the sorry

Warm Dim Turns To Light
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After Jiyong tell Mrs. Kwon that Taeyeon is already drunk, both of them leave the party and go back to the penthouse. Taeyeon fell asleep in the car on the way back, and Jiyong have no choice except to carry her to the room. After he laid Taeyeon on the bed, Jiyong take off his coat and release his tiredness. Then, he looks at Taeyeon sleeping face with loved.

“How can I get over from you?” Jiyong muttered and then he sits on the edge of bed slowly.

Jiyong fix Taeyeon hair and then his fingers slowly touch Taeyeon cheek gently.

Afterward, Jiyong move to take off Taeyeon heels shoe from her feet. While he's taking off the shoes, suddenly Taeyeon get up and look at Jiyong with sleepy eyes.

“What are you doing?” Taeyeon asked in drunken voice.

“I’m taking off your heels…” Jiyong replied.

After he's done with the shoes, Jiyong look at Taeyeon drunk face before he softly says

“Go get a sleep... I'll leave after you sleep...”

Out of sudden, Taeyeon grab Jiyong arm after he said that.

“Don't leave me... I don't want you to leave...” Taeyeon said while looking at Jiyong with sad eyes.

Jiyong stunned after what Taeyeon said. At the same time, he feels overwhelmed when Taeyeon told him not to leave her.

“I ask you to leave... but I don't want you to go... please, stay...” Taeyeon continue and then her eyes start to get teary.

Jiyong didn’t say anything because his heart overjoyed with Taeyeon words.

“I’m sorry, Jiyong. I put blame all on you... I am mad at you when the baby gone... even I know it's not your fault. Not only that, I'm torturing your feelings and make you bear all the pain.” Taeyeon continue while crying.

Jiyong shake his head slowly while his thumb wipes Taeyeon tears gently.

“I keep avoiding you just because I want to run away from my guilt. I feel terrible when I know about the abortion pill, but it is worse which… I know that come from you. Furthermore, I'm trying to hate you... but... I can't... because I know I'm guilty too...  ” Taeyeon continue to blurt out with honest.

“No, dear…” Jiyong said while holding her both hands.

“I'm really worse wife for you, Jiyong. I'm selfish, hurting you, and leave you in a bad moment. Likewise, I don't deserve to be with you...” Taeyeon replied with sobbing.

“Don’t say like that… you’re not like that, dear…” Jiyong said before he went to hugs Taeyeon tightly.

Taeyeon continue her sobbing on Jiyong shoulder, meanwhile Jiyong tears flow after what Taeyeon said to him. They stay hugging for a moment until Jiyong release the hugs and look at Taeyeon face with loved.

“I thought I can move on from the pain if we're not together... I thought by leaving you, all the pain will disappear... but... anyhow, I'm wrong... the pain never leave me... every time I saw a baby, it always reminds me of you... when I eat something, you're always in my think. How can I heal my pain if everything I'm doing will lead me toward you? Now, you're here... near me. However, I keep pushing you away, even though I'm happy to get to see you again.” Taeyeon said while looking at Jiyong crying face.

Jiyong smiles after Taeyeon said that.

After Taeyeon saw Jiyong smiling, without hesitation, Taeyeon move and kiss Jiyong lips. Jiyong that startled at first, reply the kiss afterward. The kiss stay for long as for them release longing for each other. The kiss getting passionately when Jiyong is pulling her head closer and make the kisses deeper.

“I miss you...” Taeyeon said with gasp after the kissing.

After that, she hugs Jiyong tightly.

“Yes, I miss you more, dear…” Jiyong replied by whispering in her ear.

Few minutes later, while they're still hugging, Jiyong notice Taeyeon already fell asleep when her head leans on his shoulder. Jiyong smiles while he pats Taeyeon head gently. Then, he slowly put Taeyeon laid on the bed. Jiyong wipes the tears on her face softly before he held her face with loved.







That morning, Taeyeon awake and feel her head dizzy. She looks beside and she startled after she saw Jiyong was sleeping there.

“Why he's sleeping here? What happened last night?” Taeyeon muttered with confused.

Taeyeon noticed she's still wearing her night dress and Jiyong also still in his last night shirt. Then, she notices her heels on the floor and out of sudden, the last night scene get recall in her mind.

“Oh God… that's why I shouldn't drink a lot... argh... this is embarrassing...” Taeyeon muttered while she covers her face with both hands.

Taeyeon look at Jiyong for a while before she get up from the bed slowly and go to refresh herself in bathroom.

A time later, Jiyong awake when his phone buzzed. He went to find his phone under the pillow before he picks up the call.

“Yes?” Jiyong greet after he yawns.

“Jiyong? How's it going on there? You didn't call me after you reached...” Jiwoong asked with worried.

“Argh… I’m sorry… I'm quite busy here... but, everything is fine... don't worry...” Jiyong replied with smiles.

After he's remembering the last night conversation, Jiyong smiles widely.

“Are you sure?” Jiwoong asked.

“Yeah… I think... it's going to be good news... pray for me...” Jiyong replied with smiles.

“Glad to hear that… also, please bring her home.” Jiwoong said with hope.

“I’ll try… ” Jiyong replied.

“Okay… let me know any update… you know how omma worried about you two…” Jiwoong said.

“Arasso… thanks for call…” Jiyong replied.

After he ended the calls, Jiyong noticed Taeyeon is already not in the bed. Jiyong smiles while he's remembering their kiss last night. He gets up from the bed to find his wife. He went to the bathroom, Jiyong knock the door but nothing sound from inside. When he opens the door, he saw no one in there. Jiyong walks out from the room, and he went to the kitchen after he noticed nobody in living or dining room. Yet, he still can't find Taeyeon presence. Jiyong start to feel uneasy.

Jiyong decided to ask his parent, but before he went to their room, Jiyong saw his father is coming back from somewhere.

“Oh… you already awake? Here... I buy bagel for breakfast.” Mr. Kwon said while he enters the house.

“Appa, have you see Taeyeon?” Jiyong asked curiously.

“Taeyeon? I thought you know... she's leaving to LA. I'm just dropped her at the station. Her flight this morning...why? She didn't tell you?” Mr. Kwon asked with confused.

“LA? Why?” Jiyong asked.

“She told me that her boss asked to handle a drawing class for this week. That's why she needs to go back...” suddenly Mrs. Kwon replied while step down the stairs.

Jiyong rub his face with disappointed.

“What happen?” Mr. Kwon asked curiously.

Jiyong shake his head slowly before he reply


“Don’t worry… she’ll be back…” Mrs. Kwon said try to comfort Jiyong.

Jiyong sigh slowly before he nodded. After that, he went back into the room with disappointed.

“What’s wrong?” Mr. Kwon asked his wife.

Mrs. Kwon lifts her shoulder as sign she doesn’t know about it.








After she went to LA without telling Jiyong, Taeyeon decided to give herself space after that night conversation. She knows Jiyong will always do his best to persuade her, and she does admit her heart getting soft for what Jiyong done. However, at the same time, she still felt scared if the same things happen again, she will keep blaming and hate Jiyong. She knew her love for Jiyong still there but, she can't be sure how long the love will long-lasting. She scared if one day, the same things happen again, both of them can't bear it anymore and let go of each other. To think about it makes Taeyeon feel unsecure with her own feelings.

Meanwhile, on Jiyong side, he feels disappointed after Taeyeon leave him just like that. Even without leaving any message or words for him. Jiyong feel offended when Taeyeon react like that after that night conversation. He thought she'll be got back together but now, Jiyong starting to lost hope. He holds himself from contacting her and gives Taeyeon space to think. Jiyong decided not to pressure her anymore and just go with the flow. If Taeyeon still insist on leaving him, Jiyong decided to leave New York and respect Taeyeon decision.

“Taeyeon!” Mrs. Rachel calls her from the class door.

“Yes, madam?” Taeyeon replied.

“You have visitor...” Mrs. Rachel said.

“Who?” Taeyeon asked.

“It's a lady... I think she's come from Korea.” Mrs. Rachel replied.

Taeyeon frown after her boss said that.

“Okay… I’ll be there…” Taeyeon said.

After she kept all her stationery, Taeyeon walks out from the class and went to the art hall. When she’s arriving in art hall, she saw a lady is standing in front of her drawing alone. Taeyeon approach the lady with mixed feelings.

“Yes, what can I help you?” Taeyeon asked after she stands behind the lady.

The lady turn and then she’s smiling after saw Taeyeon surprised face.

“Misun?” Taeyeon said with surprised.

Misun smiles before she went to hugs Taeyeon.

“What are you doing here?” Taeyeon asked awkwardly after the hugs.

“Holiday…” Misun replied with smiles.

Taeyeon frown while look at her with confused.

“Hey, don't make that face... I'm just happy to get to know you're here... after I read the name on this drawing... thank god, you're here... and we meet...” Misun continue happily.

“You... alone?” Taeyeo

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Chapter 50: Ohhh its now the end. This is a good story! Thank you so much.
309818 #2
Chapter 50: Oh its over? Craving for more... Thank you.. All your stories are awesome
MelTT08 #3
Chapter 50: It was really good! I'm sad it's already over 🥲
Chapter 48: I can’t wait for them to meet again. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 46: Fany is here to save the day! Thanks for the update.
309818 #6
Chapter 45: I can't 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 45: Feel so sad for the both of them. I hope Taeyeon and Jiyong can start over again.
tyeam0309 #8
Chapter 44: Fighting authorinm, thank you.
309818 #9
Chapter 44: Huhuhu nooooo 😭😭😭
Chapter 43: Ahhh Jiyong is in trouble again. Hope the chaos will be over soon.