The Heart's Best Mistake


Martina exhaled as she looked ahead; most of the employees within in the building were standing before her. She could sense their curiosity towards her.

 She gave them a respectful bow, which surprised most of them.

“Good morning everyone. Thank you for gathering here even on such a short notice.” She began.

“I’m sure all you know about our vice president, and are worried for him. I have good news; he just woke up yesterday. And from what the doctors can see, he is already stable and is past the crucial stage.”

There was a murmur of relief from the crowd, Mona smiled to herself.

“And I am here to formally introduce myself, I would want you to know before the outside world finds out. Or officially finds out.” She nodded.

“I’m Jeon Mona or some people prefer to call me Martina, but either way, I’m fine with whatever you choose to call me. I will be taking my uncle’s position from now and hopefully, once he gets better, you won’t have to deal with me here.” She grinned, there was a soft chuckle from the employees.

“I’ve been working at our New York branch ever since, so please, I seek all of your guidance and support. Thank you for listening.”



M exhaled as she put the glass of water down, Hari spotted her by the entrance and immediately marched up to her friend.

“So, how was the meet and greet?” She asked just as she sat down across her.

“It was..nerve wracking. But it’s done.” Mona shrugged, her forehead creased briefly.

“So, you just found out he’s in town?” Harin grinned just as Mona picked up the menu. The Jeon heiress narrowed her eyes at her friend.

“Don’t start.”

“Yoongi mentioned about his brother being good friends with Kookie too. Wow, your life .” She chuckled, Marti ignored her friend and just called for waiter.

“Did..you two get to talk? I saw him follow you when you left the party.” Harin grew serious, M nodded.

“It feels weird, H. I just stepped in my uncle’s position, and I already feel tired.” She said as she pointed what she wanted to order to the waiter.

“It was difficult for me too at first, but eventually M, you’ll adjust. Come on, you always succeed at these things.”

She just nodded, Harin’s brows met as she looked at her friend. She knew what bothered Mona wasn’t just about her new job or position, or the fact that people will start talking about her, it was Mark. Martina was bothered that Mark was in town.



“I put that..on my schedule.”

In his secretary’s ears it sounded more like a question than a statement.

Mark was eyeing the iPad before setting it down.

“Yes, you did, sir. I told you about it a few days ago.”

His boss’s friend, Jackson was grinning across them.

“Did you cut him off while he was speaking again, mister Tuan?” Jackson mused, Mark ignored his friend and dismissed his secretary.

“It’s like a welcome party slash announcement for M. Sounds cool.

Mark remained silent as he leaned back on his chair.

“Hyung…do you plan to..get her back?” Jackson asked.

“She wont even meet my eyes.”

If you want her, go get her.” Jackson pointed out.

“What happened to you two was just one big misunderstanding. She didn’t know back then, you weren’t sure back then. Nobody knew this would happen. Why are you hesitating now?”

“She’s different now…she’s more bold and…”

“More T- like?” Jackson smiled.

I miss her, Jackson.” Mark looked up.

“We know you do, that’s why you should get your at that party.”




“How’s everyone?” Jin asked as Taehyung got in the car. The older male started the car.

“Well, Jungkook’s going to be finish with school in a few months, Namjoon hyung and J-Hope hyung took over the company, oh, and!”

“Mona’s back?” Jin finished for him. Taehyung grinned.

“It’s been a while since you two last saw each other, huh?”

“Yeah, I last saw her at her wedding.” Jin trailed off, his brows met briefly.

Taehyung hid a small smile.

“I do miss her.” Jin smiled as they drove out of the house’s gates.

“She’s a bit busy lately, but we have that party tomorrow, it’s her sort of welcome back party. Hyung, you should come!”


“Of course, it’s Jeon Mona.” Seokjin nodded as he stepped on the gas.



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Chapter 42: I am really a er for a good MarkXOC story
Chapter 16: This is really one misunderstanding after another
Chapter 42: This is another story that I wish that has a second book.
Chapter 9: A must read story. People should read more of your stories
Chapter 42: Can't help myself re reading all your completed works...
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 42: Just rereading this story authornim. I just realized that I have read the second BTS and GOT 7 stories from you.
That is how good you are in writing, that you can turn someone like me to read stories that does not have my biases.

Thanks authornim, I love reading your stories.
waee09 #7
Chapter 42: Definitely one of my personal favsss!!
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 42: Wow authornim Daebak!
Klynie #10
Chapter 42: is it just me or i can't re-read it and the site continues saying an error has occured hnshsj