Chapter 31

Reel To Real
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Next day, Donghae, Siwon, Kyuhyun, Shindong, Sungmin and Ryeowook went to their own schedules, leaving the others to prepare for the ‘big act’. They planned together carefully what they were going to do to bring you and Donghae close again. Since Leeteuk, Kangin, Yesung and Eunhyuk were the only ones who remained, it would be difficult for them to act. Heechul said he could come after his service, which will end at two o’clock in the afternoon. In the meantime, the four separated to do their assigned tasks. Leeteuk went to JYP building and Eunhyuk to SM building. While Yesung and Kangin were left to 12th floor dorm, cleaning.


When Leeteuk finally arrived at the parking lot of JYP building, he called Taecyeon through his phone.

“Hello?” Taecyeon answered.

“Taecyeon-ssi, this is Leeteuk.”

“Oh, yeah, hyung. Why did you call?” Taecyeon asked.

Leeteuk struggled for words. Finally he was able to ask, “Are you free today?”

“Ah, I’m sorry hyung. But we’re practicing right now. My manager probably won’t let me go out. What do you need, hyung?”

“Ah—er—I just want to ask something,” Leeteuk said.

“What is it then? We’re on a break right now,” Taecyeon replied politely.

“I’m actually on JYP building’s parking lot now,” Leeteuk said as he scratched his head.

It took time for Taecyeon to answer. “Ah. Let’s meet at the lobby then.”


And they met at the lobby. Taecyeon, being a polite hoobae, offered a cup of coffee to Leeteuk.

“So what is it, hyung?” he finally asked.

Leeteuk sipped his coffee then he answered, “Actually, it’s about you, Jessica, Donghae and _________.”

Taecyeon chuckled softly and began to drink his coffee, too.

“What’s funny?” Leeteuk asked with a hint of irritation on his tone.

Taecyeon smiled and said, “Hyung, it’s all been set. Donghae and Jessica are over and so are us.”

Leeteuk raised both of his eyebrows in incomprehension.

“It’s been settled, hyung. Didn’t Donghae-hyung tell you?”

Leeteuk shook his head. “Then why does Donghae acting weird? He gets irritated hearing __________ name?” he asked.

Taecyeon shrugged. “Molla. Even on their press conference, he’s acting cold at __________.”

“Aigoo. That kid.” Leeteuk stood up and finished his drink. “Thank you for the coffee,” he said and patted Taecyeon’s shoulder. “And thank you for fixing this issue.”

Taecyeon stood up, too. “No problem, hyung,” he replied with a smile. “Problem comes only when Donghae-hyung hurts _________.”

Leeteuk grinned. “Oh, I won’t let that happen.”

They bid goodbye to each other and went off to different directions.


When Leeteuk reached his car, his phone beeped, flashing Eunhyuk’s picture and name on its screen.

“Hyung!” Eunhyuk greeted almost shouting. “Er—the SNSD members are currently practicing right now at the practice room but there’s no Jessica. They said that she’s in no fit to practice.”

Leeteuk hopped in the car and started the engine. “Forget Jessica. Let’s meet on the dorm. I have to tell something.”



When Leeteuk finally arrived at their dorm, he caught Kangin and Yesung playing with broom and dustpan. The two noticed his presence so they immediately stopped playing and threw off their cleaning materials to the side. Leeteuk roamed his eyes around the dorm.

“You call this cleaning?” Leeteuk asked in exasperation.

“Hyung, blame Yesung,” Kangin said.

Yesung’s eyes widened. “Why me?”

“Aigoo. Stop! Both of you clean the whole dorm in one hour. Arasseo?” Leeteuk commanded and headed to his room.


As soon as Leeteuk was out of earshot, Yesung complained, “My mom doesn’t want me to become a Super Junior member just to clean the whole dorm. Where is ajhumma?”

“She’s on a break. Aish. Let’s just clean the dorm before the ajhussi come back.”


They were almost finished cleaning the living room when Eunhyuk arrived.

“Where’s Leeteuk-hyung?” he asked the two.

Yesung pointed on their leader’s door. “Don’t disturb him. Just help us cleaning the dorm.”

“Wait. What took you so long?” Kangin asked.

“Fans,” Eunhyuk answered. “You know, I just can’t—ignore them.”

“I didn’t know that you have fans,” Kangin joked and burst out laughing.

Yesung and Eunhyuk stared at him while he was rolling hysterically.

“Hyung, what happened to him?” Eunhyuk whispered.

“Molla,” Yesung answered and shrugged. “Let’s just clean.” And they two went off to different corners of the house to clean, leaving Kangin still laughing at his own joke.


After two hours, they finally finished cleaning the whole dorm except Leeteuk’s room. Kyuhyun arrived at twelve o’clock followed by Sungmin then Ryeowook. All of them gathered at the dining room and waited for Ryeowook to finish making sandwiches.

“Why don’t we just buy lunch outside?” Sungmin asked with his chin resting on his palm.

“You do it then,” all of them said in unison. And that made him zip his mouth for once.


Leeteuk finally went out his room and noticed his dongsaengs packed in the dining room. He walked toward them and revealed his new info given by Taecyeon.

“Aha!” Kyuhyun suddenly said. All heads turned at him. “I think I know why does hyung acting like that.”

“Mwo?” they asked in unison.

“I’m not really sure, but you see, I think he doesn’t like the fact that _________ had spied him for Jessica.”

“Just because of that?” Kangin groaned.

Leeteuk thought about it and nodded. “Yeah, living with that kid with almost half of my age, it is likely to be the reason.”

“But how do we act? Shall we make another plan?” Ryeowook asked and placed a tray of sandwiches on the table.

“No. Stick to the plan,” Leeteuk said. “Eunhyuk-ah, go to _________. You know what to do, alright?”

Eunhyuk nodded.

“Kyuhyun, follow him. Act on my cue,” Leeteuk continued. “The rest, stay here and plot the scenario. We need to finish this before I go. Arasseo?”

All of them nodded and started to eat the sandwiches.


At exactly one o’clock, Eunhyuk went out and headed to parking lot. He climbed in and buckled up his seat belt but before he started the engine, he phoned you.

“Yoboseyo?” you answered the call. “Oppa?”

“Ne. _________-ah, where are you right now?” he asked directly.

“Filming,” you answered. “Wae?”

“Let’s hang around after filming.”

You thought for a while and said, “Sure, oppa. We’re almost done. Let’s meet at the—,”

“Han river,” he said, cutting you off.

“O-okay. Do you want me to bring Eunji with me?”

“Ani,” he said, almost immediately. “I know she’s busy and—and she’ll understand. Wait, is Siwon with you?”

“Aniyo. He left the filming area earlier. He has another schedule to go,” you answered. “You didn’t know?”

“Would I ask if I know?” he retorted. “Let’s meet at Han river, okay? Text me when you’re on your way.”

“Okay, bye,” you said then hung up.



You arrived at the meeting area and was surprised that the monkey wasn’t there. Sure enough that you sent him a message before you left the filming area. Where was he?


Suddenly, a man on a weird hooded jacket and cap with a mask came running towards your direction. You rolled your eyes as he approached you.

“Kyuhyun-oppa,” you said. “Where’s the monkey?”

Kyuhyun wasn’t able to answer immediately as he was panting so hard. “_________-ah,” he started. He removed his mask for better inhalation as he continued, “Hyukkie-hyung—he—,” he trailed off.

You stared at him frantically. “What happened?” you asked in panic.

“I don’t know,” he said, close to tears. “It—it’s m-my f-fault.”

“Where is he?!” Panic came through your whole system.

“D-dorm,” he answered. “Car . . . hit . . . him . . .”

Your eyes widened in rage. “WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING IN THE DORM?! You should have sent him off

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Hiiiiiiii! As you can see, I changed my username. I am the former LoveHateRelationship. It's been 5 years since the last time I published here. I missed working on a fic, so I started another. Please give my new baby a look and recommend to your friends. Thank you!


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Chapter 40: OMGG, this fic is cuteee >.< This is one of the best DonghaexOC fics and unfortunately, there r only a few HaexOC fics that I can find in AFF.. Well, thanks for making this cute fic!! Why don't you try to make another HaexOC fic? xD
Chapter 40: This is a cute fic. Haha. Its so fluffy and I love how you gave all the characters closure. Thanks for making everyone on good terms with each other or civil terms at least. HAHA. Such a happy ending.
Iminthezone #3
Congratulations on getting featured
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 40: Great story! Done reading this one ^^
kay-el25 #7
Chapter 40: Hey there!! It's been a long time since I last visited! hehehe!! gosh I missed reading this! Thank you by the way for writing this beautiful story! I hope you would write more in the future!! :)
Chapter 39: Unnie *sobs Saranghae!!! Lol even though you can't text me I'm always right here unnie you did a very great job! Finally I was able to read the chaps, like i said I wanted the moment to be perfect ^^ Unniiiiiieee THIS WILL FOREVER BE ONE OF MY FAVORITE STORIES!!! SARANGHAE thank you for being the best author =)) DAEBAKK! SEE YOU AT SS5 ;D