
I Am My Sister's Memory
Teddy and Mi Hyun didn't saying anything as they stepped off the elevator and walked into a vacant recording studio. Mi Hyun sighed, sitting down on the sofa set to one side, and looking up at Teddy as he walked around, setting some things down, before sitting down in the chair facing the various equipment and turning to Mi Hyun.

He silently sat staring at her as he drank his redbull through a bendy straw, before looking at her. Setting his drink back down, he sighed, clasping his hands on his tummy as he raised an eyebrow at her.

This continued for several more moments, causing Mi Hyun to raise her eyebrows back at Teddy, "Is there something wrong, Oppa?"

He shook his head, "No. I'm just wondering..."

"Wondering what?" she asked, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"How two people can be so stupid to seriously not talk through their issues and realize that they're being idiots."

Mi Hyun sputtered, "Excuse me?"

He shrugged, "You heard me. You two are dumb," he leaned closer to her, "Do you understand me now, Dong Mi Hyun?"

She only stared at him silently, shaking her head, "I don't think you have any right to say that-"

"No, I think I do. Because its obvious that idiot I call my fellow friend, and your husband, loves you. , the man is stubbornly in love with you," he sighed, "Thing is, I don't think even he realizes that himself somedays. You know what he did the day when we all found out what happened in Malaysia?"

She looked away, not answering him.

"I can tell you don't want to hear it, but..." he paused for effect, "I'm going to tell you anyways. He came in here, in the middle of one of my recording sessions, the little prick," he said silently, "And proclaimed he was going to rip Park a new hole in his face, very un-Bae-like, I assure you. Took me and Jiyong to calm him down enough to explain the situation. Needless to say, you weren't our favourite person that night, and neither was Park. Be that as it may," he rolled his eyes, sighing, "After I gave him some soju, he drunkenly said that, no matter what you did, or what your part was in the act, he couldn't believe he still wanted you and loved you. Mind you, he was drunk," he chuckled, shaking his head, "Man can not hold his liquor well. But when drunk, the heart says what the mind doesn't want to hear is the truth. So," he looked pointedly at Mi Hyun, "Why don't you tell me what happened in Malaysia. I'd be more then happy to hear your side of it."

Mi Hyun stared down at her hands for a while, sighing, "I know what it looked like was wrong, but I didn't think it'd happen," she looked up at him, "Hyun Jae, my dancers, manager and I were out to eat at a restraunt. We were exhausted from the performance, and badly wanted to eat. We were just being pigs, eating more then usual, and telling stupid jokes. Hyun Jae and I looked at each other and he suddenly said he had something to tell me," she shook her head, "Honestly, I never bothered to think he meant that."

Teddy simply nodded, motioning his hand for her to continue.

She shrugged, "So, we walked out onto the balcony of the restraunt. I thought where we stopped was well hidden, but apparently not. He told me his feelings for me and demanded I divorce Young Bae," she shook her head, her hands against her legs, "I told him if he realized he knew what he was asking and he told me he didn't care. I deserved him, he said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, then out of nowhere he kissed me. I didn't think twice what I did, Teddy," she sighed, "I kissed him back til he let me go and repated what he said. But I only turned my back on him and told I would think about it, though I never really thought about it."

"So you mean to tell me, that this was all a big misunderstanding?" Teddy asked.

Mi Hyun nodded, "Unfortunately, yes. And then when I got home, all I wanted to do was forget what had happened. And Young Bae was there and it just got out of control," she sounded close to tears, "I know what happened looked really wrong, Teddy, but I didn't honestly know what to do. I didn't think Hyun Jae would come forth with pictures and a story. I didn't want to face what happened."

Teddy sighed, looking away as he whispered, "The only thing that gets to me is that this could of all been fixed if you two hadn't sent mixed signals to each other," he turned to looked at her, "Why didn't you say anything in the following days or weeks?"

"Because of what happened on the anniversary of Mae Hyun's death," she stated, "The minute we walked into my familys home, he got the same look he had the first few weeks after Mae died. Like someone just crushed his heart and he was left with all this guilt," her tears fell as she choked on a sob, "And all I could think in my head was how pathetic I must look as a failure of a replacement, to not just my family but his as well, and how guilty I felt for falling in love with Mae Hyun's fiance. When it was always so obvious she cared for him. And how she still had this hold on him that I just can't break. No matter what I do, all I manage to do is screw up eventually," she shook her head, "I'm enough of a bad person to admit that I wanted Young Bae to feel a sliver of my pain, Teddy."

They sat there in silence, the only thing to break the silence being Mi Hyun's tears and silent sobs. Teddy looked somberly at the young woman, unsure of what to do.

He sighed, placing a hand on Mi Hyun's arm, "I can't do anything to help you. The only thing I can tell you, is to go and talk to Young Bae," he gently smiled as she looked up through tear-filled eyes, "I can't gurantee that it'll be a happy conversation, but I know that you two need to talk, Mi. He's hurt, Mi Hyun. Not just over Hyun Jae and you, but the whole Seungri must love you thing, which we all know isn't true, right?" she simply nodded, "And how you were forced into this, and I think he hates himself a lot more then we realize over the fact he never truly noticed what you were going through. He blames himself for a lot. I know you do too. But don't let Mae Hyun govern your life, Mi Hyun-ah."

She nodded, "I-I know what you mean... I just..."

"I know you do," he stated softly, "But you can't let a dead girl rule your life. So what if you took her place. You have to make Young Bae and yourself realize that when he sees you, he only sees you. The dead have nothing else to contribute to the world of the living aside from staying dead. We don't want zombies running around," he chuckled, smiling as she laughed weakly, "She's a memory, Mi Hyun. She's made you, her shadow. You live in her memory because you allow yourself to. Fight for the love of a man who so clearly want his wife, a beautiful, stubborn, funny, twenty-something year old woman. He doesn't want the girl who died. He cared about her, Mi. He feels guilty he didn't love her the way she needed in her dying moments, and for everything else she never experienced. But he has to move on. And so do you. You two have lived in her shadow for long enough," he hugged Mi Hyun as she broke into tears again, "Its time you let your guilt wash away your perceived sins."

He pulled back, smiling as she wiped her eye's, nodding slowly, "And if he doesn't accept me back?"

He shrugged, "Give him time. He's stubborn. So are you. But eventually, he'll have to see the truth to your words. He said so himself, he can't bring himself to hate you. Maybe be mad, but not hate," he shook his head, "Besides, I think he's incapable of the emotion hate."

Mi Hyun chuckled as she nodded, grabbing her things, "Thank you, Teddy. I really appreciate you talking to me."

"Anytime," he said, smiling as he grabbed his redbull, "I talked to that idiot husband of yours, I'll gladly do the same here," he looked at her slim frame, "But good Shisus, woman, put some food in your stomach. Depression is not an excuse for not eating," he waved his hand at her, "Now shoo. Out of my studio. You kids always distract me."

She nodded, strolling to the door and walking out, calling back over her shoulder, "Thank you, again, Teddy-Oppa," she sniffled, walking out as the door clicked shut behind her.

Teddy sighed, shaking his head annoyingly, affection clouding his voice, "The things I do for my idiots."
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New chapter, new chapter!!! ^^


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gibbonz #1
Loved it.. I'm looking for your other stories with Taeyang. Fighting author :)
Hi, I'm new reader here =D
Just subscribed, but since it's already midnight, guess I'm going to read this tomorrow.

Will make sure to pour my heart for this story ;)
ywavy #3
i always wondered bout this kind of situation and the solver
and i do think ur solver is abit interesting XD
the ending was so beautiful and sweet!
I really loved the story :)
youngbaeby #5
THE ENDING WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! It made me cry a little, lol! Asdfghjkl; I can't believe it ended. Overall, such a great, great, great story. You're such a amazing writer TT-TT
wahh done already? yayyy! lol
blapstar #7
4 new chapters in one day ?! yesssss
new chapter! lol
-.- she is mi hyun not mae hyun she is deaddd!!!
gosh...the mother is really mean
lovis89 #9
wow her mum is a .
god. mae hyun is dead.
she's mi hyun.