A Little Too Much

Secret Friendship

Hara rush out of school as the bell rang. She stomped her way back home and she gave a furious look as she walk pass people. People notice Hara stomping pass them, they just look at her shocked and start to gossip about how upset Hara is.

Hara was heading home until she spotted something that caught her eyes, L and Krista. The 2 were smiling at each other and start to act all cute together. Hara stood there furious that she clutches both of her hands into 2 fist. "I can't believe you did that." Krista said as she looked at L.

"What you mean?" L asked curiously.

"Hara, I mean you dated her since middle school. And your dating her even now, but...why would you pick me if you love her?" Krista said as her smiled faded.

L's smiled faded as well and then notice Krista's expression slowly changing into a sad expression. "All I'm going to say...I made a bad choice. I felt stupid. Who could have known that this whole time, the person I really love...was standing in front me the whole time. She's been with me the longest, it's just that...I didn't know that my heart belong to her this whole time." L said.

Krista smiled a little bit and glance at L, "Well at least you got her now..." 

Both Krista and L walked away and Hara heard the whole thing. Hara glared at the both of them and her eyes were red. Hara start to shake and her lips start to quiver. A tear slid down her cheek and she start to sniffle. "So, this how you guys want to play. ...Bring it on." Hara said as her voice cracked multiple times.


Hara arrived at the abandon house and she took a deep breath and stomped inside. She push the door open and step inside glaring at her surroundings. "YAH! I KNOW YOU GUYS ARE HOME!" Hara shouted.

"Who is it?" One of them whispered.

"Who do you think it is?" Another person whispered as he hit the other from the back of the head.

"OW!" The person shouted. "That's hurts!"

"YAH!" Hara shouted as she looked at the old couch. "STOP HIDING FROM THE COUCH AND GET THE HECK UP!"

2 unknown people slowly got up from the couch and gave a worried look. "What the heck is wrong with you today. You're pissed off about something." One of them said.

"SHUT IT HYUNSHIK!" Hara shouted.

"Calm the heck down!" Hyunshik said as he tried to calm Hara down. "Did something happen?"

"Nae," Hara nodded. "Something that I want to get revenge on..."


"So that's what happened." Hyunshik said. "Kyungsam, do you think we should really put revenge on her?"

"Well, I mean if she's not that pretty I don't mind." Kyungsam shrugged.

"Dude!" Hyunshik said as he elbowed Kyungsam.

"BWOH?! As you can see, I am just saying my honest opinion ok." Kyungsam said as he rubbed his arm.

"WOULD YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP!" Hara interrupted.

Both of the guys stared at Hara were tears were still coming down from her cheeks. "I just can't believe...that L would pick her...over me..." Hara said sadly. "I-I-It- It's just unfair."

"Well, what do you expect us to do? Don't worry, we can make L and Krista break up. Just tell us, we'll do it." Hyunshik said.

"What Hyunshik said." Kyungsam said carelessly.

"Not helping..." Hyunshik said as he glared at Kyungsam. 

Kyungsam smile widely and Hara gave an annoyed look at the both of them. "You know what, you guys are not helping! I am leaving!"

Hara got up and was about to stompaway until she felt to grips on both of her wrists. She looked back and spotted both Kyungsam and Hyunshik giving her the puppy dog eyes. Hara raised a brow at them since she was cnfused. "Aniyo, please don't leave Hara!" Hyunkshik begged.

"Nae," Kyungsam agreed. "We will work harder. You'll see."

Hara's expression suddenly change into a smirk and said, "Perfect. Alright here's the plan..."


Krista's phone was ringing but, so far Krista was not answering. "Unnie, would you go get your phone!" Veronica called out.

"Hang on!" Krista shouted back.

"Yah! If you don't hurry it up, you're going t have a missed call." Veronica mentioned.

"Then just answer it for me." Krista suggested.

"Aish," Veronica said as she got up from her bed. "I seriously don't get, who the heck would call at this time."

Veronica walked over to Krista's phone and check to see who was calling. Veronica looked at the bright screen of Krista's phone and she start to give a small smirk. She pick up Krista's phone and answered it, "Oppa!" Veronica said as she imitates Krista's voice.

"Yah, I'm already outside." L said.

Veronica suddenly pouted and said, "But, i am still getting ready..."

"Ppali wa then." L said impatiently.

"Yah! Be patent babo!" Veronica shouted in the phone angrily.

"Veronica who's on the phone?" Krista asked as she walked in the room with her hair a little bit messed up.

Veronica grinned and said, "Your boyfriend~!"

Krista blinked at Veronica multiple times and then she quickly snatch the phone from Veronica's hands. "Oh, Myungsoo." Krista said as she put the phone to her ear.

"Krista or Veronica?" L asked curiously.

Krista scowled and mumbled, "It's Krista...like I would ever call you oppa."

"True, are you ready cause I'm outside." L said.

Krista stood silent for a moment and then looked out from her window. As she looked out through her window, she spotted L standing at the front of the house. "Aish, can't you just tell me where you a taking me this early in the morning." Krista pouted.

"Secret..." L grinned.

"Meanie." Krista mumbled. "Ok, i'm on my way."

Krista hung up on L and then walked out of her room. "Have fun on your date unnie!" Veronica called out.

"Shikkeurro." Krista said as she walked out of her room.

Veronica just sat on her bed watching Krista leave with a smile on her face. She suddenly notice her phone vibrating so she pick up the phone and put it against her ear. "Oh, Sungyeollie." Veronica said.

"Are you doing anything?" Sungyeol asked curiously.

"Aniyo, I'm like the only person in the house now." Veronica shrugged.

"Wait, you're home alone?" Sungyeol asked curiously.

"Nae!" Veronica grinned.

"Well, get ready, I am going to take you somewhere." Sungyeol suggested.

"But, oppa...I'm lazy." Veronica whined.

"Ani, we're going somewhere special." Sungyeol suggested.

"Araso..." Veronica sighed.


"Myungsoo~!" Krista called out.

L was waiting at the front of Forever Beatz's house until he heard his name was called. He looked up and spotted Krista dressed all pretty with a smile on her face. L's eyes widen as he looked at Krista and she walked down the stairs and up to L. "Ready to go?" Krista asked curiously.

"You know you really don't have to dress nice. We're just going on a regular date." L said.

"Ok, I will go back and dress up by wearing comfortable clothes then." Krista shrugged as she slowly was about to turn back and walk back inside her house.

"Ani, you take forever." L said as he quickly grab Krista's wrist. "We're going right now."

He dragged Krista from behind right away and Krista followed. Krista gave a small smile and thought, Aigoo L, I seriously do not get you sometimes...

Krista and L were walking around and notice that it was crowded every single time they walk. Krista gave a worried look and wrap her arms around L's. L's notice Krista's touch and just look at her. He gave a small smile and just continue walking on. "Yah! You're walking too fast." Krista said.

"Not even." L said surprised.

"Slow down. I might get lost and, I really don't like getting lost." Krista pouted.

L grinned and just held on to her hand. "Just don't let go of my hand, then you won't be lost."

Krista glance up at L and gave a small smile at him. L smiled and both of them continue walking on.

Nu'est - Not Over You

"So this where you're taking me?" Krista asked curiously. "A cafe."

"Well it's something special ok." L said.

Krista smiled and notice the waiter came over and set a slice of cake on the table. "Wait, why is there only one?" Krista asked curiously.

"It's for you." L insisted.

"You're not going to eat?" Krista asked curiously.

"Ani," L nodded. "I already ate. But, trust me...this cake is good." 

"Andwae! I am not going to eat the cake until you get one." Krista suggested.

"Bwoh?" L said as he blinked.

"You heard me." Krista said.

"Aish," L said. "Do you really have to be like this?"

"Of course." Krista shrugged. "I can be a big meanie to you."

L looked at the cake and took a finger tip of icing and lightly put it on Krista's nose. Krista looked at the icing on her nose and then looked up at L confused. "What?" L shrugged. "It's payback."

Krista looked at L and then grab a fork and slice the cake. She then pointed the fork at L and said, "Ah~!"

"You're feeding me?" L asked curiously.

"Of course." Krista smiled.

L looked at the piece of cake and just shrugged. He took the bite size cake and start chewing. "Well, is it good?" Krista asked curiously.

"Delicious~!" L smiled. "Your turn." 

L grabbed a fork and then point close to Krista's mouth. "Andwae, I'm fine." Krista said as she light pushed the fork away.

"Yah, if I get to eat. You're eating it as well." L pouted.

Krista glance at L and notice his pouting. For some reason it made her smile and just shrugged, "Fine."

Krista lean in and ate the cake and start to chew it. She start to smile and nodded at L happily, "Nae you're right. It is good."

"Told you so!" L grinned.


While Krista and L were having their cute moments, someone was watching them from a far. "Is that the girl?" Kyungsam asked curiously. "Wow, she's pretty."

"Dude! This is no time for checking out girls. As you can see, she's the target." Hyunshik said as he elbowed Kyungsam.

"Mianhae," Kyungsam pouted. "But I mean look at her. She's like better looking than Hara. He's lucky."

Hyunshik glared at Kyungsam and said, "I swear, if Hara hears you say that. She is going to kill you."

"But, Hara is not here." Kyungsam grinned.

Hyunshik sighed in annoyance and said, "Alright, it's time to start the plan."

"How?" Kyungsam asked curiously.

"Don't you remember anything stupid!" Hyunshik said. "All we have to do is kidnap the girl. Which should be simple..." 

"And if that doesn't work?" Kyungsam asked curiously.

"Of course it would work! I mean she's a girl. How hard can it be?" Hyunshik shrugged.

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Small haitus for a while. Having a writer's block on this story. T_T


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Chapter 77: Whoaaaaaaaa~ I'm checking this fic after a long time and you've done it^^ this is a really awesome story <3 I love the ending~ You're daebak! \(^-^)/
Fredakpop #2
Chapter 73: Omgomg .. Na Eun is gonna get in trouble >< haiss goodluck Na Eun :(

btw , update soon !
starlightdust #3
Chapter 73: ooooooh NA EUN'S BUSTED
Chapter 72: Mwahahah Na Eun ur a good girl! Spy them well! (~^^)~ :3
Fredakpop #5
Chapter 72: Woah that's great ! I hope they are able to find them soon & more romantic couple scenes coming up ^_^
Update soon ! ~ ^-^
starlightdust #6
Fredakpop #7
Chapter 71: Hoho please update soon ! ~
starlightdust #8
Chapter 70: well it could actually be very hard to kidnap a girl especially if she learned martial arts or something
Chapter 69: Hara! Stop it! Can't you just let them be happiliy ever after...
Fredakpop #10
Chapter 69: Woohoo ^_^ finally ~
Update soon