You'll Always Belong To Her

I Am My Sister's Memory

As the party came to an end, Young Bae and Mi Hyun bid their guests farewell as they walked away to their car. She hugged her sister and brother-in-law quickly before stepping away and getting into the car.


Pulling away from the hotel, they settled into a tension-filled silence. Mi Hyun turned away from Young Bae, taking to looking out the window with her arm's around herself rather then talk to Young Bae.


He looked over at her, sighing quietly, "Are you going to just stay silent?" he whispered.


She shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe."


He sighed, not saying anything as he concentrated on the road. Nothng more was said as they made their way home.




Upon entering their home, Mi Hyun slipped her shoes off as quickly as possible, grabbing them up and proceeding to their bedroom before Young Bae grabbed her wrist. Pulling her back, he sighed.


"We need to talk."


"I'm not talking about anything this late at night," she ground out, snatching her wrist back.


He frowned, "Dong Mi Hyun, stop!"


She him, "No. You stop! You act like this is all my fault. Like I should of told you in advance that you were marrying someone who never wanted this."


"Because you should of!"


"No, I shouldn't have. I thought it was logical that I wasn't in this willingly. That I was in this by force. Didn't you ask your parents if I wanted this."


"They told me you did!" he countered, stepping away from her as he loosened his tie. He stomped towards the sofa, but remained standing, "They told me that we would learn to be together."


"That's not the same thing, Young Bae! I'm not my sister!"


"What does Mae have anything to do with this!" he yelled, rounding on her.


She pulled back, shaking her head, "Because, you act like I should be like Mae. Like I wanted this marriage, and even if I didn't, then I should still play the role of good little wife, like Mae was."


"Your sister and I were never married."


"That's not the point!" she cried, untying her hanbok as she stormed towards her room. He followed close behind her, watching as she pulled and tugged at all the ties and fabric, "The fact remains that you should of realized that, if I didn't seem one hundred percent about this, it should of been a tip off."


"I thought it was just you being shy!"


She shook her head, crying out when she couldn't get out of her hanbok fast enough. He sighed, grabbing ahold of her, spinning her around and untying everything for her, letting the fabric slip away from her body.


She pushed his hands away, looking up at him, "You'll always belong to her."


"Mi Hyun... What are you talking about?" he asked, grabbing her wrists and forcing her to look at him, "What do you mean?"


She shook her head, pulling away, "You'll always belong to my sister. You'll always belong to Mae Hyun. She should have this life, Young Bae. Not me. I never wanted this life. I just wanted to be like everyone else. To fall in love one day after I could finally get down town to myself to really see what I wanted in life. This was never what I wanted. She wanted this, Young Bae. After she got sick the first time, she got scared that she would never find love and get married. My parent's didn't want to see her so sad, and my mother saw an opportunity open up too. She went straight to your parents, and asked for a marriage between you and Mae. They agreed. Mae and my mother got their wish."


He stared at her silently, "How did you know this?"


"You thought I wouldn't know?" she chuckled, no humor evident in her voice, "I listen everywhere. My mother told Seungri's mom, and Seungri over heard and he told me. I didn't care. If my sister was happy, then I was glad. I didn't care for that. It didn't affect my life. I was going to get a brother out of the situation, but I didn't care. Mae Hyun was happy. But then she died. And my parent's didn't want to just throw someone else into your life, but they knew they would need to hurry up," she pulled away from him, "So my mother finally had me fill in her place," she shook her head, crying softly as she looked at him, "I'm not anything more then a place filler for you and for my family, Young Bae. I filled in the place of good daughter, and your wife. But please... Just treat me like me."


"Mi Hyun-ah..." he reached for her, but she pulled away, shaking her head as she turned and walked into their bathroom.


"Just leave me alone... Please..."


He watched her retreating figure, surprised by the the overload of feelings she'd thrown at him and the eye-opener he'd just received. He left the bedroom, intent on giving Mi Hyun her privacy and he'd sleep on the couch.


As he walked back to the living room, he caught sight of a photo of Mi Hyun with her friends and sister's. He noticed that he was also in there, next to Mae Hyun, an arm around her waist, and looking content. Mae Hyun leaned into him, but he noticed that Mi Hyun, laughing standing apart from them. She had her arm's around Sung Min and Seungri, each who gave a victory sign to the camera. Young Bae wasn't anywhere near her, not pyshically nor emotionally. Not then, not now. Too tied up in the hopes of a seemingly happy marriage, even while Mi Hyun suffered with her own demons, knowing full well he didn't belong to her.


"You belong to her!"


The memory of her accusation made him realize that, yes, he did belong to Mae Hyun. All along he went about acting like he would of with Mae Hyun, treating Mi Hyun the same way he had Mae. When all along that helped neither of them, and made Mi Hyun feel bad.


"I do belong to her..." he whispered, shaking his head and sitting on the couch.


How could he tear himself away from the memories of Mae Hyun and learn to love Mi Hyun, learn to see her as Mi Hyun, not Mae?




I know I edited the previous chapter, but I suddenly felt writers block, so for the past two days, I've been trying to think of how to fix this. This was the only way to continue the story in the way I saw in my head it needed to be. I'm sorry if that upset any of you, but better that I edit it then tell you all it'll have to on hiatus! ^^


Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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New chapter, new chapter!!! ^^


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gibbonz #1
Loved it.. I'm looking for your other stories with Taeyang. Fighting author :)
Hi, I'm new reader here =D
Just subscribed, but since it's already midnight, guess I'm going to read this tomorrow.

Will make sure to pour my heart for this story ;)
ywavy #3
i always wondered bout this kind of situation and the solver
and i do think ur solver is abit interesting XD
the ending was so beautiful and sweet!
I really loved the story :)
youngbaeby #5
THE ENDING WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! It made me cry a little, lol! Asdfghjkl; I can't believe it ended. Overall, such a great, great, great story. You're such a amazing writer TT-TT
wahh done already? yayyy! lol
blapstar #7
4 new chapters in one day ?! yesssss
new chapter! lol
-.- she is mi hyun not mae hyun she is deaddd!!!
gosh...the mother is really mean
lovis89 #9
wow her mum is a .
god. mae hyun is dead.
she's mi hyun.