Jealousy and Uncertainty

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-
“Yoochun-oppa.” Seun Yoo said in a singsong tone.

Yoochun’s lips instantly formed a grin as he turned and faced her.

“What are you supposed to be?” Seun Yoo asked while she giggled.

“I’m a cute pig.” Yoochun shyly said as he pointed to his pig ears.

“Eeww… Why pink?” she teased.

Yoochun pouted and Seun Yoo found it irresistible. She came closer to him and pinched his cheeks.

“Ahh… ah. Ah…” he murmured as he felt his cheeks going numb.

“Aw, so cute.” Seun Yoo said, letting go of his cheeks as she did. Yoochun then smiled, showing his gorgeous cheekbones.

“I know I am.” He said mischievously.

“Yah! Not exactly you. The costume’s pretty cute.” She joked.

Yoochun grinned. He was slowly leaning forward to plant a kiss when—


A girl of about five years old tugged on his clothes. Yoochun stopped as he realized they where still in the garden and that he was still on “duty”.

“Oppa, I want some more ice cream.” The kid said.

“Oh, araso. I’ll give you some right now.” Yoochun said as he gave Seun Yoo an apologetic look. She smiled and nodded.

“I’ll get back to you soon.” Yoochun mouthed.


“Gotta hide, gotta hide, gotta hide…”

Changmin was still frantically searching for someplace to hide.

There! He thought as an inconspicuous-looking hallway loom in front of him.

Changmin rushed there and surveyed the rooms to see which one was better to hide in. He was too busy panicking that he didn’t hear the door to the bathroom open.


“Ahhh!” Changmin said in a funny high-pitched girly voice while he jumped out of shock. He was now feeling half-giddy and half-hysterical.

“Changmin-sshi?” Ji Soo said incredulously for she had never seen Changmin act that way. She chuckled and went nearer to where he was.

Changmin bit his lower lip as he mentally hit himself on the head. Should he turn and face her or run away quickly?

“Aish…” he muttered to himself. Changmin took a deep breath, finally having made a decision. He turned around but his hands instantly went to cover Ji Soo’s eyes before she could get a chance to see him face her.

“Yah~!” she yelled as the furry mittens suddenly pressed firmly on to the upper half of her face. “What are you doing?”

“Uhm… annyeong Ji Soo-ah!” Changmin said uncertainly. He hadn’t actually thought of what to do next after he covered her eyes.

“Yah! Changmin-sshi, get your furry hands off of my face!” Ji Soo said as she tried to pry Changmin’s hands away but failed. His grip was getting tighter and tighter as she struggled.

“Uh… I can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“I, uh… I just can’t.”

“Aish… Changmin-sshi! You’re being ridiculous.”

“I am not!” Changmin said as he started walking. He guided Ji Soo along the way.

“Ah! I know what you’re trying to do.” Ji Soo said as she reluctantly followed where Changmin was leading her. “You don’t want me to see you, right?”

“What?! No!” Changmin said defensively. He cannot think of anything to say right at this moment.

“Aish. Then why are you covering my eyes?”

“Just… because…”

“Just because you don’t want me to see you.”

“Aish! I told you it’s not that!”

“Yes, it is. If it is not then, prove it to me by getting your paws off of my face.”

“Aigoo… Fine! I don’t want you to see me. There, I admitted it.”

“Okay, you admitted it. Now let go of me!”

“No…” Changmin said simply.

“Awww, why? It’s not like you’re and all.”

Well, it’s worse than that, Changmin thought as he looked down again on what was he wearing.

“Aish! I look ridiculous.” He just said.

“Aigoo…” Ji Soo whined, already half-amused and half-irritated with how this guy was acting. “You really childish, do you know that?”

Changmin chuckled. Ji Soo was in front of him now while he was still covering her eyes. He suddenly had the silly (it wasn’t actually that silly compared to what he was doing to her right now) thought of wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.

Aish… Shim Changmin, what are you thinking? Changmin said in his thoughts.

While Changmin was busy with his thoughts, Ji Soo had sensed his grip on her went loose. She took this chance to free herself from him. Ji Soo grabbed his arms and flung it away from her face.

Her action was so quick (or maybe he was just too absorbed in his thoughts) that Changmin hadn’t noticed it until it was too late. The next thing Changmin knew was that Ji Soo was facing him and glaring at him.



“Omo! Oppa, when did you get here?”

“Just yesterday. Of course I wouldn’t miss Jun Hae-ah’s birthday.” Dong Hae replied with a smile.

He was sitting in front of Da Hae while she excitedly asked him questions. Jun Hae had disappeared, probably to enjoy more of her party while the guy who was there with them in the kitchen – Dong Hae learned from Da Hae earlier that his name was Jaejoong – was silently absorbed in his work. He was told that Jaejoong was a cook in the restaurant and, also, a friend of Da Hae’s. But the way he looked at Da Hae… well, there was something. Dong Hae couldn’t put his finger to it but there was definitely something. And he definitely wanted to know what that something is.

“Yah! Oppa, are you going back to China any time soon?” Da Hae suddenly asked.

“Oh… No, definitely not that soon.” Dong Hae answered. “Which means, I could spend more time with you now.” He added mischievously.

“Aish, oppa!” Da Hae said as she gave Dong Hae a hit on the shoulder.

“Oh… Dong Hae-ah, it’s so good to see you again!” Dae Pyo-ahjumma enthusiastically said as she poked her head into the kitchen.


Dong Hae stood up and went outside the kitchen to talk to Dae Pyo-ahjumma, but not before flashing a wide smile to Da Hae. She smiled back and turned to face Jaejoong, who only gave her a somewhat cold stare.

“Yah, what’s with that face?” she asked.

“Nothing.” Jaejoong said stiffly as he looked down and tried to focus on the cake.

“Yah!” Da Hae said as she approached him. “That look doesn’t exactly say ‘it’s nothing’.”

Jaejoong sighed. He was planning to ignore Da Hae but he couldn’t resist. He chuckled lightly to himself before he looked up and faced her.

“Yah!” Da Hae appealed as no word came from Jaejoong’s mouth.

“What?” he asked innocently.

“What’s up with you?”


Da Hae raised an eyebrow. Jaejoong sighed.

“Who’s that guy earlier?” he asked slowly.

“Guy? Dong Hae-oppa?”

“Uhm, oppa?”

Da Hae chuckled. “Omo! Jaejoong-oppa’s jealous of DongHae-oppa?”

“A-aniyo.” Jaejoong stuttered though his look earlier clearly opposed what he just said. “I-I’m just curious at why you’re calling him ‘oppa’.”

Da Hae giggled. “Aish! I call him ‘oppa’ because of our names. Da Hae, Dong Hae… sounds alike right? We used to joke that we’re brother and sister.”

Aish. With the way he looks at you, I don’t think he considers you as his sister. Jaejoong thought in his head. He didn’t reply but just gave a nod to Da Hae.

“Yah! He’s a close friend.” She said as she hugged him gently from behind, inciting a wide smile from the supposed-to-be-ignorant guy. “There’s no need to be jealous or something like that.”

“Araso.” He finally said, though, deep inside, he was really worried.


“Ehem…” Syae Ri cleared to get the attention of the two teenagers wrestling each other like children.

“Oh… Syae Ri-sshi.” Changmin said as he tried to get away from Ji Soo’s chokehold.

“Uh, what are you doing?”

“Killing this guy.” Ji Soo replied jokingly.

“Yah! Let go of me.” Changmin said rather calmly, although in his mind he didn’t want Ji Soo to let go of him.

“Eh?” Syae Ri exclaimed incredulously, unable to understand how could her friend trapped this taller guy in a chokehold.

“Aish! Ji Soo-ah…” Changmin whined.

“No. Never.” Ji Soo said in a mock-cold voice.

“Uh… I’d go find Da Hae first.” Syae Ri said as she giggled.

“Yah! Wait for me.” Ji Soo said to Syae Ri.

“Uh, you don’t plan on dragging him, do you?” Syae Ri said amusedly as she pointed to the struggling Changmin.

“Oh… Right. Fine.”

Ji Soo loosened her grip on his neck. Changmin slowly stood up straight, half-regretful and half-relieved. He turned to face her, thinking of a witty thing to say but he couldn’t. They just both stood there looking at each other for what seemed like eternity.

“Uh… Ji Soo?” Syae Ri mumbled hesitantly.

Ji Soo and Changmin seem to wake up from their daze. Ji Soo quickly followed Syae Ri into the kitchen while Changmin, breathing heavily, watched her.

SORRY, SORRY, SORRY for the late update. Been busy with school. T_______T
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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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