Stay Away

I Am My Sister's Memory
Young Bae rushed to his wife's side as her family marched in. Mi Hyun stood in shock as Young Bae wrapped his arm's around her tightly, quietly asking her if she was fine, touching her bruised cheek lightly with his fingertips as they ignored her family.

"Kim Mi Hyun, you are a !" her mother screeched, rounding on the couple. Jung Hyun touched her mothers arm, pulling her back harshly.


Mrs. Kim waved her bag around, "You disgraceful pig. You're lucky your father and I were on a cruise with the Choi family, or we would of come sooner. An affair with an employee?! My god, Mi Hyun. Have you no shame? Is this the way you father and I raised you?"

Young Bae, fed up with his mother-in-law's cruelty, glared at her, "With all due respect, ahjumma, it's Dong Mi Hyun, not Kim. Also," he narrowed his eye's, "As far as I see it, this is not your business."

"Watch your mouth, Young Bae-ah," Mrs. Kim warned, "I will not allow anyone to ta-"

"Be quiet!" Mi Hyun yelled, storming over to her mother, "Be quiet, mother! All you do is nag. Nag this, nag that. I have a life! I'm a married woman, with my own issues. Don't you dare talk to my husband that way, and don't you dare comment on my marriage. Yours is no better."

Her mother glared at her, her hands. The two woman angrily looked at each, neither one backing down, as the younger one was expected too. Mi Hyun quickly decided enough was enough. She needed her own life, and this wasn't it.

"You've disgraced this family long enough," her mother said through gritted teeth, "If you think for one second that I'll allow this, you're wrong. Mae Hyu-"

The dam broke, "Its always about Mae Hyun!" Mi cried out, tears of pent-up anger and hurt breaking loose, "Did you forget about me and Jung-ah?" she motioned to Jung Hyun, "Mae Hyun is always perfect, even when she's dead. You say Mae Hyun would never of done the things I do. Newsflash, mother, she's dead and I'm alive. She was sick, I'm healthy. Do you honestly believe that she would of ever lived past even past one year of marriage? I went into this to keep Jung-ah, but she's got a life to live and so do I. She and her husband have things to do. You can't hurt me anymore, mom. So why do you keep doing it? Huh?" Mi Hyun urged.

Her mother said nothing, angrily glaring as she grabbed her husband's arm and tugged him away, "I want to leave."

"No, stay here!" Jung Hyun ordered, "I'm sick and tired of this going on. If we're going to keep Mae's memory alive, let it be a good reason. She could do no wrong in your eyes, mother, but what about us?"

Mi Hyun broke down into tears, "You have no idea what its like being on this side of the fence, Umma. All this time you've been wanting me to get pregnant with Young Bae's baby, wanting an assurance that he'd stick around and I would be tied down, away from the so-called high-life. And what about you, mom? You want everyone at your beck and call. And you and dad are no better. If you want to see me in Mae's shadow, keep going down this road. You'll only hurt. Yourself," she sniffled, leaning back into Young Bae's arms.

Her mother simply ignored her as she and her father walked out the door, intent on staying away. She briefly mumbled something, before the door clicked in place.

Jung Hyun sighed, "I doubt she'll ever change," she looked to her sister, "Mi? I came here to tell you that Daniel got transferred..." she paused, twisting her wedding ring around her finger, "We're moving to Canada." Mi Hyun looked at her sister, shocked, "When are you leaving?"

Jung Hyun sighed, "Tomorrow morning. They want him to overlook something over there," she walked over and hugged her sister, "I came here to tell you so, but I met mom and dad here halfway. I'm so sorry about that, Mi. Let mom be mom. She's only hurting herself anyways."

Mi Hyun simply nodded, hugging her back, "I'll miss you. Be careful," she said. Jung Hyun nodded, tearfully, "I will," she chuckled as she looked at Young Bae, "Take care of her. That's all I ask," she said softly, walking towards the door. Mi Hyun simply watched, in tears, as her sister left, the door clicking behind her. She sighed, wiping her eyes as she looked around the living room, "How did everything come down to this?" she whispered.

Young Bae sighed, reaching out and picking her effortlessly, "I don't know. But I know that your mom needs to stay away from us. A marriage is made of two people," he kissed Mi Hyun chastely as he carried her to their room, "Not 3 or 4, or more."

Mi Hyun smiled, kissing him back as she laid back on the bed as he set her on it, "Try telling her that."

He shrugged, wrapping his arms around her, "Maybe another time. Right now I think I would like to go back to sleep. Its our day off."

She simply nodded, curling in his arm's to fit against him perfectly, yawning as the days sudden and quick events flung her in the land of exhaustion. She drifted to sleep to the gentle singing of Young Bae in her ear, smiling that things were beginning to look up at last.
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New chapter, new chapter!!! ^^


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gibbonz #1
Loved it.. I'm looking for your other stories with Taeyang. Fighting author :)
Hi, I'm new reader here =D
Just subscribed, but since it's already midnight, guess I'm going to read this tomorrow.

Will make sure to pour my heart for this story ;)
ywavy #3
i always wondered bout this kind of situation and the solver
and i do think ur solver is abit interesting XD
the ending was so beautiful and sweet!
I really loved the story :)
youngbaeby #5
THE ENDING WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! It made me cry a little, lol! Asdfghjkl; I can't believe it ended. Overall, such a great, great, great story. You're such a amazing writer TT-TT
wahh done already? yayyy! lol
blapstar #7
4 new chapters in one day ?! yesssss
new chapter! lol
-.- she is mi hyun not mae hyun she is deaddd!!!
gosh...the mother is really mean
lovis89 #9
wow her mum is a .
god. mae hyun is dead.
she's mi hyun.