The Wedding [Part i]

-; Mischievous Hearts ;-

Changmin’s voice echoed throughout Jaejoong’s apartment.

“We’re gonna be late!” The youngest hollered again. “Yoochun-hyung is so gonna kill us.”

“Okay, okay!” Jaejoong replied as he went down the stairs and hastily arranged his tuxedo.

Changmin, Yunho and Junsu were sitting on the couch, waiting for the oldest. They were all wearing their tuxedos and were looking ready. Jaejoong was the only one who’s not.

“Sorry.” Jaejoong said as he ran a comb through his hair and looked at himself in front of the mirror. “Ahjumma made me do overtime. We were rather shorthanded.”

Jaejoong sighed as Da Hae flashed in his mind. He was disappointed when Dae Pyo-ahjumma told him she wasn’t coming in because she had a party to prepare for.

“It’s fine.” Junsu said as he looked at his wristwatch. “As long as you hurry up. Ji Soo and her friends” – one particular friend of his sister flashed through his mind as he said it and Junsu couldn’t stop a wide smile from playing on his lips – “are already there.”

As soon as the name ‘Ji Soo’ was heard the guys on both sides of Junsu smiled widely.

Ji Soo’s there? Changmin thought as he heard his heart beat loudly in his chest.

Ji Soo? Friends? There are girls there? Yes! Yunho said in his mind as his smile turned into a mischievous grin.

“Okay, done.” Jaejoong said as he took one last glance in front of the mirror. “Let’s go.”

Jaejoong led he way out of his apartment. He locked the door and went into Yunho’s waiting car with the others.


“Wow! Your mom looks really pretty!” Sae In commented as they watched the newly weds dance happily in front. The five of them were all seated together in one table.

“Yes, she does.” Syae Ri replied as she smiled widely. She happily watched her mom and her new dad enjoy themselves. Her eyes then went in search for her (now official) stepbrother to see his reaction. Syae Ri saw him walking towards the door of the reception hall. He opened it and four guys entered. Her smile quickly faded as soon as she saw the round face and bubbly demeanor of the “dolphin-man” – as she called him in her head.

“Yah, unnie.” Ji Soo said with a nudge at her unnie’s arm. She was intrigued at the sudden change of expression on the face of the older girl seated next to her. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Syae Ri said through gritted teeth as she looked away from the five approaching guys. “Oppa’s company is here.”

Ji Soo turned her head and saw the four newly arrived guys with Yoochun. She saw Changmin beam brightly at her as they reached their table that was – unfortunately for Syae Ri – just behind the girls’. Ji Soo smiled back and waved at her brother and cousin. They both smiled at her but then a guy with slightly spiked hair and prominent cheek bones moved beside Junsu and into Ji Soo’s view. He winked, waved his hand enthusiastically and mouthed a cheery “Annyeong~!”.

Aish, Ji Soo thought as she remembered the weird guy named Yunho. She gave a forced smile then turned around.

“Aish. Yunho.” She muttered.

“What?” Sae In asked as she faintly caught the name the girl beside her had uttered. She looked at Ji Soo, eyes widen. “Yunho?”

“Yes.” Ji Soo nodded and pointed at the guy seated just behind her. “That weird guy that’s friends with oppa.”

Sae In looked at where Ji Soo was pointing at and confirmed that it was really the guy she had met with a couple of days ago. She felt her heart beat faster in her chest.

“Unnie, you know him?” Ji Soo asked as the other three girls were now looking at her.

“Yes.” Sae In nodded. “His father and grandpa arranged for us to meet two days ago.”

“How did it go?” Da Hae asked as she nibbled with the appetizer in front of her, expecting the same answer she always hears when this particular question was thrown at the oldest.

“Grandpa liked him.” Sae In said simply, making the others stare at her with shock.

“Really?” Seun Yoo asked. “But that’s the first time… Ever!”

Sae In sighed and nodded her reply as her eyes went again on Yunho who was looking around the reception hall.

“Wow.” Syae Ri commented. “Unnie’s got it tougher now.”

Ji Soo nodded but Sae In seemed not to hear it. She was still looking towards the guys’ table. Syae Ri followed Sae In’s gaze but her eyes only caught the dolpin-man who, coincidence or not, was also looking at her. She quickly looked away before she thought he could get the chance to smile at her or something.

“Aish.” She muttered under her breath.


“Aish.” Junsu muttered as he watched Syae Ri look away from him. He glared at his glass of water while the same old questions ran through his mind again: Is she mad at me? What did I do? Why is she mad?

“What’s up with him?” Yoochun asked Jaejoong as he pointed towards the now emo Junsu.

Jaejoong merely shrugged and went back to watching the newly married couple dance to another song. He smiled widely and had a silly daydream of him being the groom while dancing with the girl of his dreams. The image of Da Hae then appeared on his head, making him blush.

Aish. Why am I thinking that?, Jaejoong thought while he slapped himself inside his thoughts. He chuckled lightly to himself and in the corner of his eye he thought he saw Da Hae seated on the next table.

Kim Jaejoong, you’re hallucinating, he said to himself with another chuckle. He shook his head and went back to watching the couple dance. He then heard a girl laugh, but not just any laugh, he knew that laugh. The girl laughed again and Jaejoong was now sure it was Da Hae.

He turned his gaze to his right and saw that Da Hae WAS there! A huge smile instantly played on his lips.

Small world, he thought.


“Yah! Stop that!” Da Hae said to Sae In, Seun Yoo and Syae Ri who were teasing her about guys… again.

“Aish, unnie.” Seun Yoo said, acting exasperated. “As if you won’t blush when a guy will ask you to dance.”

“Well, I won’t!” Da Hae defended.

All three rolled their eyes and Da Hae mocked a glare at them.

“Hmm… Then what will we do when a guy asked Da Hae to dance with her?” Syae Ri mischievously asked.

“Aish. Whatever.” Da Hae said as she rolled her eyes. “If ever someone asked me to, would you think I’d accept?”

Seun Yoo, Syae Ri and Sae In looked at each other then said “Yes!”

“Aish. You three… you’re dead!”

They laughed.

“But I pity the guy who would do that.” Sae In said. “They won’t end up dancing. Da Hae will surely end up beating him.”

The three burst out laughing.

“Yah!” Da Hae said, narrowing her eyes but then she, too, joined in the laughter.

“Aww, look, other couples are joining in the dancing.” Seun Yoo said as she raised her glass, placed it near her lips and took a small sip.

“What, you wanna dance?” Syae Ri joked and Seun Yoo glared at her.

“Whatever.” Da Hae rolled her eyes. “I’m not dancing with anyone, unless it’s HIM!”

The three eyed her curiously.

“Him?” Sae In asked. “You mean, THE guy?”

“Hmm… I guess.” Da Hae said. “But I still haven’t found him. So don’t expect that dance to be soon.”

Seun Yoo, Syae Ri and Sae In rolled their eyes again as they chuckled with each other.

“What? You guys don’t believe me?”

“Hmm… No!” the three said.

“Aish. Unbelievable.”

The three laughed again while Da Hae tried to glare at them and suppress the laughter she had inside.


Ji Soo sat silently as her friends around her laughed their hearts out. On her lap was a book she couldn’t resist to bring. She tried to read it even though the surroundings weren’t helpful. Syae Ri and Sae In occasionally glanced at her but didn’t do much, having been used to how their friend acted in such occasions.

Changmin eyed her from a distance, curious. She seemed so quiet, the total opposite of him. He only becomes quiet whenever she’s around and Changmin was curious at how she does this. There was something about Ji Soo that always catches Changmin’s attention.

“Yah!” Yoochun said as he gave Changmin a nudge on the rib.


“You’re quiet again!” Yoochun said. His eyes then roamed around their table. Junsu was becoming gloomier and gloomier; Jaejoong was grinning and chuckling to himself, looking absolutely like an idiot; Yunho was looking around, probably looking for girls again.

“Aish.” Yoochun let out and Changmin eyed him curiously. “Everyone seems to be busy with their thoughts today. Am I the only sane one left?”

“Yah, hyung~! I’m still here.” Changmin retorted.

“Aish. You were being quite. It’s not normal for you to be quiet…”

Yoochun turned to look at the younger guy he was talking to but found him looking elsewhere. Aish, he thought to himself.

Out of curiosity, he followed Changmin’s gaze to the girls’ table, towards the one who was reading a book. Yoochun mouthed an “Oh”. He remembered that time when Ji Soo went to their house. Changmin was also quiet at that time. Yoochun smiled as he just thought he realized what was now happening to Changmin.

Comments are loved loved loved~! ♥
Sorry for the late update.
been busy. I was supposed to update yesterday but winglin was going crazy. lol.
Wiih. this is a rather long chapter. haha...
TO FUSHUNLYN (who's using SYAE RI as a user name - bcoz she IS Syae Ri)
You're mean!!! What did Junsu ever do to u? hmpf. really mean! That's why I didn't partner you with your beloved Jaejoong. Besides, he and Da Hae are more suited. LOL.

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Emerald_Lee #1
yay finally found it -- i dont what happen there but the main page doest show the chapters -- but i found it now and finished reading -- update soon:)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
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