listen… uh, we’re kinda hungry and, uh-“

“Oh.” Ji Soo said as she frowned at her brother. “Now I see why you’re so happy all of a sudden.”

Changmin turned from Ji Soo to Junsu and back with a puzzle expression.

“Please.” Junsu pouted.

“Fine. Just let me handle it. Aish, oppa! You’re 20 years old but you still don’t know how to cook!”

“You know me.” Junsu squeaked as he tried to push Changmin out of the kitchen while the latter was trying to fight back. “Well, we’ll just go now. Kamsahamnida, dongsaeng! Saranghae~!”

“Aish.” Ji Soo muttered to herself as she shook her head.


“Junsu-oppa! Changmin-sshi!” Ji Soo called out.

The two guys were instantly in the kitchen after a heart beat. What they saw made their mouths water. In the center of a table was a large plate of bulgogi with pieces of lettuce on the side and a small bowl of ssamjang. Next to it was a large bowl of steaming gejang and a larger bowl of rice. Around them were smaller plates of various banchan.

“Lunch.” Ji Soo said simply as she motioned a hand towards two empty bowls with their own chopsticks.

“Y-you made this?” Changmin asked in amazement.


“Wow.” Changmin exclaimed as he eyed her admiringly.

“Yah, Changmin-sshi, you better eat before my supposedly-emo oppa finishes it all.”

Changmin turned to look at Junsu who was quickly picking food with his chopsticks and placing it into his bowl. He seemed to have forgotten that he was as miserable as a guy in death row some time ago. Changmin quickly took the other bowl and began picking.

Wow! Ji Soo’s cooking, Changmin thought dreamily as he surveyed a piece of meat lovingly in front of him. He counted the moments before finally placing it in his mouth and chewing it carefully.

“Wow! This is so good! It’s even better than I expected.” Changmin said in his thoughts as he savored the flavor of the meat. “Wow! So Ji Soo’s a great cook. I actually have ‘Being a great cook’ as my third requirement in a wife. So that means…”

“Oh, honey,” Ji Soo called lovingly as she entered wearing a cute light blue apron over her clothes and a tray of steaming hot dishes on her hands. Changmin could already smell the aroma of her cooking. “Your lunch is ready.”

Ji Soo placed the food in front of Changmin. He instantly grabbed his chopsticks and tasted a piece of myeolchi.

“Hmmm… This sure is good, honey. You really are a great cook. That’s one of the reasons why I love you so.”

Ji Soo giggled. “Aww… Don’t say that. I’m not really that good. Now, eat up. I made this just for you.”

“Oh… That’s sweet. But you know what?”


“There’s something more delicious than this.”


Changmin put down his chopsticks and went beside Ji Soo. He held her by the chin and moved his face closer. He was about to press his lips onto hers when…

“Yah! Changmin-sshi, are you okay?”


Changmin opened his eyes to find the real Ji Soo staring at him curiously.

Oh, man. I was daydreaming. He thought to himself dejectedly.

“Uh, Changmin-sshi, kwaenchannayo?”

“Uh… yeah. Kwaenchanna.”

Ji Soo let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, good. I thought for a moment there you were turning into my brother.”

She smiled then went out the kitchen.

“Hee Soo-ah, lunch is ready.” He heard her yell.

“Yah! Are you gonna eat that?” Junsu asked as he tried to take a piece of vegetable from Changmin’s bowl. The younger one seemed to wake up from his senses and quickly swatted Junsu’s hand away, making the older one scowl. Changmin concentrated more on his food while his heart beat more affection for the girl who cooked it.

Comments are LOVED LOVED LOVED~!
LOL. I was really laughing hard when I was typing that daydreaming scene! xD
cheesy, cheesy chap, don't you think? :D

A shoutout to JaeJee:
Your wish granted! A whole JiMin/ChangSoo chapter, well, with a little bit of Junsu and his problem. lol.

♥ - ♥ - ♥
Dictionary of Korean Dishes:
Bulgogi - korean dish of barbecued beef (but can also be chicken or pork.
Ssamjang - thick, spicy paste.
Gejang - salted, fermented seafood. Crabs are usually used here, marinated in either chili pepper powder or soy sauce.
Banchan - a variety of side dishes.
Myeolchi - anchovy

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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