The Heart's Best Mistake

Finally.” Mona chuckled as she dipped her nacho on the spicy salsa.


I know, I know, I’m weird.

Weird? You wanted to eat cake before eating dinner.

“It’s been a stressful day, Mark.” She pointed out, he grinned.

“We used to do that before, grab matcha ice cream before eating sushi.”

I know. Jinyoung never joined us again after that.” He mused.

I miss London, actually.” She stated as she picked up her burrito.

Should we escape tonight? I got a jet.

I don’t have a wallet. And a passport.” She blinked, but she was smiling.

Wait, you never told me why.” She said as she chewed.

Why, what?

Why you had a day.” She pushed the bowl of nachos towards him, she knew Mark didn’t like Mexican food, which was why he didn’t order anything but water and that made her guilty.

The meeting didn’t go as planned, then we have delays too.” Mark stated.

Wow, we’re adulting.” She mused, Mark nodded.

Who would have thought, T being all corporate and a threat to men twice her age.

She laughed, then she paused.

Mark was smiling as he toyed with a piece of nacho again and gestured for her to finish her meal. Marti looked at him and nodded, her lips quirking up slightly.

There it was again.

That feeling.

She didn’t know what it was, but it scared her.



Wow, should I be touched?” Mark mused as Marti got in the car again, he opened the brown bag.

They have some of your favorites.” She stated as she handed him his credit card again.

Don’t be touched, it’s your money.” She chuckled as Mark popped some fries in his mouth.

So, we’re going back to your house and I’m going to haul Joey out~

Actually, you can drop me somewhere nearby.

Okay.” Mark nodded and started the car again, Mona gave him a few short directions as he drove.

How are things, T? With work and..work?” He asked playfully, T leaned back on her seat.

Tiring.” She nodded, she glanced at Mark briefly, he was dressed simply, distressed denim jeans and a white button-down that was rolled up to his elbows.

We’re here.” She blinked, Mark leaned over and looked at the building.

Hyung’s in town?” He asked before getting off the car, T slid down the vehicle.

Yeah, they’re releasing an album. I’ve been wanting to say hi and wish him luck.

I can wait for you~

You don’t have to, I’m sure I can catch a ride with them. Thanks Mark, for dinner, cake and the car ride.” She smiled, Mark nodded.

“Can..you call me when you get home?” He asked, Marti paused.

It will help me sleep better.” He added, T grinned and nodded.

’Night, T.” Mark kissed the side of her cheek before getting in his car. Martina let out a shaky breath before approaching the building.



Marti gave the receptionist a polite wave before going to the elevator, she got in the machine and leaned against the steel walls. It was getting late, but she didn’t feel like going home.

She arrived at the floor and was greeted by a familiar face.

“Here to visit your cousin?”

“Yes, is he in?”

“He is, they’re in practice room four.”

“Thanks, oppa.” She grinned at the male before making her way towards the wide halls. She stopped behind the smoked out glass door and leaned her left ear against it.

“Modu nal duryeowohae. So I’m untouchable man!

She slowly pushed the door open and quietly watched them.

“You can call me monster.”

She smiled as she slowly plopped down in the leather couch. Then the music stopped.

“We have a visitor.” Baekhyun was grinning at her.

“Chanyeol, your cousin’s here!” Suho called out, Mona grinned and stood up just as a tall figure approached her with a sweaty hug.

“Oppa, hi..but…ew. Get away from me.”

Chanyeol chuckled and pinched her nose.

“We’ll be done in a few minutes, just sit down.”



“So, I win?” Yoongi mused as he brought the plates in the kitchen, Harin exhaled and faced him.

“I just..saw it.”

“Saw what?” He asked as he leaned against the counter.

“M, the way she is around Mark, its different.”

“You said the same thing with Jin hyung, Lee Harin.” He chuckled before pressing his lips against her forehead briefly.

“With Jin…she was just comfortable, you know. Like how she is with you and the other guys.”

“But with Mark, it’s something..I can’t explain. They’re kind of perfect for each other. And I don’t want to bet against that.”



“I can’t join you, baby girl.” Chanyeol grinned as he set the four-pack on the grass, Mona nodded and got one of the cans.

“Jungkook told me about your little episode about his~”

“That girl’s pregnant. And Jungkook doesn’t know.” She said flatly, Chanyeol balked.

“What?” He was confused.

“I ran a background check on her the moment I landed in Seoul, oppa. I’m not dumb.”

“No, you’re smart. Too smart.” He muttered.

“And I think she’s trying to trap my brother or something by not telling him.”

“And why are you not telling Jungkook?”

“Because it’s his life. Well, I was planning to but I think he said I should my own business or something.” She shrugged before taking a long sip of her beer.

“Is everything okay, M? I saw the articles.”

Mona frowned.

“It’s getting difficult for me, oppa.”

“What? Work? Abeoji said you were doing a great job.” He said as he leaned back on his palms.

“I’m scared.” She said, her eyes never left the steady waters of Han River.

Chanyeol saw the tears run down her cheeks, his brows met.

“Of what, M?”

“Mark..Mark’s in town, he said things that just complicated..”

“He said he has feelings for you?” He queried, Mona looked away and brushed her tears away.

“Why are you scared?”

“I’m scared of being with him again. What if it wont work out like last time? I don’t want to be in that situation again. And I try…I try not to fall for him, oppa. I tried to not see him that way.” She whispered, Chanyeol just pulled her to him and let her lean on him.

“You can’t stop feelings, Mona.”

“Still, I can’t~”

“No, I think you have to choose, Mona. Nothing is safe in this world, all you have to do is take the chance.”

“That time, there was that other girl, right?” Chanyeol asked.

“Hyemin.” She nodded and opened her third can.

“So, Mark and her~”

“I don’t know. I try not to think about what happened before.” She stood up, Chanyeol looked up and studied her face.

“You can’t stop feelings, M.” He repeated.

“I remember you calling me up a few years back, you were crying too.” Chanyeol stood up and hooked one arm around her shoulders.

“You were about to sign the divorce papers and you were crying. You told me you were the one who asked for it, so I didn’t understand why you were so sad about it. Then you said something that made me realize you were being stupid.”

“You said you wanted to let him go to Hyemin, and you didn’t want to be a hindrance to the anymore, but it hurt you. You told me yourself that it hurt you.”

Marti looked away.

“You love him too. But you were just scared, just like now.”

“Oppa, I~”

“Look what happened then, you were scared, and you let him go. Are you going to let this fear take over again?”

“This man did so many things just to keep you, M. But still you made him leave you. And everyone knew and saw how much he loves you, but you didn’t see that, you grew insecure of the other girl.”

Martina grew quiet, Chanyeol gave her a sad smile before kissing the side of her head.


“Let’s get you home, oppa will drive you.”


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Chapter 42: I am really a er for a good MarkXOC story
Chapter 16: This is really one misunderstanding after another
Chapter 42: This is another story that I wish that has a second book.
Chapter 9: A must read story. People should read more of your stories
Chapter 42: Can't help myself re reading all your completed works...
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 42: Just rereading this story authornim. I just realized that I have read the second BTS and GOT 7 stories from you.
That is how good you are in writing, that you can turn someone like me to read stories that does not have my biases.

Thanks authornim, I love reading your stories.
waee09 #7
Chapter 42: Definitely one of my personal favsss!!
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 42: Wow authornim Daebak!
Klynie #10
Chapter 42: is it just me or i can't re-read it and the site continues saying an error has occured hnshsj