The Morning After (A Trip To The City of Lights)

I Am My Sister's Memory

Mi Hyun's phone went off and began to play Steroe Hearts within her and Young Bae's hotel room. She groaned, rolling over and grabbing it off the bedside table and looking at the time. She blinked a few times, before registering the time. She turned and gently shook Young Bae's arm, which had slid off her waist.

"Youngbae-ah. Young Bae-ah," she called quietly, "Wake up."

He groaned, opening his eye's, "Whats wrong, Mimi-ah?"

She motioned to their suitcases, "We have to get going to the airport. Come on, wake up," she said, flinging her legs off the side of the bed and getting up. She the lamp on her side of the bed, and stretched, "How long did we sleep for?"

"Like... Four hours I think," Young Bae said, yawning as he too, got out of bed and started to look for clothes to change into.

Mi Hyun only nodded, reaching inside the same suitcase she had the night before, and grabbing a ready outfit to wear. She slipped on a pair of mid-rise, cuffed shorts, and pulled on a pure, white shirt with ruffle sleeves, and a simple, almost greek-like design, and a navy blue cardigan on top. She slid a pair of wooden studs with the image of an anchor on them, into the pierced holes of her ears, and an anchor bracelet. Once she was done putting her clothes on, she pulled out her moccasins, smiling as she stepped into them, their warmth comforting the butterflies in her stomach. She sighed, grabbing her light blue bag and slung it on her shoulder, sitting back on the bed.

When Young Bae came back out of the restroom, he grabbed a hoodie out of his suitcase and slid it on, looking at Mi Hyun, "Ready?"

She shook her head, grabbing her bag of toiletries and heading to the restroom, "Hold up," she ran in and quickly ran in. She quickly brushed her teeth, then grabbed her brush out and quickly brushed her long hair out, taking pains to fix her bangs before she grabbed a white and navy weaved headband out of her bag and slid it on. She adjusted it slightly, and left it alone. She applied on very light make-up, being careful not to stick herself in the eye with the the eyeliner and quickly brushed on some bronzer, smiling as it brightened up her face. She stuck everything back into her bag and left the restroom.

"Ready," she said, walking up and tossing her toiletries back into her suitcase and zipped it up.

He nodded and grabbed his suitcases and one of her's before heading out the door, "Come on, Mimi."


Several Hours Later

Mi Hyun slumped down in her seat. She sighed and looked out her window, staring down at the immense number of lights that shined even from thousands of miles from up in the sky. She pulled away and looked around the airplane cabinet, looking at the number of people asleep or listening to music quietly on their computers. She looked over to Young Bae who sat watching a video on the screen of the back of the chair in front of him.

She looked away and grabbed her phone out of her bag. Scrolling through the message she stuck her tongue out at not getting a new message.

Young Bae looked over at his wife, smiling at her antics. She pouted, sticking her tongue out as she saw no message, holding her phone at an angle away from her body. She pressed on a new message and began to write a message, tapping the touch screen quickly. She began to twirl a lock of her hair with her other hand as she typed out her mesage.

He watched her hand intently, wanting to call her out on the action being so much like Mae Hyun.

Young Bae sat with his arm around his fiance on the couch in the living room of her parent's home. She sighed, shifting to lean more into him. He smiled wrapping his arm tighter around her. She began to twirl a lock of her hair, a habit from childhood.

He smiled at her, but looked up when he heard the front door opening.

"Mae-Mae!" Mi Hyun called out from the entrance.

"In here, Mimi," her sister called back, pulling away from Young Bae. He shifted in his seat, turning around to see the young, confident eighteen-year-old stride into the room. His breathing hitched as he noticed what she wore. She had her hair down, pin straight and her bangs swept across her forehead and almost across one eye. She wore a dress that hugged her upper body in a sweetheart neckline, a simple necklace adorning her neck. The dress fell to mid-thigh below the empire waist, and was in the popular pleated design while she stuck her hands into the pockets. The bottom was a teal-blue, and the top black, while her shoes were blue booties, matching her dress. She wore a black, short-sleeved bolero, and a pair of black, aviator glasses on top of her head.

"What's the special occassion, Mimi?" Mae Hyun asked, breaking Young Bae from his train of thought.

Mi Hyun smiled, turning around in a full circle, "I just got done being a back-up for Gummy's new video and this is one of the outfits I'm supposed to be wearing. I'm the main girl lead, Unnie!" she said, excitedly.

Mae Hyun smiled in return, "Thats amazing, Mi-ah," she turned to Young Bae, "Young Bae-ah, isn't that great?"

He nodded, smiling at Mi Hyun, "Great job, Mi Hyun."

She smiled back at him, but turned her attention to her sister when she heard her cough. Rushing over, she put a hand on Mae Hyun's shoulder, "You okay, Mae-Mae?"

Mae Hyun only nodded, "Yeah," she waved her sister away gently, before standing up, "Come on, Mimi. I actually need to take my shot. Will you help?"

Her sister simply nodded, quickly going and slipping her shoe's and bolero off, switching them for a pair of house slippers and bare shoulder's instead. When she walked past Young Bae again, he noticed how she looked slightly miffed as her mother came over, shooeing her away from Mae Hyun and taking her away. A quiet arguement broke out between the youngest daughter and mother, before she walked back through the living room, barely looking at Young Bae as she sighed, twirling a lock of hair between her finger's as she walked away and up the stairs.

Young Bae was startled out of his memory when he felt his wife lean her head against his shoulder. He stayed still as she lightly reached over and played with his wedding ring. It was exactly like her's; A simple band with the middle of platinum and the rim of gold. She was turning it gently around his finger as she leaned against him.

He spread his hand out, turning it to face palm up and laced their finger's together. She stayed still, not doing anything, but not pulling away either. He smiled, gently squeezing her hand.

She only squeezed his hand lightly, turning so that she was facing him more. He smiled, leaning his head on top of her's and relaxing as she went back to tapping on her phone with her other hand. He chuckled, before leaning back and kissing the top of her head. He felt her smile, nudging him playfully in the side with her elbow. She bent her legs and lifted them to lie over his left leg. He slid his arm around her shoulder, allowing her to be more comfortable, chuckling as she childishly kicked her shoe's off to land on the carpet and crossing them at the ankle.


The young couple stepped out of the taxi they had boarded shortly after arriving to their hotel and changing into different clothes. Mi Hyun stepped away from Young Bae, and looked around. She walked ahead of him, not paying him any attention.

"Mi-ah, hold-" he sighed, cutting himself off as he watched her walk away.

She stopped, turning back to look at him over her shoulder for a minute. He looked at her, dumbfounded. The light from the sunset facing her, illuminated her face, and lightened up her usually dark brown hair. The sun hit her eye's slightly, turning them honey-brown and twinkling. She looked at him for a moment, before smiling and turning back, walking ahead of him, her sandals lightly hitting the cobblestone under her feet. She walked along the pillars located to the fountains, staring away at something.

He continued to stare at her, before walking up to her quickly and grabbing her hand, "What are you looking at, Mrs. Dong?" he joked lightly.

She looked around in surprise, "Who?"

"I meant you," he said, "Mrs. Dong, remember?" he said, holding up their hand's where her left hand held the two ring's claiming her as his wife.

"Oh, thats right," she whispered. She looked away, blushing faintly, before shrugging, "Just thinking about how beautiful it is here," she smiled, looking around, "It's like you can't believe how much horror and tragedy was shed here," she swept her right hand along the perimeter of the walkway and towards where a few other people were walking around. She looked back up at him and smiled, "It's kinda amazing, huh?"

He stared at her for a moment, before silently nodding. He smiled, "Yeah, it really is, Mimi-ah. Come on," he took her hand, lacing their finger's together and gently pulled her along, "I hope you have your camera. My parent's want a lot of pictures."

She only nodded, staring down at their joined hands for a second before looking back up.

Young Bae looked back only once, pulling her to his side, wrapping his arm tightly around her shoulder's, smiling to himself as he saw her smiling lightly back up at him.

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New chapter, new chapter!!! ^^


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gibbonz #1
Loved it.. I'm looking for your other stories with Taeyang. Fighting author :)
Hi, I'm new reader here =D
Just subscribed, but since it's already midnight, guess I'm going to read this tomorrow.

Will make sure to pour my heart for this story ;)
ywavy #3
i always wondered bout this kind of situation and the solver
and i do think ur solver is abit interesting XD
the ending was so beautiful and sweet!
I really loved the story :)
youngbaeby #5
THE ENDING WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! It made me cry a little, lol! Asdfghjkl; I can't believe it ended. Overall, such a great, great, great story. You're such a amazing writer TT-TT
wahh done already? yayyy! lol
blapstar #7
4 new chapters in one day ?! yesssss
new chapter! lol
-.- she is mi hyun not mae hyun she is deaddd!!!
gosh...the mother is really mean
lovis89 #9
wow her mum is a .
god. mae hyun is dead.
she's mi hyun.