I Don't Want To Fight With You

I Am My Sister's Memory

"Mi Hyun, just tell me what's wrong!"


"Young Bae, nothing is wrong. Let it go," Mi Hyun snapped as she and her husband walked into their hotel room where they would be staying for the night until the next day to go move in their things into the condo he had bought before the wedding.


Young Bae sighed, fustrated at her behaviour, something that had continued once they had left her family's home and driven to the hotel where their bodyguards had dropped them, their luggage and his car off for the next day.


"Come on, Mimi," he urged, sitting down next to her on the bed, "What happened? I know you weren't exactly happy when we got to your home, but you just got so..." he shook his head, not sure how to respond.


Mi Hyun sighed, looking away from him, "It's nothing, Young Bae. Stop trying to ask me what's wrong, because I won't tell you."


"If you want to make this marriage work, then you need to tell me whats wrong!" he demanded.


She glared up at him, standing up, "I don't to have this discussion. I'm going to bed," she stomped over to their luggage, riffling around for some clothing before grabbing something and changing into it in front of him, not caring if he saw or not, something she hadn't done until then.


Young Bae stared at her, not sure whether to continue fighting with her, or kiss her and make up. It would of made things a lot better if they could of just made up and gotten done with it. He looked away as she changed, standing up and grabbing a pair of sweats from a suitcase and changing into them quickly.


Mi Hyun had already walked back to the bed and turned the lights off as he stood in the middle of the room.


"Goodnight, Young Bae," she stated, before turning on her side, her back facing him as went to bed.


He sighed, walking over to his side of the bed and sliding in under the covers. He turned to look at her, not sure whether to reach out and grab her and yell at her, or reach out and hold her like he always did.


Mi Hyun was no different. She stared angrily at the digital clock on the beside table, shivering under the covers, not from the cold, but from the lack of her husband's arm's around her. A few tears escaped as she squeezed her eye's shut, counted back from 100, and drifted to sleep.


Young Bae continued to stare at her, noticing when her breathing evened out. He reached out and took hold of her, wrapping his arm's tightly around her as he pulled her against him.


He sighed, "I don't want to fight with you," he whispered, before shutting his eye's and drifting off to sleep.



Second author's note! Woot woot! It's purple this time around since I love this colour ^^


So... I know the story seems to be going really slow, but it will pick up eventually. But not go too fast, since I've always felt as though, if the story goes too fast, you miss some major key points. Next chapter might be today, if I have time. But with all the moving I've just done, and the fact that I gotta go babysit my little sister and do my homework (curse you AP US History and senior year!) I might not get around to it. Plus I work this whole weekend, so we'll see about that. In the meantime, I'm leaving you guys with 3 chapters! Something I haven't done since last week and that was to make up for lost days, teehee!


I'll probably post up a playlist of this story sometime soon along with any outtakes, but I think those will come along later. Does anyone want to see the really rough drafts of this story? XD Believe me, you wouldn't believe how far along this story has come, all thanks in part to my amazing beta. I have another story in the works, called 'A Friendly Betrayel' which, I'm not sure who will be cast in it (none of that 'so-and-so band member and you' stuff. I honestly do not like those stories. They don't appeal to me. But that's just me. I'm sure they appeal to others, just not me), but it will be much shorter then this story. If not maybe a one-shot, but I know it won't be longer then 10 chapters, if that long at all. Sorry, I'm working at writing shorter stories XD


Anyways, I gotta go now! Good bye for now!




P.S. Re-read chapter 9 'The Morning After (A Trip To The City Of Love)'!!! It has been edited!

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New chapter, new chapter!!! ^^


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gibbonz #1
Loved it.. I'm looking for your other stories with Taeyang. Fighting author :)
Hi, I'm new reader here =D
Just subscribed, but since it's already midnight, guess I'm going to read this tomorrow.

Will make sure to pour my heart for this story ;)
ywavy #3
i always wondered bout this kind of situation and the solver
and i do think ur solver is abit interesting XD
the ending was so beautiful and sweet!
I really loved the story :)
youngbaeby #5
THE ENDING WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! It made me cry a little, lol! Asdfghjkl; I can't believe it ended. Overall, such a great, great, great story. You're such a amazing writer TT-TT
wahh done already? yayyy! lol
blapstar #7
4 new chapters in one day ?! yesssss
new chapter! lol
-.- she is mi hyun not mae hyun she is deaddd!!!
gosh...the mother is really mean
lovis89 #9
wow her mum is a .
god. mae hyun is dead.
she's mi hyun.