
Orchid Story Review Shop \\ Status: Closed
pickup for Riverdale
_________________________________________________BOOK COVER_________________________________________Title: Riverdale
Author: Bloopbop
Reviewer: Spark931
First Thoughts:
 - Title: Nice! I guess? I'm guessing that this is the name of the town that Sehun died in? I'm good with this title. OH I see. It's based off of Riverdale. (By the way, in your description, you put based of CW show, and it should be based on CW show or based off of CW show)
 - Description: You conveyed the 'mystery' kind of feeling nicely! It feels like I'm actually reading a hard book's summary on the inner front cover. It has that kind of feel to it, so although it's not original in terms of how it was created, it's perfect for your story. No complaints, and I'm definitely curious to read into this mystery!
 - Poster: OH MY GOSH. It's so pretty. Nice; Thumbs up!
Plot: LOVE THIS IDEA. I've never watched Riverdale, but I'm sure this would attract a lot of people if they have watched the show. I'm not sure if you're taking the plot straight from Riverdale, or just basing your story of the location, but I think it's a pretty nice idea! You wanted me to focus on this, but I'm not sure what you really wanted me to comment on. Your plot seems realistic at this point, and makes sense to me. OF course, the myseries are only beginning to unravel, and the story is no where near it's , so I can't say much. Good luck writing this story! It has a ways to go ^^

Style: I'm just curious, but is there any reason why some chapters are in bold and some are not? Does it correlate to the mystery in any way? I'm curious. Grammar: No complaints. Nice use of vocab here and there. There are some tense mistakes, but they are sparse. If you have time check them out, if not, don't worry about it.
Characters: I honestly do not have complaints for your character. At this point, since so little of their past has been revealed, there's isn't much to say, but I can tell that each has a unique personality, and I like that. Your characters seem like a 2.5D, like halfway to a 3D personality. I would say the only reason I'm not giving it a full 3D is because their personailties aren't displayed quite enough yet, but it seems like you'll have no problem with that, so I have got no complaints in this department. I hope that some characters, like Jiae, will have some time to shine though, and let readers get to know why she's acting so bossily, because my general rule is, unless it's fluff, characters should have realistic motives and personailties based on their motives. Like, Jiae can't just be mean because she's that type of person (unless, you explain that she is a bully, and likes to have power.) Do you get my gist? Like villains aren't villains for no reason. Jafar wants power (Aladdin) Ursula wants revenge (Ariel) Let's not stick with the good and evil here and get some real dramatic stuff in.
Flow and Pace: I know this is one of the areas you wanted me to focus on, but truly I have no complaints. I was reading your story in sections, so my brain doesn't really remember every note I made, and since I want to get this review out as fast as possible, I won't dwindle. Flow and pacing is important, but I wasn't bothered as a reader really. The one thing I'd like to note is that your chapters are a bit short, and 
Overall Enjoyment: I enjoyed this. One of the better stories that i've read. There are quite a lot of ships to choose from too >.< *squeal* (Ships are like a sign of a master fanfiction writer, right?) I TOTALLY LOVE SECONDARY COUPLES. (I think other readers do too, because it makes it more like a drama, yknow? Keep this is mind while writing; it could make your story a lot more interesting) <- not for this story necessarily, but just writing in general.
-some of the words or phrases that you used are out of context or affect the way that you convey the story. In this sense, you can improve upon that. Here is an exmaple: "It was then that Jiae attracted Boy Scout troop leader Cha Hakyeon." || In the phrase 'It was then that', you are emphasizing that instant. I'm not sure if you're aware that that phrase conveys this, but I'll let you know of it. It seems that in this sentence you're not really emphasizing that moment for impact, so I think word choices could be changed here. While this is a minor detail in the total of your story, my point is to make sure that you pay attention to these mini things, because if you do, you can improve as a writer as a whole.
- In your prologue, I think you should differentiate the first paragraph from the rest of the boy because it's (kind of) introducing the rest of the prologue. When I was reading the prologue, I thought the story would continue with the tone of the first paragraph, but it didn't so it made me take a double-take at it. If not dividing it with a line, maybe but like a: __ years earlier, or something like that.
- centered asterisks when time skipping (just a suggestion but I think it looks nicer than your '~'
- In the  interaction between Chanyeol and BTS, some words don't add up. I recommend checking back there (chapter: riverdale high) to see if you should fix anything 
- "Tryouts for the dance team were a week later, they took place in the school’s gym in front of Jiae and her two cronies." || Instead of the comma, but a period. Generally, you use commas to connect an independent clase with a dependent, and here you have two independent clauses.
Final Notes: I enjoyed this very much. So sorry for taking FOREVER TO GET THIS REVIEW DONE ITS ALMOST SUMMER THANK GOSH.
*Reactions I had while reading your story: 1) Ms. Grundy sounds funny PFffttttt. It rhymes with undies. I KNOW IM SO imMATURE T^T XD XD XD 
Thank you for requesting. I apologize terribly if there is any words that you take on account for harshness. I sincerely say that I do not want to be harsh! If you want any more help, feel free to message me privately!
*This is a fun category I added on. I'd like to think you would have fun seeing my reactions! ^^
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I sincerely apologized for being gone for too long. I promise I will try and be more active :)


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Hey dear, I decided to start a challenge would you mind advertising it in your shop?
story name+link: The Disillusions of a Survivor

It has 12 chapters so far.

genre: action, mystery, romance

focus point: The plot line, characters and grammar.

other comments: I would like to know if my story is aconplishing to invoke emotions and questions or not. Also is it fitting into the genre it is or not. If it's too rushed or too detailed or any other negative points, I would like to know. Basically, I want to know what I should work on. Also knowing what my strong points are would help.

rushed?: Absolutely not. ^.^

orchid award?: Sure, that'd be amazing. :)

Thanks a lot though <33
Chapter 45: Picked up! I will credit later on tonight! Thabk you so much for the review, and I will certainly keep your comments in mind.
hi i just noticed my name is not on the status list, just want to confirm it's being done ^^
Chapter 44: Actually, the poster I want you to review is the BubbleGum Graphicshop one, the orange, colorful one to be exact. ^^ Taht one screams fluffy and cuteness, but no wizard haha! You can tell your opinions in the comment then! And thank you so much for such a positive feedback! I didn't expect kind compliments like that! Thanks a lot for your review. ^^ I'll make sure to fix some grammatical errors and apply your tips. ^^
Chapter 43: Hello! I'm here for the pick-up. Firstly, thank you very much for taking some time to review my story. I know how much effort and time that takes and I'm really grateful to receive a review from you.

I've put the Taeyeon lyrics and italicized lines to the foreword! I don't see much difference but I guess it'd be great to follow your advice hahahahaha.

Maybe I should put teenage drama instead? Honestly, I'm not sure how I should tag the story. Like, I tagged it with "comedy" once but somebody said that the story wasn't funny lmao. So I removed the tag and put slice of life instead when the story has these nonsensical scenes... Do you have any suggestion on what tags I'm supposed to use for this story? I'm basing this fic on an anime and it's quite evident that the scenes are mostly following the romcom anime formula hahaha.

Yes, Kyungsoo is very flat. I'm struggling with fleshing out his character but I think that I'm getting a hang of how he's supposed to behave. Well, I hope.

I strongly agree with the flow & pacing. I do feel like nothing much happens and the scenes keep repeating themselves. This is one of the reasons why I wanted to discontinue the story lmao.

Thank you very much for the tips! I think that they're very on-point and they can definitely help me with my struggles.
Story Name: Twinkling Lights for the Sinners

Story Link:

Genre: Tragedy, Romance, Slice of Life, Mature

Focus Point: The ending; how it flows altogether.

Other comments: This has trigger warnings, and it literally took me coming out of a dark place to complete it, which I find ironic. It's a three-shot in a way, so it's not too long. But I'd like to know if it all connects together, because sometimes I go off without noticing.

Rushed: No. Take your time, please! ^^

Would you like to be included in the orchard award? Sure?