The Heart's Best Mistake

February 2014



Martina slid her phone back in her Givenchy purse as she stepped out of the sliding doors; she was pulling her trolley as she stepped out of the departures area when she saw a familiar figure leaning against a black Aston Martin Vanquish. The male grinned as he walked to her with a bouquet of hydrangeas in hand.

Welcome back, T.” Mark grinned before wrapping her in his arms briefly. Mark took her trolley from her; one of his guards took it and quietly left in a separate car.

Tell me honestly, I look horrible.” She sighed as Mark opened the car’s door for her.

I’ve seen you with and without make up, T.” He smiled as she slid down on the seat.

Is that supposed to make me feel better?” She queried skeptically.

You look beautiful either way.” He shrugged before closing the door.

“This is crazy.” Mona said as she swiped on the screen of her phone.

What? Jackson?

Apparently, our friend was caught making out with this Japanese actress two days ago.” She said, Mark nodded and slowly reached for her hand while his left hand stayed on the wheel.

He laced his fingers around hers.

I can practically hear his mother yelling at him.” She stated and looked at Mark briefly.

Are you not cold?” Mark asked, still not letting go of her hand.

I’m fine. What is Jackson thinking? He’s getting a little rusty with this.” She chuckled, her eyes still on her phone.

Mark just nodded and glanced at her, she was still reading the article on her phone, her brows met in concentration as she zoomed in on the photo.

Seeing him in trouble makes me miss the old days.” She mused while looking at her reflection.

Mark just smiled, he kissed the back of her hand before looking away.




“He goes from quiet and moody to smiley and quite jolly. So odd.” Jinyoung commented. Jaebum and Youngjae grinned, they glanced at the married couple.

The two were at the kitchen with BamBam, chatting while making salad. Mark had one palm on the counter while standing behind his wife as Mona listened to the younger male’s rants about school and living with Yugyeom and Youngjae.

The others would notice how Mark’s lips would quirk up when Marti reached out to feed him something or ask him questions.

I think…I think he likes her.” Jackson said softly.

Like? He’s whipped.” Jaebum said lightly.

“He totally fell for her..unknowingly, he started falling for her.” Jinyoung smiled. Then Mona started to laugh and slapped BamBam’s arm playfully, Mark just kissed the side of her head before pulling away and made his way towards them.

What time are we driving to the country tomorrow?” Mark asked as he sat down across Jackson.

“Maybe around ten. I already got~”

Are we driving?” Mark asked, Jaebum nodded.

“We’ll go separately.” He finished, Jackson and Youngjae shared a grin but they nodded.

“She seems happy, how has Brown been treating her?” Jaebum asked.

“She complains about her night classes, but I think she likes it.” Mark nodded, his eyes lingered on Mona briefly before facing his friends.

“Hyung,” Yugyeom spoke.

Mark looked at him.

“Last year..Ani, after you got married you told us you wanted…you wanted to try making your marriage work,”

The other guys stilled, Mark didn’t move.

“Is it? I mean, is it working?” Yugyeom asked.

“I’m only asking because I’m worried, I don’t want any of you hurt. Mona noona’s a good friend too.” Yugyeom met his gaze.

“Actually…I want it to work.” Mark just nodded before standing up and going to his room.



Now this is perfect.” Marti smiled as the wind touched her cheeks and made her hair dance in the air, Mark grinned from behind the wheel of his Aston Martin DB9, they had the roof down and were all driving to the English countryside, beside him was BamBam already dozing off behind his Dior sunglasses.

“How’s your brother? He got into Sungkyunkwan right?” Jaebum asked, he was seated beside her at the back seat.

“Miraculously, he did.” She grinned as she took out a bag of chips. They looked up as Jackson overtook them, the Land Rover was blasting off loud music. Jaebum winced as windows slid open and Yugyeom appeared, he was waved at them. Jackson was singing along to the lyrics loudly.

“I feel bad for Jinyoung oppa.” Marti flinched as they sped away.

“Ya, have you been eating well? You look slim…a little too slim.” Jaebum frowned and encircled his fingers around her wrist.

Mark looked at the front mirror , Jaebum just voiced out what he had been worrying about.

“I just had my finals, it has been a bit hectic.” She replied as she offered him the bag of chips and leaned over to feed Mark some. JB smiled and nodded.

Don’t worry, it’s not the spicy ones.” Marti said before Mark opened his mouth. Then she paused.

“Is he having an Aston Martin phase? Or am I just noticing things too much?” She murmured to Jaebum.

“He already has three models. I don’t think it’s a phase.” BamBam replied, Mark sent her a sheepish grin.

“Right, I remember the Jaguar F-Type…I mean F-Types.” Martina chuckled and leaned back on her seat.

“You had a thing for those backpacks too.” Mark defended himself with a grin. BamBam looked up, they all noticed it.

Mark had become more open and colorful ever since Mona. He was slightly more talkative than the usual and they were all amazed by it. They were all happy for him.

“They don’t cost as much as an apartment.” She rolled her eyes.

Yeah, just an arm and a leg.” Mark snorted as he stepped on the gas. JB just shook his head while grinning.



Jackson stared at the manor, it was owned by one of his father’s friends and it was their home for the rest of the week.

This makes me feel like we’re a bunch of brats who have nothing else to do other than spend our parents’ money.” Martina stated as she walked beside him, her Chanel purse hanging one shoulder.

“You four were stuck at school all year, Mark hyung has not been able to take a break ever since Oxford and trust me, honey, taking over the business isn’t exactly easy or enjoying.” He grinned as he slung one arm around her neck as they got into the house.



“You’re being too obvious.” Jinyoung said as he joined his friend, Mark looked up from his Leica. He was taking pictures of Mona and the rest of his friends as they played with the house’s two Great Danes.

“You know, have to tell her.”

Mark’s brows met briefly.

“At some point you have to, Mark, I mean we can see it. We can see how much she means to you, but we don’t know..none of us know if she sees it too.”

“I want to tell her, but the timing never seems to be right.” Mark said truthfully.

“You better tell her before it’s too late. She’s a special girl, a lot of guys~”

“I get it.” Mark cut him off, Jinyoung chuckled as he went back to his book. Then Mark looked up as the butler walked towards him.

“Sir, a young lady has arrived. She wants to see you.”



Martina let out a big breath and walked towards the table, they were all outside and she was beginning to feel the effects of jetlag. She patted the Great Dane’s head before approaching Jinyoung.

“Thirsty or tired?” He asked as the maid filled a glass for her.

“Both, where’s Mark?” She asked and looked around.

“I think someone was calling him or something. He’s inside.” Jinyoung nodded without looking up from his book. Marti nodded and made her way towards the house.

She tied her hair up as she got inside the house, she made her way towards the library and paused when she heard a feminine voice.

“I made a mistake, Mark. I should have known.” The owner of the voice sobbed.

Marti’s brows rose.


“Hyemin-ah, tell me~”


“It should have been you. I should have chosen you.”



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Chapter 42: I am really a er for a good MarkXOC story
Chapter 16: This is really one misunderstanding after another
Chapter 42: This is another story that I wish that has a second book.
Chapter 9: A must read story. People should read more of your stories
Chapter 42: Can't help myself re reading all your completed works...
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 42: Just rereading this story authornim. I just realized that I have read the second BTS and GOT 7 stories from you.
That is how good you are in writing, that you can turn someone like me to read stories that does not have my biases.

Thanks authornim, I love reading your stories.
waee09 #7
Chapter 42: Definitely one of my personal favsss!!
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 42: Wow authornim Daebak!
Klynie #10
Chapter 42: is it just me or i can't re-read it and the site continues saying an error has occured hnshsj