Chapter 11

Reel To Real
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After 30 minutes of driving, you both arrived at the hotel.

“Oppa,” you said, breaking the ice of silence. You both became quiet after Donghae called. “Is he that scary when he’s not on the mood?”

He nodded, “He’s been like that since he started dating Jessica. He was cool and patient before. But, now, he became so strict on a lot of things.”

You sighed.

“Don’t worry, I’m here,” said Eunhyuk reassuringly.

You smiled weakly, “Thanks, oppa.” Just when things are getting better with us . . .

“No problem, _______-ah.”


You both entered the elevator. Inside the elevator, there was a lady. She kept looking at you. You recognized her as your little neighbor at the hotel.

“Excuse me, agassi,” she approached.

Eunhyuk looked at you protectively. He thought that the lady was a fan.

“Ne?” you answered nicely.

“You’re staying at room 109, right?”

“Oh, yeah,” you nodded.

She hesitated, “Well, there’s a man on your front door. I think he’s your boyfriend. He’s been waiting for you since, I guess, 3pm?”

“It’s him,” Eunhyuk whispered.

Your eyes widened with shock. But, thanks to your disguise. You’ll be able to hide it. “Yeah, thank you for informing me,” you said as you looked at your wristwatch. 6:46pm. Great!

She bowed and left you at the elevator.



Donghae sat at the sofa with his hands balled up. You and Eunhyuk were standing behind him.

He inhaled, “Eunhyuk-ah, naga.”

“Mwo?” Eunhyuk protested.

“We’re just going to talk.”

“Then, talk. I’ll stay here,” he insisted.

“Aish,” he gave up. “_______-ah, how are you feeling?”

“I-I’m fine,” you stammered.

“I ordered you a dinner. Eat it and rest,” he said as he stood up.

“Where are you going?” you and Eunhyuk said in unison.

He didn’t answer. He started to walk to the door. Eunhyuk ran after him, placed his hand on Donghae’s shoulder to make Donghae stop. “What is your problem?”

Donghae shove Eunhyuk’s hand off his shoulder.

“You’re not the Lee Donghae that I know!” Eunhyuk blurted out.

“Oppa,” you muttered scarily at Eunhyuk.

“It’s about Jessica, right? Why can’t you just let her go?! She doesn’t love you anymore. So, why hold onto her, when she doesn’t have feelings for you?!” Eunhyuk said in outrage.

“It’s because I love her more than I should!!” Donghae spat back. “You don’t know how it feels inside, Hyuk. Seeing her with other man makes my whole body numb,” he said as a tear escaped on his eye.

“That’s why you should let her go,” Eunhyuk said as he comforts him by patting his shoulder.

“I can’t,” he shook his head.

“Actually, you can. You just think you can’t. You know, there’s so many fishes on the sea,” he said cheerfully.

He laughed as Eunhyuk wiped his tear, “Like you said there’s many Donghae out there.”

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Hiiiiiiii! As you can see, I changed my username. I am the former LoveHateRelationship. It's been 5 years since the last time I published here. I missed working on a fic, so I started another. Please give my new baby a look and recommend to your friends. Thank you!


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Chapter 40: OMGG, this fic is cuteee >.< This is one of the best DonghaexOC fics and unfortunately, there r only a few HaexOC fics that I can find in AFF.. Well, thanks for making this cute fic!! Why don't you try to make another HaexOC fic? xD
Chapter 40: This is a cute fic. Haha. Its so fluffy and I love how you gave all the characters closure. Thanks for making everyone on good terms with each other or civil terms at least. HAHA. Such a happy ending.
Iminthezone #3
Congratulations on getting featured
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 40: Great story! Done reading this one ^^
kay-el25 #7
Chapter 40: Hey there!! It's been a long time since I last visited! hehehe!! gosh I missed reading this! Thank you by the way for writing this beautiful story! I hope you would write more in the future!! :)
Chapter 39: Unnie *sobs Saranghae!!! Lol even though you can't text me I'm always right here unnie you did a very great job! Finally I was able to read the chaps, like i said I wanted the moment to be perfect ^^ Unniiiiiieee THIS WILL FOREVER BE ONE OF MY FAVORITE STORIES!!! SARANGHAE thank you for being the best author =)) DAEBAKK! SEE YOU AT SS5 ;D