The Least You Could Of Done

I Am My Sister's Memory

Several Hours Later...


Mi Hyun sighed, for the umpteenth time. She was waiting at the kitchen table, plates set out, and the food in the middle. She look over at the clock, seeing that three hours had passed since Young Bae should of walked through the front door. Sighing, she stood up from the chair, cracking her back as she wandered out of the kitchen, turning the lights off on her way out.


She walked into the living room, plopping down on the couch as she the tv, grabbing a chocolate from the candy dish on the table, complementary of Seungri. Munching on the kisses in her hand, she looked away from the blaring screen as the phone rang.


She glared at it, looking away, refusing to answer as it went to voicemail.


"Hello? Mimi-ah?" it was Young Bae on the other end, "I'm sorry I didn't come home tonight. I just got so busy in the studio then YG Father suddenly decided to send us over to Japan for a couple of days. I'll be back in about a week, I'm just going to go with the guys to check out some recordings we left over there and probably pick them up too. I'll-"


Mi Hyun slammed her hand down on the phone, picking it up before slamming it back down, deleting the message as soon as the red light showed up alerting her of one. She looked back to the tv, forcing herself to focus on it as she stopped thinking about the message she'd heard.


"The least you could of done was send me a damn text message earlier..." she whispered, feeling tears of anger come up to brim at her eyelids. She looked down, wiping away at them, before turning her attention back to the tv.




Young Bae looked down at his phone, raising an eyebrow at it as it alerted him of having the call ended.


Seungri walked up to him, "Did she answer?"


He shook his head, "I had to leave her a message on the answering machine," he frowned, "But it sounded like someone picked up the phone then slammed it back down. Maybe she was sleeping."


Seungri sighed, "I told you, you should of sent her a message."


Young Bae glared at the maknae as he walked away, not liking the fact that Seungri was chastising him about something he had thought would of been alright with Mi Hyun. He sighed, pocketing his phone before walking back to the recording studio.

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New chapter, new chapter!!! ^^


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gibbonz #1
Loved it.. I'm looking for your other stories with Taeyang. Fighting author :)
Hi, I'm new reader here =D
Just subscribed, but since it's already midnight, guess I'm going to read this tomorrow.

Will make sure to pour my heart for this story ;)
ywavy #3
i always wondered bout this kind of situation and the solver
and i do think ur solver is abit interesting XD
the ending was so beautiful and sweet!
I really loved the story :)
youngbaeby #5
THE ENDING WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! It made me cry a little, lol! Asdfghjkl; I can't believe it ended. Overall, such a great, great, great story. You're such a amazing writer TT-TT
wahh done already? yayyy! lol
blapstar #7
4 new chapters in one day ?! yesssss
new chapter! lol
-.- she is mi hyun not mae hyun she is deaddd!!!
gosh...the mother is really mean
lovis89 #9
wow her mum is a .
god. mae hyun is dead.
she's mi hyun.