Horrible Helpers

Secret Friendship

"Alright, so what's the plan again?" Hara mentioned.

"Kidnap the girl." Kyungsam said.

"Try to find a way to kidnap the girl." Hyunshik corrected.

"And what if that doesn't work?" Hara asked curiously.

"Then slowly kidnap her friends." Kyungsam said.

"Alright." Hara nodded.

"Don't worry Hara, we will have the girl back here quickly." Hyunshik said.

"Right! It's not like the girl knows self defense." Kyungsam chuckled.


Krista and L walked out of the cafe and slowly Hyunshik and Kyungsam followed from behind. "Alright, how are we going to kidnap her?" Kyungsam whispered from behind.

"Yah! You're whispering so loud!" Hyunshik whispered annoyed.

"Mianhae..." Kyungsam said awkwardly.

"Alright, just follow my lead." Hyunshik said as he was about to walk faster.

"Right!" Kyungsam nodded in agreement.

Krista and L continue on walking while as for Hyunshik and Kyungsam they were spying on the 2. "Seriously is what they are going to do." Kyungsam mumbled.

"You need to be patient." Hyunshik said.

"But, I hate being patient and you know that." Kyungsam whined.

Krista and L stopped at a flower shop and L smiled at Krista and just left her behind. Hyunshik and Kyungsam were still watching her and Hyunshik glance up at Kyungsam and nodded, "Alright now's our chance."

Hyunshik and Kyungsam slowly sneak up on Krista. Krista just stood there waiting for L until she gave a suspicious look. Out of nowhere, Kyungsam and Hyunshik attacked from behind by grabbing Krista out of nowhere. Krista gasped as she felt 2 people gripping on to her tightly. "Quick, we need to carry her out of here!" Hyunshik suggested.

"And how do we do that?" Kyungsam asked nervously.

"Let go of me!!" Krista shouted.

She suddenly elbowed Kyungsam in the stomach which made Kyungsam let go of Krista and fall back on the ground. As for Hyunshik he was still holding on to Krista. Krista glared at Hyunshik and just flip him over which made his back land on the ground. Krista sighed and said, "Weird people these days." 

"Krista I'm back~!" L called out.

Krista smiled as she heard L's voice. L walked out with a red poinsettia in his hand and walk up to Krista and kindly put it on her hair. "Yeppeunda." L smiled.

"Yah!" Krista said awkwardly.

L notice the 2 guys that were laying dead on the floor and he looked at Krista with a confused look. "Where these 2 guys here before?" L asked.

Krista smiled awkwardly and said, "Ehehe, yeah I'll tell you on the way what happen. Kaja~!" She suddenly pushed L which force him to continue walking on leaving both Kyungsam and Hyunshik behind.

Kyungsam groaned in pain and try to look at Hyunshik, "Wow...that is one feisty girl..." Kyungsam groaned.

"Who could have known that she learn moves like that." Hyunshik said as he just laid there.


"Ok, I have got to admit, I never would have suspect that this would happen." Krista smiled as she looked at her surroundings.

L smiled back at Krista and said, "Let just say it's a special day for you."

"You really didn't have to do this..." Krista said as she glance at L.

"It's just an apology gift." L shrugged. "How harsh I was too you all this time. I was a fool." 

"You were stupid." Krista added.

"Yah!" L said shocked.

"In a cute way..." Krista giggled.

"Ara..." L mumbled. "Oh!" He remember. "There's something I want to give you."

"Mwo?" Krista said confused.

"Here" L smiled happily as he handed the box to Krista.

"What is this?" She asked curiously as she lightly accept the box.

"I was suppose to give it you a long time ago...but, I never had the chance to. But, since it's a special day between us, might as well give it to you now." L smiled.

Krista gave a bewildered look at the box. She lightly turn it around how many times and then slowly open it lifting the top of the small box. Krista notice something sparkly since sunlight was both on her and L. She looked at what was shining so brightly and her eyes widen.

The Winnie the Pooh necklace that L has brought before was in the box. Krista's mouth dropped into the shape of an 'O'. She glance at the necklace and then glance back at L. "You brought this for me?" Krista asked shocked.

L grinned at Krista and nodded, "I know how much you like it. And well, I wanted to give it to you. So...here you go."

"Myungsoo..." Krista kindly said as her expression softens. "...Thank you."

L smiled at Krista and nodded at her. Krista smiled widely and walk up to L and wrap her arms around L's neck and hug him by being on her tippy toes. L gave a small smile and just hugged Krista back by wrapping his arms around Krista's waist. Some people were staring at the happy couple having their moment. "Saranghae." Krista said happily.

L grinned and said, "Nado saranghae..."


"Aw..." Kyungsam said. "That guy is lucky to have her. I want a girlfriend like that."

"Oh be quiet." Hyunshik said annoyed. "We were suppose to be doing our job."

"Well sorry...it's not our fault, the girl can kick ." Kyungsam said.

"We still have to kidnap her though." Hyunshik said.

"And how are we going to do that?" Kyungsam asked sarcastically. "Because we're still going to get our kick again at the end."

Hyunshik's phone suddenly vibrated which made him groan, "Great it's her."

Hyunshik took out the phone from his pocket and put it against the ear, "Yobeseyo?"

"Did you get her?" Hara asked.

"No, we have a problem." Hyunshik said.

"It's Myungsoo isn't it?" Hara mentioned.

"Well no, it's the girl." Hyunshik said.

"What you mean?" Hara asked.

"Oh come on Hara! You gave us a hard target!" Kyungsam complained. "I mean the girl knows her self defense."

"Are you saying you guys are scared of her?!" Hara asked annoyed.

"...Maybe..." Both of them squeaked.


Both of them have a squinted expression. Once Hara was done complaining over the phone, she gave a sigh and said, "Go with plan B."

"What's plan B again?" Kyungsam asked confused.

"How can you forget dummy!" Hara shouted. "Instead of kidnapping the girl, since you guys are "scared" of her. Kidnap her friends..."

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Small haitus for a while. Having a writer's block on this story. T_T


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Chapter 77: Whoaaaaaaaa~ I'm checking this fic after a long time and you've done it^^ this is a really awesome story <3 I love the ending~ You're daebak! \(^-^)/
Fredakpop #2
Chapter 73: Omgomg .. Na Eun is gonna get in trouble >< haiss goodluck Na Eun :(

btw , update soon !
starlightdust #3
Chapter 73: ooooooh NA EUN'S BUSTED
Chapter 72: Mwahahah Na Eun ur a good girl! Spy them well! (~^^)~ :3
Fredakpop #5
Chapter 72: Woah that's great ! I hope they are able to find them soon & more romantic couple scenes coming up ^_^
Update soon ! ~ ^-^
starlightdust #6
Fredakpop #7
Chapter 71: Hoho please update soon ! ~
starlightdust #8
Chapter 70: well it could actually be very hard to kidnap a girl especially if she learned martial arts or something
Chapter 69: Hara! Stop it! Can't you just let them be happiliy ever after...
Fredakpop #10
Chapter 69: Woohoo ^_^ finally ~
Update soon