Chapter 43

Haunted Fate

Nikolai gaped.

"I have the impression that we shouldn't have talked about this subject." muttered the Seer.

"What do you want him to do, waves his little wings with irritation?" replied the sovereign, beating his fingers.

Key took the table between the couch and the chair and turned it over with such violence that he made Fate yelp. The Sovereign tried to keep his calm wiping the few drops of tea falling on his face.

"YOU .." Key froze, seeming to remember something "..ah, nothing."

He sat back in his place.


"That explains why his blood is a mix of mine and Nikolai."

"Did you think for a second that this child was not yours?" Nikolai asked dangerously. "I'm not you ! i don't sleep everywhere " he added accusingly.

"I know you would never do that and even if it would have been the case I wouldn't have no right to get angry."

Taemin was really tired of it "Nikolai stops reminding him that, he didnd't have a choice and you, Key stop it, it was not your fault but the Shaman's. Please you're both finally together and Nikolai is pregnant, wouldn't it be time to forget and move on ?!"

Key and Nikolai said nothing.

The Sovereign cleared his throat "So .. Sehun here present was accompanied by another soulmate child but the man is far too weak right now, he has to hibernate in one of the lakes near here.

Taemin finally noticed Sehun's gaze on him "Wait ... don't tell me that .." Was it Jun -his son- from the future?

"In the parallel world you should already be pregnant with Baekhyun at that time, but you are not unlike Nikolai with me. Because of that Baekhyun doesnt exist in this world, so he's weak."

Taemin had trouble breathing. His son with the Alpha?

"I don't feel very good." he said, swallowing.

"Ah ah !" Nikolai said, making them jump, "I have proof that you're lying !" he said, pointing to Sehun.

The man raised an eyebrow waiting for the rest.

"Taemin only exists because Fate stole a part of my soul to create it, there would be no reason to exist if I didnt fell from that cliff !"

Sehun sighed as tired "Nikolai."

"What !"

"Taemin exists in my world because you created it yourself."


"Why would I do such a thing, divided my powers in two by choice?

"You did it because you felt alone, who could better understand you than a second Nikolai?"

Nikolai seemed to wonder if he would be able to do such a thing and seeing his reaction, probably yes.

"And ... what should we do now ?" asked Fate.

"Your goal will be that you find these pages of your book and that you go and check yourself that these soul mates definitely end up together, regardless of their current situation." answered the Sovereign.

Fate's eyes widened "at least twenty pages have disappeared and you want me to take care of all these couples ?!"

The Seer looked at him "This book is under your protection Fate and the creators don't seem inclined to punish you so we did, don't you feel lucky to have such a low punishment?"

Fate seemed embarrassed.

"An idea of ​​where are these pages?" Taemin asked.

"Zitao Castle." replied the Seer.

Nikolai grimaced, "It's not going to be a piece of cake."

"And don't forget that if they know that you come to steal by order of the Sovereign in his castle a war could break out."

"Well ... and when would we go?" Taemin asked.

"It's up to you, Nikolai knows the way to Patagonian Castle."

"Where is it ?"

"Argentina." Nikolai mumbled.

"We're going to do Indiana Jones!" say Sehun excited.

"Well it's gonna be fun." Taemin mumbled, he stood up "I'm going to clean the ...remains of tea on the floor, I'm coming back with a broom."

The Sovereign also rose "Fine, now where is the soulmate of the wolf who invoked the law of Merlin?"

"Malachie." corrected the Seer. He went to follow the Sovereign who left in the other room when Fate placed himself in front of him holding Ignis's hand. "Yes ?"

"Did you ask him to keep quiet or something like that so he would ignore me?" asked Fate, pointing to Ignis "Is this my punishment?"

Seer seemed saddened "I see that you have already recognized your soulmate. We have nothing to do with it, he decided himself to be silent. I understand him, having been sealed under a floor for 300 years he doesnt see the need to speak or interact. "

Fate looked down thoughtfully keeping Ignis's hand against him "And ... is he really a book to create by magic?"

The Seer pinched his lips and nodded.

Fate seemed confused "How is this possible .."

"He was not supposed to exist, surnatural beings are cautiously created, Ignis was not planned, so he came to the world in another way."

Fate looked at his soulmate "Ignis..Ignis, you can talk to me. Do not be frightened, look at me please."

It took a moment but Ignis finally looked at him, Fate talked again "Do not doubt me.I am made for you,as you are for me.You can tell me everything Ignis."

Ignis looked at him for a few seconds as he struggled with himself, then, without looking at him a second time, untied his hand and joined the others in the other room, leaving a devastated Fate behind him.+++

The Seer joins the sovereign who was in the main room gazing around.
"Well," he said, "where is this young man?"

Taemin called Jaeshin but there was no answer
"Is he shy?" Asked the sovereign "it's annoying."

"He has disappeared since he found his soulmate with a woman, Tao!"

"Oh, poor him." the sovereign looked thoughtful "I was dating a young Fae in the 1800s, this tried to have my Seer in bed at the same time."
"You had to love him to refuse to share him." Nikolai remarked politely.

"What a foolish idea, it's the fact that he tried to do it behind my back that made me angry, a would not disturb me."
The Seer nudged him in the stomach making him cough.

"Jaeshin" said the Seer as he stepped forward, "don't you want to live, take back an human appearance and enjoy life ?"

Jaeshin appeared behind them "I don't want my soulmate."
The Seer turned to him, "Here you are."

"He's there ?" asked the sovereign, he pulled on the sleeve of the Seer "what does he say, what does he say ?"

The Seer ignored him, "It's none of our business but an error has been made in your fate, and we're here to fix it, to give you another life, so what do you think ?"

Jaeshin bit his  lips.
"Speaking of Fate where is he?" Whispered Taemin.

Nikolai shrugged "I saw him go upstairs, he didn't look very good."
Ignis having heard them looked at the stairs.


Fate entered the room he shared with Nikolai and slammed the door hard enough for the others to know he was angry.
He definitely didn't understand Ignis, we could see that he was hiding something, if he couldn't talk to his soulmate to whom else could he?

Or could he be thinking that Fate was a fool ? Not worthy of being his half ?

At this thought Sungjong kicked the bed and grimaced at with pain. Sitting down on the bed , Fate cursed the tears that began to flow. He couldn't count how many times he had been reprimanded that the Shaman had stolen his pages knowing that he couldn't have stop him.

Fate felt guilty for the turn of events, even ashamed to see all these couples separated by his fault. The tears continued to flow and Fate didn't hold them back, feeling for once sure he was not going to be discovered. He let himself 10 minutes to evacuate all this sadness, then he will join the others with a smile as fake as usual.

Lost in his pain, he didn't see hands coming out of the wall behind him and with a inhuman force lifting him from the ground by squeezing his throat.


Jashin fell to the ground violently coughing. Taemin and Nikolai rushed to him, helping him up.

"Welcome back among the living." Nikolai told him with a grin.
Jaeshin looked at his hands with a bewildered expression.

The Sovereign looked at his clothes "I remember that fashion of breeches, that terrible time of our world, almost as horrible as Hippie's," he shuddered in terror.

Taemin froze like horrified "Where am I going to make that one sleep .."
"On the sofa, the porch, the landing .." Nikolai answered.

Jaeshin glared at him, "You have your Fae so what are you waiting for leaving ?"
Nikolai blushed "It's not so simple!"
"You like him right, you forgive him so what are you waiting for to move in together?"
Nikolai met Key's gaze who seemed to wait for the answer "J..I .."

At the worried voice of the Sovereign, they all turned to him. Sehun looked up at the stairs, frowning.

"Sehun ?" Asked the Seer approaching him.
"Have you sealed the house against attacks ?" Sehun asked without turning to them.

"Of course," Nikolai replied immediately "against the Shifters, the vampires, the Fae, the Shaman, the ghouls and even the wizards!"

Sehun suddenly seemed worried, "But not against spirits, right ?"

A silence greeted his question until Ignis ran upstairs followed by the others.

When he opened the door to Nikolai's room, he froze at the entrance.
"Ignis is there an intruder ?" Nikolai asked, looking over his shoulder.

"You're pregnant, let me see first." grumbled Key.
"Oh shut up."

Ignis walked slowly into the room, towards something on the floor.

When Taemin came in, he couldn't keep the anguished cry coming from his throat.

Fate was lying on the floor, eyes wide open with his limbs in an abnormal positions. Large purple streaks circled his neck.

He vaguely heard Nikolai scream in horror as Ignis crouched down in front of the corpse.

Ignis took his hand as Sungjong did when he asked him to confide in him just 10 minutes ago and hugged Fate agaisnt him.

He held him tight as tears began to flow from his eyes. He was shaking knowing that his soulmate suffered from a slow and painful death.

He let out an anguished cry when he knew without a doubt that Fate would not come back.

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Chapter 54: AHHHHHH I finish reading all the chapterTT-TT I want More! This is really interesting. I can't wait fot the next ch!
Chapter 45: SO Taekai knew each other before....
This chapter reminds me of Taemin's 2 KIDS
Chapter 41: I seriously love your writing style and this plot. It's funny and serious at the same time. I love it!
Chapter 40: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH finally!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: OMG is it really Kai?....... he urinated lol
Chapter 30: Poor ignis TT-TT He suffered a lot. The last question is soo valid... I didn't think of that
I am glad his personality becoming more more alive
Chapter 23: HE is definitely jealous..heheh
Chapter 22: OMG I FEEL SO PROUD OF TAEMIN FOR CONFESSING. I felt the second hand embarrassment lol.
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