All She Knows

I Am My Sister's Memory
This is a quick author's note: I suggest listening to Bruno Mars 'All She Knows' while reading the next few chapters. The meaning of the words fit mi and tae :3

P.S. This chapter is dedicated to blapstar for mentioning what a perfect relationship should be, and actually giving me an idea for this chapter. Thank you! ___________________________________________________________________

Mi Hyun sighed as she opened the car door, stepping out and placing her feet gently on the ground, rocking back on her heels as she looked around. After a quick breakfast her mother had quickly packed everything up and ushered everyone out the door, exclaiming they would all meet up at the shrine where Mae Hyun's ashes were interred.

Looking around she noticed how very little the area had changed since the last time she had come little less then a year ago. The monks were still walking around, heads bowed in devout prayer. Some smiled at the families, nodding gently before walking away.

She turned her head to the side as she heard Young Bae clear his throat and grab her hand, lacing their fingers together. Mi Hyun neither said anything or rejected him, limply squeezing his hand back gently as they made their way up the path and entered the cemetary area.

"I can't believe its been almost five years," Young Bae whispered, his somber expression still in place.

She did nothing but nod, "Yeah..." she looked away from him, and looked over at someone walking towards them. Her eyebrow's rose in surprise as she saw Seungri walking towards them, carrying tulips.

"Seungri?" she called out, breaking away from the families and Young Bae, rushing towards her best friend, throwing her arm's around the maknaes waist, "What are you doing here?" she questioned, looking up at him as she pulled away.

He shrugged, smiling lightly down at her, "I figured you might need some maknae support, " he looked over to the families, noticing his hyung's effort to hide his glare at the two, "And did I mention that hyung looks kind of angry with me?"

She shook her head, "I don't care," she leaned in further to Seungri, "I just want to get away from here and from..." she said, looking away at the headstones surrounding them, not finishing her sentence.

Seungri only nodded, knowing what she meant without her having to say anything, "We'd better go over there. They're looking ansty..." he gently took his friend's hand and led themselves back over to the families, bowing to his godparent's and Young Bae's family, smiling at his hyung.

Young Bae walked over, walking next to Mi Hyun and wrapping an arm around her waist as they approached Mae Hyun's grave. He tried to pull her closer as they all reached the grave, but flinched as Mi Hyun drew back from him, shoving his hands away as she drew close to Seungri, leaning against him. As Mi Hyun's mother set the flowers down, crying loudly as the monk they'd called over, began a simple prayer for the safety of Mae Hyun's soul in the afterworld, he cast a look over at the two friends off to the side. He sighed as he recalled a memory several years ago.

Young Bae and Mae Hyun laughed as he recounted a funny joke he'd heard earlier that day. He playfully teased his fiance, enjoying her blushing face. She smiled and shook her head, gently tapping his nose with her finger as she giggled.

As their laughter died down, they heard the door open and close loudly, along with the sound of two people talking animatedly. They looked back as the footsteps rounded the corner, and watched as Mi Hyun and Seungri entered the room.

"I seriously think YG Father wants my teacher to kill me, Gri," Mi Hyun said, shaking her head.

Seungri laughed, shaking his head at her, "He just wants the very best from you, Noona," he said, patting her arm affectionally.

Mi Hyun sighed, shaking her head, as she looked up at him, "Well his desire for the very best is killing me," she pouted.

Seungri chuckled, before looking up, surprise filling his eyes as he saw Mae Hyun and Young Bae looking at them, "Oh! Hi, hyung! Hello Mae Hyun-sshii," he said happily, bowing them both.

Mi Hyun nodded to her sister and fiance, before taking Seungri's hand and leading him into the kitchen.

Seungri eagerly followed, his eye's glued to Mi Hyun as she continued to talk.

Mae Hyun sighed, slipping back and smiling to Young Baen "He loves her so much. I hope he tells her he does soon," she giggled, "It would be nice to finally see them get together, don't you think?"

Young Bae shrugged, "I think he only loves her as friend, Mae-ah. They've grown up together for so long," he chuckled.

She nodded, "Classic scenario. He adores her, and she as well. I'm happy they can find happiness in each other..."

Young Bae shook his head, looking over at Mi Hyun and Seungri once more. He fisted his hands at his sides, sighing as the prayer ended and the families turned, walking away. He didn't say anything as Seungri and Mi Hyun retreated into their own little world, so far away from his own. He glanced at them, knowing he had, had a part in playing in the role.

You were right, Mae, he thought sadly in his head, wishing, more then ever that he could be as close to Mi Hyun as Seungri was.
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New chapter, new chapter!!! ^^


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gibbonz #1
Loved it.. I'm looking for your other stories with Taeyang. Fighting author :)
Hi, I'm new reader here =D
Just subscribed, but since it's already midnight, guess I'm going to read this tomorrow.

Will make sure to pour my heart for this story ;)
ywavy #3
i always wondered bout this kind of situation and the solver
and i do think ur solver is abit interesting XD
the ending was so beautiful and sweet!
I really loved the story :)
youngbaeby #5
THE ENDING WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! It made me cry a little, lol! Asdfghjkl; I can't believe it ended. Overall, such a great, great, great story. You're such a amazing writer TT-TT
wahh done already? yayyy! lol
blapstar #7
4 new chapters in one day ?! yesssss
new chapter! lol
-.- she is mi hyun not mae hyun she is deaddd!!!
gosh...the mother is really mean
lovis89 #9
wow her mum is a .
god. mae hyun is dead.
she's mi hyun.