Don't Tell Me Different

I Am My Sister's Memory

A/N: Warning: Vulgar language. If you don't like to read of characters cursing, please do not read.


"Hyung, I'm hungry!" Seungri whined, leaning back in his chair in the recording studio, "Can we please order takeout?"


Jiyong only grunted in response, his eye's trained on the computer screen in front of him, his hand's on the keyboard, and various other other equipment in front of him. He fiddled with some knobs, not turning his eye's away from the screen until he heard Young Bae sigh.


...For the millionth time that day.


Pulling away from the screen, Jiyong's eye's narrowed as he looked over at his best friend and bandmate, who quietly sat next to him, staring at nothing and anything and barely talking aside from when he sang his parts or was asked a question.


"Something wrong, Bebe?" he asked, knowing that the affectionate nickname would catch his friend's attention. Instead of a response, he only got a mere shake of the head. He sighed, before turning to the rest of the band, all in various states of boredom, if one could count Seungri gripping his stomach in pain as he grumbled about starvation, and 'cruel and unusual punishment.'


"Alright, break time!" Jiyong announced, his bandmates looking up at him in surprise. Daesung looked up from his phone, tucking it away into his jean pocket, as Seung Hyun pulled his headphones off his head to look at him, pausing the music blasting from his iPod. Young Bae only looked up at him, as Seungri was the only one who jumped up happily.


"Does that translate into 'Food time,' hyung?" he asked, excitedly. Upon Jiyong's nod, Seungri grabbed Daesung and Seung Hyun, dragging them out the door, exclaiming about what food he wanted, "Maybe we should order Chinese? Where's manager-hyung?"


As the door closed, Jiyong turned to Young Bae, "So, what happened now?"


Young Bae shook his head, "Nothing. Don't worry about it."


"Cut the bull, Young Bae. You've been ing moping since we got here. What the hell's going on?" Jiyong demanded, not taking his bandmate's crap any  longer, "So you better start talking, and don't tell me it's 'nothing.' Speak the up, or stop the mothering moping."


Young Bae looked angrily at his friend, "Language, Jiyong," he said, more out of habit to catch his bandmate's bad language, rather then actually caring, "Don't worry about it."


"Bull. Don't tell me different. Something's wrong, and I'm betting it's got something to do with Mi."


"How would you know?"


"Because you're usually never like this, and I know you and Mi Hyun went to some party last night so it's got something to with that. So start talking, Dong. Or get out of my studio."


Young Bae sighed, staying quiet for a few moments before he said, "She never wanted to be with me. They forced her into the marriage just because her parent's would get a better social standing."


"Huh?" Jiyong asked, sitting back down, "You mean, Mi or Mae?"


"Mi Hyun, Jiyong! My wife never wanted me, and I never even knew this whole damn time. What the heck!" Young Bae exclaimed, slamming his hand down onto the table angrily, completely out of habit for a naturally calm person like him.


Jiyong jumped, surprised by his friend's sudden loss of control, knowing full well that the problem was riling his friend up if he could lose control  so suddenly, "What happened?"


Young Bae sighed, putting his face in his hand's as he continued, "We went to some party last night. It was a party our parent's were throwing for us as a way to celebrate the marriage, I guess. Mi Hyun's mom even bought her a new hanbok for the occassion. But when we got there, her mom sent me right off to go find my mom. So I did, leaving them there, thinking nothing about. I come back to hear her yell at her mother that she never even wanted to marry me. Long story short," he sighed, looking back up at his friend, "When we got home, we blew up at each other and she told me that I would always belong to Mae Hyun because all she was to everyone around her, except Jung Hyun apparently, was a place filler. So she served no more of purpose then to be like Mae Hyun for me."


Jiyong stared at his friend in silence, not surprised in the slightest by the outcome of what Young Bae had described. He'd seen it clear as day that Mi Hyun was continously pushed aside in favour of Mae Hyun when the older one was still alive. He'd seen it much more then his friend, having hung around Seungri a lot when he had first joined the band in their trainee days, and had hung out with the maknae as he, in turn, hung out with Mi Hyun. While he couldn't deny that what Mi Hyun had said was true, he also knew that Young Bae probably didn't see his wife as his dead fiance.


"What do you think about what she said," he asked, wanting to clarify his thoughts anyways.


Young Bae shook his head, "She was right. All this time I've been treating her like Mae Hyun. I act like she's Mae, sometimes. But I never actually see her as Mae either, if that makes any sense."


"Sort of," Jiyong replied, "But that doesn't mean that she's going to know the difference. Everyone knows that she was always pushed aside when Mae was still alive. You can't deny it. Everyone but Seungri and Jung Hyun pushed her aside."


"Thats another thing," Young Bae said, shaking his head, "She said that if she hadn't married me, her family would of found a way to keep her from seeing Jung Hyun. Why would they? They're grown women, Jiyong!"


Jiyong shrugged, "I'm not surprised by her comment. Even if they're not as powerful a family as your's, her family still holds a lot of power within the government. They could very well have someone station Jung Hyun's husband overseas somewhere, considering he's American-Korean and he's a naval officer for the American forces. Money can buy anything. I wouldn't be surprised if they talked to someone at the Navy base in Seoul and had them station him somewhere else. Her family still holds a lot of power, Young Bae, don't forget that."


"But why keep them away from each other? That's what I don't get," Young Bae grumbled.


"It's because if they keep them away, Mimi-noona knows she'll get treated like again. Jung Hyun-noona keeps her mother reined in, Hyung."


Young Bae and Jiyong whipped their heads over to the doorway to see their bandmates in the doorway. Seungri stepped forward, putting the sacks of food in his hands onto the ground. He grabbed a chair and stepped towards his hyungs, sitting down. Daesung and Seung Hyun simply sat down close to their bandmates, the food forgotten on a table close to them.


"Jung Hyun-noona always kept Mimi-noona close to her. Especially after Mae Hyun-noona got sick and you and Mae-hyun-noona got engaged. She knew that Umma-nim would just overlook her, or treat her bad. And she did," Seungri shrugged, "Mimi-noona got used to it after a while, but Jung Hyun-nonna still kept his eye on her. And Appa-nim tried too. He didn't like how she was treated, but he understood that sometimes, stuff like that happens. He didn't like anything about it, but he did try to keep his eye on Mimi-noona."


"So why would Mi Hyun be kept away from Jung Hyun?" Seung Hyun asked, breaking the conversation between the three, "Seems weird to me."


Seungri shrugged, "Mimi-noona told me about that soon after she got engaged. Jung Hyun is married now, and busy doing her own thing. And, like you heard Jiyong-hyung, her husband's a naval officer for the American Navy. He gets stationed all over the world, so she sees Mimi-noona less and so she feels bad for that. Mimi-noona told her that it doesn't matter, she's a grown woman now, she can take care of herself. But you know, her family's got some influence with the government, a quiet word or two, and Jung Hyun-noona's husband can easily be stationed somewhere else for a very long time, Mimi-noona can be cut off from the family, and her mother can find a way to cut her off from Jung Hyun as well. Jung Hyun-noona is all she's ever really had, aside from me, hyung, so she was afraid of losing her sister. She went through with the marriage to keep her sister around."


"Jesus, Young Bae... What the hell have you gotten yourself into," Jiyong exclaimed quietly, looking over at Young Bae.


Young Bae simply shook his head, standing up, "I have to go talk to her."


"She's in a studio here," Seungri said, causing everyone to look at him. He shrugged, "I texted her earlier, asking her what she was up to, and she said that she was practicing one of her dances."


Young Bae nodded, picking his stuff up from the floor as he left the studio, "I'll come back later," he said over his shoulder as the door closed behind him. 

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gibbonz #1
Loved it.. I'm looking for your other stories with Taeyang. Fighting author :)
Hi, I'm new reader here =D
Just subscribed, but since it's already midnight, guess I'm going to read this tomorrow.

Will make sure to pour my heart for this story ;)
ywavy #3
i always wondered bout this kind of situation and the solver
and i do think ur solver is abit interesting XD
the ending was so beautiful and sweet!
I really loved the story :)
youngbaeby #5
THE ENDING WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! It made me cry a little, lol! Asdfghjkl; I can't believe it ended. Overall, such a great, great, great story. You're such a amazing writer TT-TT
wahh done already? yayyy! lol
blapstar #7
4 new chapters in one day ?! yesssss
new chapter! lol
-.- she is mi hyun not mae hyun she is deaddd!!!
gosh...the mother is really mean
lovis89 #9
wow her mum is a .
god. mae hyun is dead.
she's mi hyun.